Selected Gravestones Transcribed by Barry Schinnerer
Webpage by Cliff Lamere Sep 2000
Barry Schinnerer
The following men had a German city mentioned on their tombstones. The stones were found in St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery in Albany, NY (formerly Eagle Hill Cemetery). It is located on Western Ave. between Fuller Rd. and the State offices.
One stone says that the German city mentioned on the stone was the city of birth. The others do not tell what the city name means. Perhaps that is only where they lived before coming to this country. However, there is a very good chance that the name represents their birth place.
Some of the stones are not in good shape so
the interpretation may not be totally accurate. St. Paul's is almost exclusively
a German cemetery, so it is a wonderful
resource for people researching their ancestors from Germany.
John Georg Geisel - born 7/21/1810 in Pfullingen Wuertemburg
Johann Christopher Triger - 1810-1861 Konigr, Bayern
Jacob Kreischer - 7/12/1840-3/22/1923 Hornbach Germany
Jacob Drueg - died 8/2/1876 aged 53 years 8 months 11 days
Zusulzbach Wuertemburg
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