Deaths in Cohoes, NY Newspaper - 1899-1900
Transcribed by Donald J. Cosgro July 2003
Webpage by Cliff Lamere Jan 2004
Newspaper: Cohoes Republican
Date of Issue: July 16, 1900
Date Range of Deaths: July 16, 1899 to June 28, 1900
Deceased Persons: 284
Microfilm Source: New York State Library, Albany, NY
During the time
period of my research, around July 16 of each year the Cohoes Republican newspaper published a list of people from Cohoes who had died
in the previous 12 months. It is important to note that not all of the people listed actually died in the City of
Cohoes (Albany County). They may have been formerly from Cohoes, in which
case the Cohoes City Clerk will not have a death record for them. For instance, people may have taken ill and died in a
hospital in Troy, NY (Rensselaer County) which is just across the Hudson River from Cohoes. Another possibility is that an elderly person
may have moved in with a relative in another community shortly before dying, but
was still reported in the Cohoes newspaper where they had previously lived.
I have done my best to accurately transcribe the list. However, due to the quality of the newspaper and/or microfilm,
errors are possible. Where a ? appears, letters were unreadable. Readers are encouraged to check the source
document for themselves. It is my hope that the list below will help you in your search for your ancestors.
Donald J. Cosgro
Plattsburgh, NY
Finding a Name on This Webpage
Use the web browser's Find feature (Edit/Find or Ctrl-f) which will find exactly what you ask for. I suggest you search for the surname or given name only, because a search for Joan Decker will not find anything if she is listed with a middle initial. With many names, there can be spelling variations. Find will only search for the spelling you ask it to locate. If there is a part of the name which usually doesn't vary, Find is useful because it will search for just a part of a word. -- Cliff Lamere
Borrow the Microfilm
The following colored text was copied from a webpage of the New York State Newspaper Project.
The Cohoes republican.
OCLC: #11151036
Published: 1892-1920
Frequency: Daily
Microfilm: s={1892:7:15-1909:12:23} {1912:7:1-1919:12:31} {1920:1:2-2:7}
Call number: NY 42 Cohoes 93-31661
1892:7:15-1909:12:23 means 1892 Jul 15 to 1909 Dec 23. There are three date ranges for which the newspaper is available today, a total of over 100 microfilms according to the state librarian who checked for me. The only microfilm box he looked at contained 5 months of newspapers. Newspapers outside the date ranges have not been microfilmed by the NYS Library and probably those issues no longer exist. Neither do the original newspapers which are routinely discarded by the library after the microfilm is received. Some issues within a date range may also be missing.
Go to the following webpage to borrow a microfilm on interlibrary loan from anywhere in the country.
NYS Newspaper Microfilm at the State Library
"A Record of Those who Passed Away from Life in Cohoes During the Past Year."
JULY [1899]
16. John W. Foster, Mary Elizabeth McGinnis.
19. William O'Neil.
20. William Blais.
21. Margaret Sullivan.
24. Luke Reeves.
25. Mrs. Charles N. Nadeau.
26. Gabrielia Peterson.
27. Miss Clodie Bernhe, Francis J. Kelly.
29. Robert Tobin.
30. Alexander Senez.
AUGUST [1899]
3. Rebecca A. House, Peter Casey, William W. Daw.
5. Charles Mahoney, Mrs. Delaid Lecuyer.
7. Edward Leblanc.
8. James Whelan.
9. Peter Bourassa.
10. Mrs. Sarah E. Hay.
12. Edward Walker.
17. Ella May Walsh, Thomas Wilson.
19. Peter A. Lafloe, Alfred E. Frank, Mary A. Croker, William H. Orelup, John Corbett.
22. Chester Hamilton.
23. Albert Blair, Mrs. Thomas Higgins, James H. Beattie.
27. Mrs. Thomas Hartnett, Frank Foley.
30. Cecilia Powers, Elodie Sorel.
1. Mrs. Agnes Leischman.
8. Mrs. Mary Ann Doherty, Eva L. Mohrhoff.
10. Augustus Lavoie.
13. Mrs. Sarah C. Quinn.
18. Agnes Boudreau.
19. Philip Crowley, Joseph E. Saeddier, Rebecca Tripp, Patrick Rush, Mrs. Frederick Shattock.
20. Mrs. James McKee.
21. Gabriel Canavan.
22. Agnes Hanley.
25. Margaret Sheridan.
27. Mrs. Jane Coughlin.
28. Miss Ella McNally.
OCTOBER [1899]
4. Margaret Colbert, Mrs. Sarah Engelstaff, Corinne Comeau, Peter Sabourin.
8. Rosanna Gray, Mrs. Bridget Riley.
11. Maud Hagadorn.
12. William Ringer.
15. Laura Robert, Mrs. Pierre Thibadeau, John Sweeney.
16. Mrs. J. R. Stevens.
18. Anna Jameson, Margaret Gorman.
19. Martin Anthony.
21. Neil Henderson.
22. P. C. Ryan.
23. Mrs. Isabelle Game.
26. Bernard Giblin.
27. Arthur J. Vincent.
30. Mrs. Antoine Louprette.
31. James Green.
1. Georgianna Millette.
3. Mrs. Anna Patterson, John Lingren.
5. Mrs. John Donnelly.
8. Thomas Ryan.
9. Maitland C. Chapman, Mrs. Rose Carr.
10. Mrs. Marceline Gosselin.
13. John Murtaugh.
17. Mrs. Alphonse Dame.
20. Isaic Nolin.
23. Robert Dodds, John L. Hollister.
24. Henry Hagadorn.
25. Maud Hulett, Ethel Ryan, Mrs. Charlotte Durant.
26. Mrs. Albert Whitehouse.
27. Jennie Monette.
1. Natalie Corriveau.
6. Mrs. David Jones.
7. Lucille Bouchard.
9. Miss Almeda Morgan.
15. Mrs. Mary Ray.
17. James Ward.
18. Mrs. Mary A. Williams, Mrs. Martha A. Sweet, James Berry.
19. Mildred L. Hammond.
19. Mrs. Patrick McGarrahan. [date repeats]
21. Clisty C. Pedneau, Richard Nagle.
22. John Bowler, Mrs. Pierre Authier.
23. Patrick Finnuken, Mrs. Josephine Colley.
24. Patrick Dennison, Peter F. Walsh.
27. Jessie Lang.
29. Magloire Bessette.
30. Mrs. Mary Bolton.
31. Mrs. Rosanna Jones.
JANUARY [1900]
2. Julia Pauline Roberts.
3. Ulric Lahare.
4. Mrs. Pierre Frageir.
5. Catherine Dawkins.
6. Celia Boudreau.
7. Miss Mary Campbell, Charles S. Vaine.
8. Mrs. Margaret Grant.
11. Mrs. Alexis Latreniere, Margaret Buchanan.
12. Mrs. P. ?. Dandurand.
14. Edwin S. Sterry.
15. Mrs. Ann Dowd.
16. Mrs. William Delpit.
17. Mrs. Anna Hoffman.
18. William F. Jackson.
19. Joseph Boissoneault.
20. W. G. Bennett.
21. Mrs. Mary M. Monette.
22. Mrs. Anna Berns, Mrs. Edward Donohue.
27. Amos Goodfellow, Mrs. Louis Favreau.
28. Mrs. Martin Slattery.
29. Catherine Doemel, Mrs. Alice Mulligan.
30. David Flynn, Adam McClelland Sr.
31. Mrs. Mary McMorrow, Thomas McGowan.
2. Pauline Schwarger.
4. James Dewitt.
5. Hattie Hanrahan, Mrs. Jane Clark.
9. Henry M. Barber.
11. Minnie E. Harcourt.
12. Bernard Fury, Mrs. Mary Riley.
13. John S. Colby.
16. William Brown, Mrs. John Hogan[?]
17. Mrs. Jane Connaton, Mrs. Alphonsine Daigneault.
18. Jennie Monahon.
21. Mrs. Mary Kernigan.
22. Michael Ryan, Mrs. Julia Durocher.
23. George Adriance.
24. Mrs. William T. Irving.
26. Miss Sarah Padley, Robert Flavin.
28. Henry Deshairs.
MARCH [1900]
2. Anna Dondon, George Fishburne.
3. John J. Egan.
6. Peter Secor, Mrs. William Hillery.
8. Mrs. Catherine Gill.
9. Anna Prue.
10. Edith Bond, Mrs. Rachel Brown.
11. Joseph Gendron.
14. Mrs. Fred A. Sellick.
15. Mrs. Jesse Stearns, Joseph Seymour.
16. Michael Gavin.
17. James F. Shea, Annie Foley.
18. Julian Adams, Mrs. Phial A. Cunningham, Anaril Mitchell[?]
19. Peter D. Niver, Mrs. Ann Roberts.
23. Raonl Belanger.
24. John Holland.
25. James Daley, Noe Robert, Julia Daignon.
26. Napoleon Smith, Eugene Mousseau.
27. Myron C. Whitbeck, Harley Pedneau, Frank M. Dooley, Mrs. Patrick Carey.
28. Mrs. Susan Cooney.
29. Ector Ranville, Miss Sara Lucier.
30. Arthur Ashley.
31. Rudolph Israel Belanger.
APRIL [1900]
1. Mrs. James Bathgate, Amelia Krause.
2. William Mallinson, Benjamin Firth.
3. Mrs. Napoleon Laforest.
4. Catherine Doorley, James Casey.
5. Mrs. Dennis Hogan.
6. Mrs. Sophran Fontaine.
7. John McEvoy.
8. Arthur Jobis.
10. Jacob S. Grass.
11. Joseph Charbonneau.
12. Mrs. Mary Sweeney.
13. James B. Cain, Frank Mousso, William Nuttall.
14. Mrs. Julia Donslow, William Niles Bentley.
15. Mrs. Ellen Smith, Mrs. Josephine Fortin.
18. Jean Archibold, William Kelly.
19. Absolour Atkinson.
20. John McDermott.
23. Joseph Walsh, Mrs. Peter Egan.
24. Dennis Dundurand, Marie Bagnasco.
25. James G. Shortsleeves.
26. Hypolite Brouillette, John Taylor.
28. Ida M. Cameron, Anna Murphy, Alexander Beyer.
29. Henry E. Lansing, Anna Brenzel.
30. Patrick H. Ryan.
MAY [1900]
2. Samuel Betowins, Leon Archambeault.
3. Mrs. Margaret Bowler, Mrs. John Mulvihill.
7. Mrs. George Ingham, Jennie Van Denburgh.
10. Mrs. Marie E. Vail, Neil Morris.
11. Mrs. Michael Larkin, Anna M. Hastings.
14. Catherine Quinlan.
15. Annie Dingley.
17. Mrs. Bridget Healey, Robert Harris.
18. Cordelia Sicard.
19. Thomas Hanrahan, Mrs. Rose Bassette.
20. Miss Ella Tunney
27. Mrs. William Raymond, Cornelius McMahon, Magloire Lefebvre.
JUNE [1900]
3. Mrs. Emma Holbrock, Mrs. John Prairie, Nellie Golden.
4. Stephen Cooper, Mrs. Ann Hinson.
6. Charles H. Blunt.
7. Mrs. Julia Thorpe.
12. Kittie Hambrook.
14. Mrs. Mary Kelly, Edward S. Gregory.
16. Agnes E. Maitland, Mrs. Mary A. Tobin.
17. Bernard Manning.
19. Napoleon Germain.
25. Mrs. Thomas Eccles.
27. Charles B. Alderson, Mrs. Mary J. Fonda.
28. Patrick Gaffney.
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