Deaths in Cohoes, NY Newspaper - 1908-1909
Transcribed by Donald J. Cosgro Jan 2003
Webpage by Cliff Lamere Jan 2004
Newspaper: Cohoes Republican
Date of Issue: July 15, 1909
Date Range of Deaths: July 2, 1908 to July 13, 1909
Deceased Persons: 525
Microfilm Source: New York State Library, Albany, NY
During the time
period of my research, around July 16 of each year the Cohoes Republican newspaper published a list of people from Cohoes who had died
in the previous 12 months. It is important to note that not all of the people listed actually died in the City of
Cohoes (Albany County). They may have been formerly from Cohoes, in which
case the Cohoes City Clerk will not have a death record for them. For instance, people may have taken ill and died in a
hospital in Troy, NY (Rensselaer County) which is just across the Hudson River from Cohoes. Another possibility is that an elderly person
may have moved in with a relative in another community shortly before dying, but
was still reported in the Cohoes newspaper where they had previously lived.
I have done my best to accurately transcribe the list. However, due to the quality of the newspaper and/or microfilm,
errors are possible. Where a ? appears, letters were unreadable. Readers are encouraged to check the source
document for themselves. It is my hope that the list below will help you in your search for your ancestors.
Donald J. Cosgro
Plattsburgh, NY
Finding a Name on This Webpage
Use the web browser's Find feature (Edit/Find or Ctrl-f) which will find exactly what you ask for. I suggest you search for the surname or given name only, because a search for Joan Decker will not find anything if she is listed with a middle initial. With many names, there can be spelling variations. Find will only search for the spelling you ask it to locate. If there is a part of the name which usually doesn't vary, Find is useful because it will search for just a part of a word. -- Cliff Lamere
Borrow the Microfilm
The following colored text was copied from a webpage of the New York State Newspaper Project.
The Cohoes republican.
OCLC: #11151036
Published: 1892-1920
Frequency: Daily
Microfilm: s={1892:7:15-1909:12:23} {1912:7:1-1919:12:31} {1920:1:2-2:7}
Call number: NY 42 Cohoes 93-31661
1892:7:15-1909:12:23 means 1892 Jul 15 to 1909 Dec 23. There are three date ranges for which the newspaper is available today, a total of over 100 microfilms according to the state librarian who checked for me. The only microfilm box he looked at contained 5 months of newspapers. Newspapers outside the date ranges have not been microfilmed by the NYS Library and probably those issues no longer exist. Neither do the original newspapers which are routinely discarded by the library after the microfilm is received. Some issues within a date range may also be missing.
Go to the following webpage to borrow a microfilm on interlibrary loan from anywhere in the country.
NYS Newspaper Microfilm at the State Library
"The Names of Those Who Have Been Taken Away by Death From Cohoes During The Past Twelve Months, And The Date of Their Death."
JULY [1908]
2. Mrs. Carrie J. Clifton.
3. Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes.
9. Louis Leblanc
10. Mrs. Mary Soper, Wm. S. O'Hearn, Mrs. Ellen Kieran Shaffer.
11. Frank Lamiotte, Mrs Mary [?]
12. Cecil Corbeil.
10. Mrs. Mary Soper, Wm. S. O'Hearn, Mrs. Ellen Kieran. [repeat]
11. Frank Lamotte, Mrs. Mary Shaffer [repeat]
12. Cecil Corbeil. [repeat]
13. Mrs. Babette Silberman.
14. Mrs. Rosen J. House.
16. Edward Desautel, Peter Danooski.
17. Harry Wm. Peterson, Mrs. Julia Sheridan, Francis Martin, Harvey Riberdy.
18. Mrs. Celina Bonvouloir.
19. Eliza Page Trout.
21. Miss Anna Murphy.
22. Michael Slavin, Mrs. D. M. Adams.
25. James Willard Bowdy.
26. Mrs. Frances McGovern.
27. Felix Sampson.
28. George Jourdenais, Charles Beaudry.
29. Mrs. Harry G. Calkins.
30. Daniel Black.
AUGUST [1908]
1. Wm. Hallacy
4. James Greeley, Miss Laura Mitchell.
8. Mrs. Mary MacFarlane, Alfred L. Fowler, Michael Maloney.
9. Mrs. Elizabeth Timmins
10. Dennis D'Auray.
11. Mrs. John Fellows.
13. Mrs. Anna Sarran, Marie Irene Benac, Mildred Theresa Maloney.
14. Bernard Cannon.
15. Sylvester Moran, Mrs. Jennie Jackson, Wm. H. Lynch.
16. John Irving Witbeck.
17. Joseph Kozeol.
19. Eliza Lamotte.
20. Mrs. Margaret Caffrey, Mrs. Jane Nuttall.
24. Richard Hughes.
25. Miss Elizabeth Sheerin, Grace Truland.
26. John Hilton, Dr. C. C. Coomes.
27. James Kilfoyle, John Fitzpatrick.
28. Mrs. Ama Egan, John Seror, Edward M. Rush.
29. Clara F. Smith, Mrs. John F. Reavy.
31. Margaret Evenson.
31. Henry David Norman.
1. Mrs. Rachel L. Sessler.
2. Olina Marcil, Franklin C. Weatherwax, Valantine Lanigan, Joseph H. Leonard.
4. Annie Wasilk, Miss Agnes Huxley, Miss Anna Harris.
5. Clovis A. Charest.
8. Joseph Mecha.
9. Mrs. Anna Abberton, George H. Whitney.
10. John Yuzenko.
13. Frank J. Murray.
14. Mrs. Mary Welch, Edwin Tobin, Edward Fouteux, Sherman Dayton.
16. Gerdon Gardner, Silimon Tokun.
17. Bertha McDuff, Lawrence English.
18. Francis Pasvkiewiaz.
19. Annie Russin, Charles Lasher.
23. John H. Moore, Francis X. Delisle.
25. Octavius Cole, Wm. Kenny.
27. H. Bertram Ingalls.
28. Augustus Schreffer.
30. Frances Earl Smith, Jeanette Lancaster, Henry Hawthorne.
OCTOBER [1908]
2. Florence Clay, Frances Hogan, Napoleon Galaise.
3. Mrs. Eliza Lahey.
4. Thomas Gavin.
7. Mrs. Lumena Mirron.
11. Miss Beatrice Laundrie, Mrs. Henry Roberts.
12. Harry J. Walker.
13. Thomas Laisselle.
13. Margaret Moran.
15. Mrs. Elizabeth Casey, Mrs. Elizabeth Casey[repeat typo?], Albert Durocher.
16. Miss Mary E. C. Kelly.
19. Rosanna Bayard.
20. Miss Bridget Culhane, Patrick Gugerty, Roy Carpenter.
24. Mrs. Catherine Newcomb, Mrs Minnie Ankers.
25. George Durocher, Angela Kowalik, Arthur Favreau.
26. Gates W. Fuller.
27. Mrs. Bridget Hogan, Rudolph Boneau.
28. William Hanrahan, Kyrn Egan.
29. Mrs. Bridget Buckley.
31. Mildred Bell, Norman Fancher.
1. Edward Ouellette.
3. Thomas White.
5. Miss Jane Sammons.
7. Sarah Hayes, Miss Idelia M. McDermott.
9. William Ewing, Mrs. Phebe Andrew, Joseph Witeskz.
10. Mrs. Elizabeth Heaney, Mrs. Alphonse Suprenant.
13. Viola Laplant, Mrs. Elizabeth Hatlee
15. Rev. Pierre Ocatave Renaud, Mrs. Catherine Scott.
16. Frederick Tetreault, Frank Maz
17. Mrs. Vergune Labumiere.
18. Charles Alarie, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown.
19. Alexander Lavigne, Wm. Swasey.
20. Miss Bridget A. Kelly, Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly.
NOVEMBER [Typo repeat]
21. Miss Alphonsine Molleur, Mrs. Ann E. Brennan, Bernard Bourgeois.
22. Alphonse Bessette, Horace Kirk.
24. Helen Waters.
25. Margaret A. Edwards.
27. Miss Agnes Revarde, William Connery.
28. Mrs. Nancy Clark, Mary May Ayotte.
30. Michael Devanney.
1. Miss Harriet Hayes, Mrs. Sarah Ada Lindsay, Edward Briere.
3. Mrs. Bridget McKeon.
4. Arthur Lessard.
5. Mrs. Anna H. Granger, Arthur Shepard.
6. George Hebert, Mrs. Carrie B. Fuller.
7. Mrs. Wm. J. Hurley.
9. Kenneth W. Bowdy, Mrs. Eliza Lagasse, Mrs. James Ogden.
11. John Sullivan, Walter Drogue, Mrs. Adele Boneau.
14. Mrs. Sophie Desnoyer, Edna Frances Nuttall, Henry Phoenix, Marie LaForrest.
15. Catherine A. Maher, Samuel Whinery
16. Michael Barney.
17. M[?_______] Allen, Louis Morn, Mary Wrack.
18. Mrs. Cyrille Marsolais.
20. Mrs. Helen V. Mace.
21. Wm. E. Jackson, Gladys Emma Hopp, Mrs. Frank Rue.
22. John Johnson, Mrs. Celina Provencher, Azarie Provost.
23. Mrs. Judeth Akin, Sidney Edwards, Mrs. Theophilus Fountaine.
24. Samuel Slater, Mrs. Allen Van O'Linda, Daniel Hennessy.
25. Mrs. C. B. Lefebvre, Jessie May Robertson, Franklin Bileau.
26. Damase Lussier, Patrick Flood, Mother Gertude.
27. John Craven.
29. Mary Frances Maekos, Miss Bertha M. Howden.
30. Dorothy Beatrice Larose.
31. William Anderson, Mrs. Stewart Whinery.
31. Henry Hibbert.
JANUARY [1909]
1. John Ladd.
1. Antonio Fortier.
3. Miss Johanna Penders,Hugh Conway.
4. Mrs. Regina Bernard, David I. Moak.
5. Adelene Viola LeBlance.
6. Joseph Murphy, Ida May Lavoie.
7. Gertrude Keeler, Mrs. Rose Herbert, Mrs. Patience Brigg's McOmber.
8. Earl Francis Hallenbeck
9. Mrs. Jane Bernhart, Notelia Geller [?], Mrs. Ellen Shine.
10. Edward Guiltman, Nicholas Rench, Laura Mable Raymond, Eugene Ouimette.
12. Mrs. Luke Bouchard.
13. Joseph Broadhead.
15. Lucille Granger, John Ryan.
16. Mrs. Sophia Dickens, Mrs. Edward Spotten.
17. Mrs. Mary Dalton Hickey.
18. Mrs. Philipina McLuckey, Mrs. Mary O'Conner, Miss Mary E. Newcomb,
19. Mrs. C. B. Williams, Edward Coyne, Mrs. Harriet Waterman.
20. Mrs. Maria Kanalay, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Brien Meath.
21. Catherine Elizabeth Warnock, George Luddeke, Ida Plouffe.
22. John Eliza Decatur.
23. John Henry Graft.
24. Luke Kavanaugh.
25. Joseph Massey.
26. Philip Martin.
27. Harry C. Longstaff, Mary Agnes Vanier, Clement Landrie.
28. Miss Maria J. Smith, Francis Welcome, Artimese Blais.
29. Aneze Sorel, Mrs. Bridget O'Brien.
30. Augustus Marcil Shepard.
31. Reuben Cooper.
1. Mrs. Hedwidge Ducharme, Thomas O'Donnell.
2. James Schofield, Mrs. Michael J. Foley.
3. Mrs. Martha Lynch.
4. Corina Garceau, Sister I. Beatrice.
5. Romeo Primeau, Theodore French, Edward Greely, Joseph Duroche, Julia Quigley.
6. Mrs. Maria Seror.
7. Anna May Hanley.
8. James Woolly.
9. Agnes Peltier, Joseph Ouimette.
10. Frank Domay.
11. Joseph Gagne, Olga Mae Wilson, Mrs. John Ayotte, Harold Herbert Moore, Mrs. Mary E. Malke.
12. Flora Marcil.
13. Mrs. Rose Boyer, Mrs. Mary A. Deecher, Edmund Bechard.
14. Herman Kahn, Alfred Girard Jr.
16. William Dowd.
18. John Hoffman Pierce, James B. McKee, Emma Pashkoski.
19. Elizabeth Audna Pelton, Mrs. Jane A. Bessette, Mrs. Bridget Flatley.
21. William Shahan, Mrs. Joseph Dansereau, Mrs. Christina Wells.
22. Mrs. Jeannette N. Carroll.
23. Mrs. Ida Galvin [?], Marie Agnes Guay.
24. Mrs. Anna Fonda.
25. Mrs. Hannah A. Williams.
26. Mrs. Susan Brady, Thomas Totty.
27. Michael Rooney.
28. James Keeler.
MARCH [1909]
1. Dr. James E. Mattocks, Joseph Messier.
3. Mrs. Frank Reamer.
4. Catherine Krupa, Mrs. Lydia Hungerford.
5. Alfred Poinsel, Agnes Frances Bradley, Arthur E. Ashdowne, Lillian Contois.
6. Joseph F. Ginty, Mrs. John J. Evers, John Wright.
7. John Carpenter, John Hughes.
8. Alice Martile.
9. James N. Mace.
10. Jennie Delude.
13. Mrs. Anna Colbert, John Rymer.
15. Henry Sloan, Mrs. Patrick Martin, Thomas Cosgrave.
16. Harold F. Roberts, Albert Lanoue.
17. Anna May Foley, Mrs. Albert St. Jean, Ellen Ladd Bedell.
18. Mary Burgess, Mrs. John Mincher.
19. Mrs. Matilda Perry.
20. Catherine Matava, Michael Stanton, Mrs. George Bowen.
21. Mrs. Mary Walsh.
22. Thomas Culhane, Mrs. Mary Hennessey.
23. Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Mrs. Margaret McDonough.
25. Valaire Palequin, Fred Messier.
26. Henri Hebert.
28. Mrs. Henry Corrigan, Mrs. Mary Curran.
29. Mrs. Elsie Morris.
31. Lillian Bouchard, Mrs. Herminie Delude, Fred Valle, Robert Whittam, Mary Melvin Hughes,
Jane Campbell Hunter.
APRIL [1909]
2. Mrs. John F. Fink, Danier Kanaley, John McArdle, Thomas Luttman.
4. Mrs. Charles Boissey, Philip Brady, Sarah M. Kerhpatrick, Mrs. Margaret E. Coffey.
5. Frederick Blair, George Boudreau.
6. William P. Shears.
9. Miss Ida Brust.
14. Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Sweet, Mrs. Edwin B. Laughlin.
15. Jerermiah Coughlin.
16. Wilfred Caisse, Michael Murray.
17. Warren J. Atkinson, Mrs. Catherine M. Wells Cranton, Mrs. Emma J. McCreary.
18. John T. Fitzerald.
22. Louis Adolphus Vallee.
23. Charles Lane Henderson.
24. John Chasse, Lloyd P. Hatchen, Adelor Garrett.
26. Louis Smith, Maria Cebrega, Helen Gertrude Wagner.
27. George Fabastia, Mrs. Ernest Robinson, Thomas Edward Ackler, Daniel Foley.
28. Mary C. Flavagan, William Leo Ryan.
30. George C. Stow, Thomas Cullon.
MAY [1909]
3. Ann Lowery.
4. Mrs. John Scott.
5. Mildred Marsois, Edward Warnock.
7. Thomas Laughlin, Josephine Lefebure, Mrs. James J. Higgins.
8. Mrs. Wm. A. Gates, Thomas Garret.
9. George Houle, Mrs. Sarah L. Rainey.
13. Dr. Charles E. Witbeck, Hannorah Ryan, Mrs. Mary D. Worsley.
14. Miss Elizabeth E. Vredenbergh.
16. Veronica Maloney, Edward Durwage, Jr.
17. Leonard Wager.
18. Dennis Shea, Isreal Nolin, Mrs. Thomas S. Brabazon, Rose Butler, Washington Duncan, Mildred Lancaster,
Helen Cook, Mrs. Joshanna Farrell.
19. Mrs. Peter Lefebvre, Miss Mary M. Cantinell, George Gauley.
20. Willis A. McElroy.
21. Cornelius Cooley, Miss Thelanise Courchaine, Michael Cummings, Einer Jens Thoresen.
21. Dr. George A. Cox.
22. Henry O'Clair.
23. Mrs. Mary Moody, Mrs. Sarah Jane Loudon, Pierre Beaupre.
24. Josephine R. Daigneault, Mrs. Sarah Fitzpatrick.
25. John D. Sherer, Mrs. Joseph Guard.
26. Mrs. Johann Hollihan.
28. Mrs. Enosh Safe, Mrs. W. H. Qungley.
31. Mrs Emma Page, Edward Paquet, Joseph Boudnan.
1. Mrs. F. R. LaFerriere.
2. Conrod Perreualt.
3. Frank L. Blanchard.
4. Ms. Hansien Gay.
5. Andrew Ryan.
9. Mrs. Esther Perry.
10. Narcisse William White, Narcisse Lafond.
12. Onesipha Charest, James Henry O'Leary, James Delaney.
13. William C. Travis.
14. Edward W. Walsh, Mrs. Catherine Driscoll, Mrs. Harriet Kolb.
15. Moise Pierre.
16. Mrs. Martha F. Melinda, Mrs. Adeline Charron, Edward Kenyon, Mrs. Margaret Keniry, William O'Neil.
18. John J. Gardner.
19. Theophile O'Clair, Joseph M. Lawson.
20. Miss Caroline C. Slattery.
21. George H. McCreedy, Louise Sherman Clue.
22. Albert Turcotte.
23. Mrs. Joseph H. Eccles
24. Joseph Gregoire
25. Catherine Agnes McHale, Joseph Barry, Bridget Dolan.
26. Liza Riel.
27. Edwin G. Adams, Mrs. Ella Gage.
29. Viola Desormeau.
30. Agnes Casey.
July [1909]
1. Wm. L. Deneault, James Van Bramer, Miss Elizabeth Stanton, Frederick Schwarzer.
2. David Raymond Leonard.
4. Patrick Hogan, Mrs. Hannah Quinn, Mrs. Mary Girard, Cecil Audet.
5. Joseph Maynard, Michael Dunnigan, Arthur Williams.
7. James Mulhall.
9. Mrs. Mary Powers.
10. Alexander Sitcer, Miss Helen Murphy, Oscar Bourgeois.
12. Frederick Turner, Charles R. Steenburgh.
13. Mrs. M. Jane Graves.
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