Deaths in Cohoes, NY Newspaper - 1911-1912
Transcribed by Donald J. Cosgro 18 Nov 2002
Webpage by Cliff Lamere 29 Jan 2004
Newspaper: Cohoes Republican
Date of Issue: July 15, 1912
Date Range of Deaths: July 16, 1911 to July 12, 1912
Deceased Persons: 511
Microfilm Source: New York State Library, Albany, NY
During the time period of my research, around July 16 of each year the Cohoes Republican newspaper published a list of people from Cohoes who had died
in the previous 12 months. It is important to note that not all of the people listed actually died in the City of
Cohoes (Albany County). They may have been formerly from Cohoes, in which
case the Cohoes City Clerk will not have a death record for them. For instance, people may have taken ill and died in a
hospital in Troy, NY (Rensselaer County) which is just across the Hudson River from Cohoes. Another possibility is that an elderly person
may have moved in with a relative in another community shortly before dying, but
was still reported in the Cohoes newspaper where they had previously lived.
I have done my best to accurately transcribe the list. However, due to the quality of the newspaper and/or microfilm,
errors are possible. Where a ? appears, letters were unreadable. Readers are encouraged to check the source
document for themselves. It is my hope that the list below will help you in your search for your ancestors.
Donald J. Cosgro
Plattsburgh, NY
Finding a Name on This Webpage
Use the web browser's Find feature (Edit/Find or Ctrl-f) which will find exactly what you ask for. I suggest you search for the surname or given name only, because a search for Joan Decker will not find anything if she is listed with a middle initial. With many names, there can be spelling variations. Find will only search for the spelling you ask it to locate. If there is a part of the name which usually doesn't vary, Find is useful because it will search for just a part of a word. -- Cliff Lamere
Borrow the Microfilm
The following colored text was copied from a webpage of the New York State Newspaper Project.
The Cohoes republican.
OCLC: #11151036
Published: 1892-1920
Frequency: Daily
Microfilm: s={1892:7:15-1909:12:23} {1912:7:1-1919:12:31} {1920:1:2-2:7}
Call number: NY 42 Cohoes 93-31661
1892:7:15-1909:12:23 means 1892 Jul 15 to 1909 Dec 23. There are three date ranges for which the newspaper is available today, a total of over 100 microfilms according to the state librarian who checked for me. The only microfilm box he looked at contained 5 months of newspapers. Newspapers outside the date ranges have not been microfilmed by the NYS Library and probably those issues no longer exist. Neither do the original newspapers which are routinely discarded by the library after the microfilm is received. Some issues within a date range may also be missing.
Go to the following webpage to borrow a microfilm on interlibrary loan from anywhere in the country.
NYS Newspaper Microfilm at the State Library
"NECROLOGY, A list of those in Cohoes who have passed away from Earth during the past twelve months."
JULY [1911]
16. Timothy J. Ryan.
17. Mrs Samuel Wiley, Joseph Levesque.
20. Linda M. Hale.
23. Sidney Madlein
24. Mrs. Adelaide Maura Rotter.
26. Louis F. Provost.
27. Mary E. Connors.
28. Mrs. Margaret Dunn.
29. Raymond Girard.
30. Mrs. Michael Kennedy, Priscilla M. McGuire, Mrs. Hannah Fitzgerald, Mrs. Julia Langlois.
31. Eugene Nelson Marco.
AUGUST [1911]
1. Mrs. Margaret Gamache.
3. Miss Elizabeth Dunn, Marvin D. Ferguson.
4. William A. Evans, Mrs. Jennie H. Bush.
5. John Grzybek, Wiaczeslay Gregar.
6. Mrs. Delia D. Frye.
7. Mrs. Anna L. Greene.
10. Mrs. Mary B. Cusack, Catherine H. Semple, Mrs. Georgianna White, Mrs. Elizabeth Curtin.
12. Charles F. Sitcer, Margaret L. Kavanaugh.
18. Mrs. F. A. Winkler.
19. Anna May Soutier.
20. Mrs. Isabel Sadler, Edward McElligott.
21. Mrs. Richard Chaefey.
23. Mrs. George Boudreau, Jacob Grose, William Beattie, Mrs. Helen McQuillan.
24. Alexander McKay, Mrs. Bridget Dawson.
25. Mrs. Lucy A. McCann, Mrs. Bridget Dumais.
26. William H. Freeman.
27. Agnes M. VanDerVoort.
29. Patrick J. Burke.
30. Elsie E. Roff.
31. Charles V. Floud, Miss Ida Goyette.
3. Mrs. Catherine Palmer.
8. Wilfred Palin.
9. Charles H. Amos.
9. Theophile Mace, Mrs. Theresa Davis.*
11. Julius Purificato.
13. Mrs. Mary A. Byrnes.
15. Mrs. Nathan Munn.
16. Mrs. Catherine Manogue.
17. Mrs. Johanna Hamilton.
18. Roger Willard Cole.
20. Edward Murphy.
21. David Horan.
22. Patrick Hickey.
23. Mrs. Hannah Toomey, Melvin E. Tripp.
24. Uidevic Surprenant, James F. Morrow.
28. Mrs. Anna Notman, Mrs. Adeline L. Bennett.
29. Mrs. Hannah E. Clark, Martha K. Farar.
OCTOBER [1911]
2. Henry Izard.
3. James Moran, Henry Johnson.
4. Augustus D. Miller.
6. James Wallace.
8. Mrs. Mary O'Hare.
9. Mrs Sarah H. Northrop, George Cooper.
10. Mrs. Emma McAllister, Da___[?] McGuire.
11. Miss Loretta Fitzgerald, ___[?] Shock, Mrs. John Dolan, W___[?] Bessette.
12. Edmund Riel.
13. Mrs. E. Almira Stratton, Mrs. Mary Manogue, Graudis Richardson.[?]
14. Harold Carle.
15. John Kanalay, James Foley, Mrs. Hannah Cahill.
16. Helen Edith Carter.
17. Martin M. Shear.
18. Julia E. Enearl, Edward B. Buckley.
19. Mrs. Julia Furlong.
20. Mrs. Maria Cole.
23. Mrs. Sabin Quinn, Anna May Fountain, Rosalie Desnoyers, Miss Jennie McAron.
25. Mrs. Eliza Aubin.
27. Norbert Bellerose, Ann Fitzpatrick.
29. Frank D. Sautelle.
30. Mrs. Louise North, Alida Curran, Mrs. Bridget Manton.
2. Mary Deputot, Matthew Meron, Miss Mary Toomey.
3. Louis Bellegarde.
4. Miss Jane Kane.
5. Mrs. Sophia Bover, Halsey D. Crandall.
6. James Shearer, Albert W. Davitt.
7. John J. Ryan.
8. Miss Mary Carmody.
9. Mary Theresa Brown, John Henry Hayes.
11. Edward R. Gilman
12. Alfred Pouliot.
13. George H. Grumbly, Joseph Sprega, Abraham Mitchell.
14. Francis Ryan.
15. Daniel Little, George Mead Vincent, William Labonte.
20. Robert Emmett Grant, Evelyn M. Casey.
21. Leander C. Brown, Patrick O'Connor.
24. Mrs. Claire Riberdy.
25. Mrs. Lena Prosty, Mrs. Sarah Gavito.[?]
26. Miss Susan Garrett, T. Fred McKee.
30. Mrs. Mary E. Vansleet. Mrs. Melina Langelier.
1. Henry Langelier.
16. John J. Hayes *
17. Mrs. Maria Jackson, Louis Rosalie Boudreau, Louis *
2. Mrs. Julia Woolhiser, Mrs. Rosalie Boudreau, Mrs. Louis Bellegarde.
4. Marjorie May Kahn, Mrs. Catherine Craven, Joseph Krasches, Mrs. Patrick H. Flaherty, Joseph C. Gentes.
6. William Rose, Miss Amanda O'Clair.
7. Lila May Lavallee.
9. George Normington, L. Garrett Fonda.*
9. Elia J. Goodrich, Edmund S. Wheeler, Mrs. Denise Depuis.*
11. Mrs. Jane Dewdney.
12. Thomas Smith, Mrs. Catherine Couch.
13. Mrs. Mary Conway.
14. Joseph Harriman.
15. John McDermott.
16. Katherine Schaal Lund.
18. Mrs. Maria Cooney, Andrew C. Davis, Miss Dora Shepard.
19. Mrs. Mary Myers.
20. Mrs. Margaret O'Brien, Miss Elizabeth Moan.
21. Mrs. Margaret Kinnear, Pascale Bessette, Stanislava Kielian, Mrs. Chas Winne.
22. Ellen Russell.
23. Margaret Forman, Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy.
24. Mrs. Peter Devoe, Mrs. Catherine A. Delanoy, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Granger, Mrs. Lena La Belle,
Lawrence L. Walthers.
27. George Cooper, Thomas J. Cooley.
28. Mrs. Eveline Champagne Baillargeon, Charles H.Bailey.
JANUARY [1912]
1. Orian V. Harmon, Miss Catherine Gardiner.
2. Thomas A. Gaffney Sr., Timothy Atridge, Mrs. Catherine L. O'Dea.
3. Miss Flora Riel.
4. Sophia Kopaco.
5. James Edward Smith, Mrs. Martha Bramhall, Alsena De Etta Wilbur.[?]
7. Mrs. Jane Moran, Mary Kane.
8. John Considine.
9. Mrs. Marceline Forgette, Russell Lee, Edmund Contu, James F. McGowan, Mrs. Mary Hayes.
11. Mary Higgins.
12. Michael Manion, Roger Ryan, Lawrence Martin, Sr., Mrs. Bridget Cunningham.
14. Rev. Father [_______?], Dennis O'Conner.
15. Mrs. Dr. J. L. Archambault, Charles Ryan.
16. Fred Booth, Prosper? Sinotte, Mrs. Francis M. White, Frances Earl Charbonneau.
17. Daniel Quinan, Mrs. Mary Wilson, Fitgerald.?
18. Mary Napaez?, James Murray.
19. Harry Cropsey, John Kupkia.
21. Mrs. Rebecca Gilman, Ingraham P. Bou[___?], Cornelius A. Waldron.
22. Veronica Hannon, Patrick Down, James A. Croak, Jr.
23. Jermiah Taylor.
25. John F. Mahar, Patrick McLoughlin.
26. Amy Hatcher, Clara Clarkson.
28. Mrs. Delmia Grundy.
29. Mrs. Hattie Spotten.
31. Raymond Macy, Anna Regec, Mrs. Melina Charbonneau.
1. Miss Mary Rivarde, Joseph L. _thier[?].
2. Bridget Kennedy, Mrs. Philomene Archambault.
3. Frank Mc Garrahan, John W. Rice, Mrs. Elizabeth Cannon.
4. Mrs. Anna Dyer, Michael Hyde, Mrs. Eliza Adams, Mrs. Thomas Luddy, Medard Breault.
5. Mrs. Delia Girard.
6. Rev. John P. Moore, Mrs. Adelle B. Champagne, Mrs. Mary Le Boeuf.
7. Mrs. Pauline A. Deno.
8. William E. Fero.
9. Samuel A. Clarke.
10. William J. J. Jackson, Thomas Adey.
11. Mrs. Jennie E. Shepard.
12. Mrs. Sarah A. Frank, Miss Eva Moore, Mrs. Belle Davidson.
13. Mrs. Margaret J. Ring, John J. Coates.
14. Cordelia A. Jarvis, James Bell.
15. Jessie Meikleham, Edna Williams.
16. Daniel Hilton.
17. Cecelia Brown.
18. Mrs. E. B. Hanrahan.
19. Mrs. Jane C. Connor.
20. Eric F. Anderson, Mrs. Cordelia L. Counteau, Mrs. Ombeline N. Messier.
21. Frank Dudac, James Fairfield.
2. [sic] Mrs. Hannah Flood.
23. John Ronan, Patrick Cummings, Edward Frazier, Patrick Coughlin.
26. Albertina Thibodeau.
27. Mrs. Emma Tausignant.
28. Mrs. Philomene Audette.
29. Louis H. Emond, James Mc Mahon, John Lucas, Charles Roy.
MARCH [1912]
1. Dennis L'Uneault, Miss Josie Hebert.
3. Georgianna Cambell, Peter Nelson, Charles H. Hay, Mrs. Emma Scoville.
4. Mrs. Mary A. Hodgson, Peter J. Keenan, William Woolhiser, Mrs. James Peters.
5. Mrs. John Gass, Alfred Roy, Jeremiah Donovan.
6. Dr. Sidney F. Rodgers.
7. John Frank, Sr., Vincent Corrigan, Mrs. Margaret Ronan.
8. Florence S. Aubin, Daniel O'Neil, Mrs. Lucy Schanck.
9. Peter Perreault.
10. Mrs. Mary Hayden.
11. Mary Doherty, Mrs. Bridget Cassidy.
12. Miss Margaret Boshea, Dorothy Clairmont.
13. Mrs. Margaret B. Blais, Mrs. Lillian Charbonneau, Catherine Rose, Maria Quinn(?).
14. John M. Daley, George Reenan, John L. Hayden.
15. Miss Julia Bissonnette, Joseph Marsolais, Patrick H. Gill, John T. Nelligan, William Bannon.
16. Mrs. Catherine Granger, Mrs. Mary A. Donovan, Helen M. Storer.
17. Michael B. Stone, Mrs. E. G. Page, William M. Blakely.
18. Thomas Davis, Mrs. Adelina L. Forget, Edward H. Fennessy, Michael Laly.
19. Mrs. Jane Rosemond.
20. Alexander V. Brouillette, Walter Campbell, David Powers.
21. Mrs. James Vandemark, Miss Mary [Ga_nan?], William C. Crooks.
22. Edward Casey, Adolph Marchetti.
23. Robert Hume, Mrs. Amable Allard.
24. Mrs. Mary A. Batt, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. Loretta Penfield, Mrs. Ann Maxwell, Mrs. William Miller.
25. Joseph R. Trahan, George A. Potter.
26. Mrs. Albina Vielleux.
27. Mrs. Jane Haight, Mrs. Joseph Boissonneault, Mrs. Anasthasie Charbonneau.
28. Joseph Maltais.
29. Ernest Charbonneau.
30. Alfred Champagne.
31. Miss Mary Copeland.
APRIL [1912]
1. Mrs. Margaret Neville.
2. Mary M. Therrien, Florence Buss Ingalls.
3. William Campbell Collin.
4. Mrs. Mary Dunnigan, Mrs. James Buchanan, Mrs. Philomene Walter, Thomas Hannon.
5. Mrs. Velina Benjamin.
6. John J. Reidy, Mrs. Mary Mulcahy, Mrs. Mary Curtin, Frank Smith.
8. Mrs. Bartholomew Cooney.
9. Mary Edna Killton.
10. Patrick J. Connery.
11. Jean B. Jarry.
13. Delia Robert, W. Frank Jones.
15. Mrs. Ellen L. Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth Landsborough, Mrs. Jane Reed, Mrs. Julia M. Burns.
16. Beatrice Vannier, Celia Cannon, James B. Green, Samuel Ingham, Mrs. Hanah Wood.
18. Miss Helen A. Fallon.
19. Mrs. Carrie McGovern, Mrs. Johanna Maxwell, Robert S. Phelan.
20. Henry Dubois, John Curran, Frederick E. Cook, Mrs. Mattie Vandenburgh.
21. John Thorpe.
22. Patrick Gildea, Mrs. Olivine Brien, Miss Sarah Thompson.
23. Mrs. Sarah R. Riberdy, Mrs. Margaret M. Nailor, Mrs. Sarah Jewett, P. J. Ryan, Mrs. Archibald McIntyre.
24. Moses Weatherwax.
25. Levi Molleur.
26. Mrs. Mary Smith, Ruth M. Brouillette.
27. Mrs. Maria F. Reynolds, George N. Maissonneuve, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox, Albert Turcotte.
29. Rita Robert.
30. Mrs. William H. Wager.
MAY [1912]
1. Edward F. Travis
2. Mrs. Celanise Boneau, Paul Jobin.
3. Gertrude Bourgeois.
4. Mrs. Louisa C. Pfeifer, Miss Laura Benjamin.
5. Mrs. Josephine E. Hamel, Miss Catherine Murphy, Mrs. Margaret Walsh, Miss Anastasia Coleman,
William Whitehall, Eugene Roulier, Bertha Teron.
6. John Sullivan.
7. William H. Hayden, Miss Catherine Toohey, Patrick Ledwich, Earl Bingham.
8. Hermenegilde Provencher.
10. Patrick Burney, Mrs. Rebecca Duncan, Mrs. Thomas I. Demain.
12. Francis Chartier, Mrs. Margaret MacNary, Mrs. Catherine Thomson.
14. Miss Anna Wallace, Edward Drumm, John Flood.
15. Jeremiah O'Brien, Mrs. Johanna Meeker.
16. Mrs. Anna Vanaleck, Mrs. Lydia Trost.
17. J. Riley Smith.
20. Mary E. Ryan.
21. John Mahoney.
23. Mrs. Ellen Rabbitt(?), Herve(?) Carry.
24. Mrs. Mary Marcoux, Anna Kanalay.
26. Marcus Thomsen Jr.
28. Earl LaBarge, Mrs. Mary B. Bowes.
29. Wilfred Plouffe, William Denton.
31. George A. Lucas, Mrs. Jennie H. Miller.
JUNE [1912]
1. George Kenzil Lambert.
5. Miss Mary Foy.
7. Mrs. Ann Morris.
8. Mrs. Hulda Goodspeed.
10. Frank Purner, William H. H. Reinhart, Mrs. Sarah Cooney.
11. Joseph Plante.
12. John Cunningham.
13. Loretta Raymond.
14. George Lang.
15. Edna May Westover.
17. Catherine M. Bannon, William Jeffords.
18. Margaret Ryan.
19. James Fox, David J. Houllihan, Henry D. Wilson.
20. Mrs. Louise Remillard.
22. Charles Gendron, Mrs. Margaret Trombley, Clara Roberts, Mrs. E. L. Wands, Mrs. Catherine Guiltman,
Harold Quinn, Richard Galvin.
23. Louisa A. McKee.
25. Harold C. Greene, Mrs. Phoebe A. Hewitt.
26. James Tinney, Mrs. Sophia Parent.
27. Mrs. Mary M. Edgecomb, Mrs. Harriet Fox.
28. Georgianna C. Bissonnette, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Reddish.
29. John Swatling.
30. Mrs. Charles Jordan.
JULY [1912]
1. William Haythorne.
2. Thomas Ireland.
4. Mrs. Margaret Delaney.
5. Herbert C. Cunniff Jr., Rose Briere.
7. Father John S. McCarthy.
10. Mrs. Mary Walsh Clinton.
11. Mrs. Catherine Kelly.
12. Daniel S. Murphy.
* Note: appears exactly as in newspaper article. [date out of order]
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