Obituaries submitted by Nelson Ambridge


Arranged and Indexed by Cliff Lamere    Oct 2000



The following index is an every name index, plus more.  The deceased and all other persons mentioned in the obituary are indexed, including reverends.  For wives, the maiden names are supplied in parentheses (  ) when it is obvious from the context of the obituary (ex., daughter is Mrs. Mary Jones), or in brackets [  ] when the person posting the obituary has independent knowledge of the woman's maiden name.  Married women (ex. Mrs. Luke Schaefer) will be listed in the index under both married and maiden names whenever possible.  When a woman's maiden name is unknown, but it is apparent that the name shown is her married name, a blank maiden name may be supplied such as (--).  


Persons are indexed by their name, not by their titles such as Mrs., Rev., and Sister.  The titles are at the end of the index entry.


An asterisk  *  after a name in the index indicates a person for whom there is an obituary.


By clicking on any name in the index, you will be taken to the beginning of the obituary in which the name occurs.  [Hint:  If you hold your cursor over a name in the index, you may see at the bottom of the screen, whose obituary the name is mentioned in.  At least this works for Internet Explorer and Netscape users.]  Sometimes the same person is mentioned in two obituaries.  That results in two entries in the index for that person, with each entry taking you to a different obituary.  I have tried to make this index the most useful that I could make it.


The place of death will be stated at the end of the obituary if this fact is mentioned in the obituary or if the person submitting the obituary has independent knowledge of the place.


For 1881-1950, the NYS Archives in Albany has microfiche on which the place of death can be checked.


(The flowers on the border are Forget-Me-Nots.)




Ambridge, Ambrose

Ambridge, Beardsley
Ambridge, Charles

Ambridge, Charles
Ambridge, Charles
Ambridge, Edward

Ambridge, Edward
Ambridge, Edward
Ambridge, Harriett, Mrs.  *
Ambridge, Harriett ( Richards)
Ambridge, Jack
Ambridge, James

Ambridge, John

Ambridge, John F.  *
Ambridge, Melvin

Ambridge, Nelson  *
Ambridge, Nelson

Ambridge, Nelson
Ambridge, Nelson 
Ambridge, Nelson
Ambridge, Nelson
Ambridge, Raymond Edward  *
Ambridge, Thomas
Ambridge, Thomas

Ambridge, Thomas
Ambridge, Walter

Ambridge, William
Ambridge, William

Ambridge, William
Baum, W[illiam] M., Rev., D.D. 
Baum, William M., Rev.
Bellinger, E. W., Mr. 
Christie, Anna F.
Devendorf, Henry X., Captain  *
Fox, Donald N.
Fox, Florence B.
Garlock, Edith
Garlock, Elijah
Garlock, Hester A.  *
Garlock, Rebecca ( Visscher)
Gray, Catherine (Paris)

Gray, Earl

Gray, Edward

Gray, Ella ( Rockwell)

Gray, John F.  *
Gray, Roscoe

Grimshaw, Almeda ( Ambridge)
Grimshaw, William, Mrs.

Hamilton, C. R., Rev.
Hoffman, J[ohn] M[ichael], Mrs.

Hoffman, Mariah ( Ambridge)

Hull, Mary J.
Kirby, Frances, Mrs.
Peters, Joseph D., Rev. 

Schoch, W. F., Judge
St. John, John P., Governor 
Vosburgh, Catherine Mary ( Ambridge)
Vosburgh, Henrietta, Mrs.
Vosburgh, Jacob, Mrs.

Walker, Rachael

Walvoord, C. H., Rev.
Wells, Ambrose  *
Wells, Frank
Wells, Sarah ( Ambridge)





     Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells died Saturday morning of pneumonia, aged 3 months and 19 days.  The funeral was held from the house Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Joseph D. Peters officiating. Interment in Canajoharie Falls cemetery.  (Note:  Mrs. Frank Wells = [ Sarah Ambridge Wells]) 
(From Nelson Ambridge)

     Nelson Ambridge died Thursday afternoon at his home in Palatine Bridge after a somewhat protracted illness with cancer of the stomach.  The deceased was 67 years of age and until about seven years ago resided in this village.  He was a blacksmith by trade and for a number of years was employed in the Shaper and Mohawk Valley stone quarries.  He was well known about here and leaves a large family, including a widow, one daughter, Mrs. Jacob Vosburgh of Utica and six sons, Thomas, John, William, Charles, Edward and Nelson.  There are also three brothers, Ambrose, Melvin and James, and two sisters, Mrs. J. M. Hoffman and Mrs. William Grimshaw.  

     The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon from the house.  Rev. W. M. Baum, D. D., officiating.  Interment in Prospect Hill cemetery.  (Note:  Mrs. Jacob Vosburgh = [Catherine Mary Ambridge Vosburgh] / Mrs. J[ohn] M[ichael] Hoffman = [Mariah Ambridge Hoffman] /
Mrs. William Grimshaw = [Almeda Ambridge Grimshaw] / Rev. W[illiam] M. Baum, D.D.)  (From Nelson Ambridge)

     Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley Ambridge, aged seven weeks, died Monday at 7:45 a.m.  Besides the parents, one brother Walter survives.  The funeral will be held on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in Sts. Peter and Paul's church.  (From Nelson Ambridge)

     Captain Henry X. Devendorf, who has been a resident of Topeka, Kas., since 1879, and has been prominent in Grand Army circles, died at his home in that city last week.  His death followed an illness extending over several weeks, but which did not reach the acute stage until three weeks ago, when he was forced to give up his work.  He was 75 years old and a former resident of this community.
     Captain Devendorf enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifteenth regiment of New York volunteers and served through the Civil war.  After going to Kansas he served as private secretary to Governor John P. St. John and also served as adjutant general of the Grand Army in Kansas.  He was a charter member of Lincoln Post.  He has been connected with the office of Probate Judge W. F. Schoch since January 9, 1909.
     Captain Devendorf is survived by a widow, four daughters and a son, and two sisters, Mrs. Frances Kirby, who is now in Chicago, and Mrs. Henrietta Vosburgh of New York.  (Note:  Died at Topeka, Kansas)  (From Nelson Ambridge)

     Fort Plain, Jan. 10-Mrs. Harriet Ambridge, aged 81 years, widow of Nelson Ambridge, lifelong resident of Canajoharie, died at 11:55 o'clock on Tuesday morning at the home of his son, Charles Ambridge, on Hancock street.  She was born in Hammersmith, England, Sept. 20, 1847, and came to America at the age of seven years.  She was a resident of Canajoharie for the past 60 years.  Mrs. Ambridge is survived by six sons, Charles and Nelson of Fort Plain, Jack, William, Edward and Thomas of Canajoharie; 23 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren and a niece, Rachael Walker, of Port Hope, Canada. The funeral will be held at the home of her son, Charles Ambridge, on Hancock street, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the Rev. William M. Baum, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church of Canajoharie, officiating. The burial will be made in the Canajoharie Falls cemetery.  

(From Nelson Ambridge)

     Fort Plain--John F. Gray, 58, died at his home in the Town of Palatine last night.
     He was born Dec. 13, 1874, in Stone Arabia, the son of the Edward and Catherine Paris Gray.  He was a carpenter by trade.
     He is survived by his widow, the former Ella Rockwell, and two brothers, Earl of Fonda, and Roscoe of the Town of Palatine.  (
From Nelson Ambridge)


     John F. Ambridge, 72, of the Town of Palatine, died early Monday morning at Frankfort, where he was visiting.  He was born on March 16, 1872, in the Town of Canajoharie, the son of Nelson and Harriet Richards Ambridge.
     He is survived by five brothers, Charles and William of Fort Plain, Thomas and Edward of the Town of Palatine, and Nelson of St. Johnsville, also several nieces and nephews. 
     The funeral was held at the Gray Funeral Home, Fort Plain, on Wednesday at 2 p.m. with Rev. C. R. Hamilton officiating.  Burial was in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Canajoharie.  (Note:  Died in Frankfort.) 
(From Nelson Ambridge)

     Early on the morning of August 4th, 1944, Miss Hester E. Garlock, 85, life long resident of the Mohawk valley, daughter of Elijah and Rebecca Visscher Garlock, entered into rest at the home of her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bellinger, of Prospect Hill, Fort Plain, with whom she had made her home for the past seven years.
     She was born on February 7, 1859, in the Town of Canajoharie; was a life long member of the Canajoharie Reformed Church and a member of its various societies until impaired health ended that pleasure.
     Besides the two members of her family mentioned above, she is survived by two nieces, Mrs. Florence B. Fox and Mrs. Anna F. Christie of Utica; a nephew, Donald N. Fox, of Schenectady; a niece, Edith Garlock, of Schenectady, and a cousin, Mary J. Hull of Ithaca.
     Funeral services were held at 2:30 at the Houghtaling Funeral Home in Canajoharie. Rev. C. H. Walvoord of her church officiating.  Interment in Canajoharie Prospect Hill Cemetery.  (Note:  Died at Fort Plain) 
(From Nelson Ambridge)



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