47 Revolutionary War Soldiers of
Columbia Co., NY
Cliff Lamere 27 Jul 2001
Source: Revolutionary War Soldiers, Columbia Co., NY
found in "D.A.R. New York - Cemetery Church & Town Records"
Volume 47:93-94. Copied by the Astenrogen Chapter.
Comments in square brackets [ ] are mine.
Allen, Joseph Ball, William Barnes, Joel Basset, John Beebe, John Beebe, Martin Birge, Hosea Boughton, Timothy Brandt, John Christian A. Bull, John Butler, Ezekiel Clapper, John Coon, Samuel Cornelius, John Foster, Paria? Daria? Gillett, Moses Hand, Jonathan Haner, Jacob Horton, Joseph Horton, Michael Hoysradt, Henry A. Hubbell, William Gaylord Johnson, Richard Jordan, William Kittle, John McArthur, John N. Mellen, James Miller, Jeremiah C. Mitchell, Stephen Parsons, David Park, Ezra Peirce, Thomas Rockefeller, Teil [prob. the same as Diehl. It would sound the same in German.] Rouse, John Rowe, Matthias Shufelt, John I. Skinner, Israel Sonn, Thomas Squier, Ephraim Stewart, Solomon W. Ven Der Burgh, Henry Van Hoesen, Garret Varney, John Weed, Elnathan [could this be L. Nathan Weed?] Wentworth, Daniel Whitbeck, John White, James
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