Cliff Lamere Albany, NY
Military Records
Last updated 26 Jun 2006
Broken links fixed 6 Jun 2016
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Military Historic Maps 1763-1967 (utexas) Go halfway down to see the list.
Maps of National Historic Sites, Memorials, Military Parks and Battlefields (utexas)
Revolutionary War Documents (revwar)
Flags of the American Revolution (scvtx) Very interesting.
Uniforms of the American Revolution (walika) Click on Colonial Uniforms. Click on any line. Nice images.
The Battle of Lake Champlain (Stephen Ray) Year not stated.
Civil War Battles for Every State in Which They Occurred
Civil War Archive - History and Battles of Union Regiments of NY (civilwararchive) Information about
hundreds of units.
US Map of the National Distribution of 384 Civil War Battlefields
1840 US Census - Military Pensioners, Revolutionary War and Later (Kathy Leigh) Has a search engine.
Confederate Soldiers Killed in the First and Second Battles of Manassas (USGenWeb) None from NY.
Bureau Of Land Management (US Dept. of Interior) Search for ancestors who went west.
Many Battle Maps from Various Wars (utexas)
Vietnam Casualty Search Page (
Veterans Buried in National Cemeteries - Search Engine (Veteran's Administration) Includes wives and minor
children. Millions of entries, but not yet complete.
1700 - Militia Officers in Province of New York (Genealogy Quest) Includes Albany and Schenectady.
1758 List of English Prisoners Delivered to Col. Schuyler (Lou D. MacWethy)
1792-1795 New York Revolutionary War Pension Lists (Debby Masterson)
1801-1815 Index to New York Revolutionary War Invalid Pension Records (Debby Masterson)
NY Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients (Sue Greenhagen)
Index to NY Colonial Muster Rolls 1673-1775 - Troops Who Enlisted in Albany Co. (Fletcher Blanchard
/NYGenWeb) From a time when Albany Co. contained all, or most, of the counties covered in this website.
Loyalists in the military (On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies)
New York Civil War Soldiers Buried in National Cemeteries (NYGenWeb)
New York Civil War Soldiers Buried in National Cemeteries (Debby Masterson)
New York Civil War Soldiers Buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D.C. (Lance Ingmire)
Some of these soldiers came from the counties covered by this website. The cemetery's new name is
Soldiers Home National Cemetery. Click HERE for a list of just NY soldiers buried there.
New York Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients (NYGenWeb)
5th NY Volunteer Infantry - Duryee's Zouaves - Roster 1861-1863 (zouave) From Manhatten.
5th NY Volunteer Infantry - Duryee's Zouaves - Civil War Photos (zouave)
Area Soldiers Who Fought with Custer at Little Bighorn (Cliff
Lamere) 26 men.
New York Casualties in World War II (accessgenealogy) Select the county of interest.
Roster of 2nd New York Volunteer Infantry in Spanish American War (
NY Militia, 8th Regiment, Albany, New York (Jeff Scism/USGenWeb)
Roster of the 24th NY Independent Battery, formerly the Rocket Battalion, Company B. (Conrad Bush)
Many of these men enlisted at Albany.
Albany Rural Cemetery - Soldiers' Lot (interment) 70 burials.
War Soldiers of Columbia Co., NY (47) (Cliff
Revolutionary War Pensions (53) (Donald E. Lampson and others)
10th Albany Militia Regiment 1777-1781 - Livingston Manor & Germantown (Don Lampson)
Civil War Enlistees from Hillsdale (Susan Mulvey)
Civil War Soldiers from Stuyvesant (Franklin Ellis)
Revolutionary War,
War of 1812, Civil War, World War I (nygreen2)
Revolutionary War Continental 11th Regiment Militia of Albany Co. (from Coxsackie) (USGenWeb)
Alphabet letters F-Z only. Land Bounty Rights.
Greene County Men in the Civil War (Doug Thomsen) Long list by regiment.
Application of Richard Flansburgh (1832) (Darin
Flansburg) Served in Revolutionary War.
Military Lists including Rev. War Pension Applications (NYGenWeb) Large number of files.
Loyalist Troops in the Mohawk Valley
(Gregory F. Ketcham)
Tryon County Militia - 1st Regiment - Col. Samuel Campbell (Rev. War) (Lou D. MacWethy)
Tryon County Militia - 1st
Regiment (Judy Dolanski)
Tryon County
Militia - 2nd Regiment
- Col. Jacob Klock's Regiment (Rev. War) (Lou D. MacWethy)
Tryon County Militia - 3rd Regiment - Col. Frederick Fisher (Rev. War) (Lou D. MacWethy)
Tryon County Militia - 3rd Regiment (Joan Veeder)
Tryon County Militia - 4th Regiment (Stan Shaut)
Tryon County Militia - 4th Regiment - Col. Peter Bellinger (Rev. War) (Lou D. MacWethy)
References that pertain to the List of the 4th Regiment (previous link) (Lou D. MacWethy)
Tryon County Rangers and Men Exempt From Duty Except in Emergencies (Lou D. MacWethy)
Tryon County Militia - Roster of the Rangers (Tamara Wilkinson)
Names of Militiamen in French and Indian War Before Revolution (H. W. Hess)
Military Lists including Rev. War Pension Applications (NYGenWeb) Large number of files.
Troy - Civil War Deaths Mentioned on 1865 NY Census (Pat Connors)
Rensselaer Co. Soldiers and Sailors - Revolutionary War to Vietnam (about 15 files) (Debby Masterson)
Revolutionary War Pension File - William Sweet (Beverly Schonewolf)
Civil War Rosters for 2nd, 125th and 169th Regiments - 28 Companies (Army List, 1861-1865)
(Debby Masterson)
Military Lists for Rev. War to Civil War (Debby Masterson) Contains many lists of people (click on the locality
name). Look at each Town. Be aware that the local histories quoted in these files almost always mean
"Town of" when it only says something like Lansingburgh. It does not refer to the village or city of that
name unless it specifically says so. To access, click HERE.
Revolutionary War Pension of Job Albro (Paula Naujalis)
Participants of the Battles of Saratoga (Frank Goodway)
Town Clerks' Registers of Civil War Veterans - Saratoga Co. (Mr. Lynn Calvin)
Index of Saratoga County Civil War Veterans (Lynn Calvin)
Military Service of Schenectady
Co. Residents (all wars) (Schenectady Co. Public Library)
Schenectady's Revolutionary War Veterans (Schenectady Co. Public Library) Over 700 veterans listed,
some with lengthy write-ups.
91st NY Infantry - Civil War Roster (Matthew Porter /NYGenWeb)
Albany & Easern New York Genealogy (HOME)
since 17 Nov 2003