Some Ostranders Recorded in New York State
by Cliff Lamere 18 Aug 2004, revised 21 Aug 2004
I omitted nothing that was in the transcription, but the information may have been reorganized to fit on a single line. All retyped records below have been proofread for accuracy. Comments in [ ] are my own.
Baptism records - these are arranged by date of birth. When that is lacking, the baptism date is used. It was not possible to arrange the baptisms by the name of the Ostrander, because some had as many as three Ostranders named. To be consistent, I listed the marriages chronologically also.
The records below are for the following counties in New York: Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer, Greene and Jefferson.
Many of
these records extend beyond the right edge of the screen. Every record
ends with a reference to a source such as RPTB:54 (book abbreviation and page
number) or a comment. Scroll right to see the full record (you can
use the horizontal scroll bar near the bottom of the screen or the right arrow
See list of sources at the bottom of this webpage.
* When an asterisk appears at the end of a date shown below, it means that in the church register there was no date attached to the baptism or marriage. The record is one or more lines below a record which is dated. Researchers commonly assume that the undated event took place on the same day as the record above it that has a date. That is a dangerous assumption, because it is not always true. Records listed below with a * have dates which I consider to be uncertain. For example, the Bethlehem Reformed records on occasion list children who are known to have been born after the previous recorded baptism date. This means that the pastor forgot to record the date of the new baptism(s). I don't know if the same happened with some marriages.
I know of a Gardenier marriage that was recorded by a Reformed Church pastor in registers of both churches he serviced, one with a date and one without. Genealogists have assumed that the one without a date occurred on the same day as two other marriages, because it was the second undated marriage below a dated marriage. However, the church register in the other church proves that the marriage actually occurred over two months later, and in the following year.
To help you decide how reliable the dates below might be, I have listed the number of records which seem to be associated with a date, and what position the particular record has relative to the date. 2/3 would mean the second baptism or marriage in a series of three.
Why might there be no date attached to some records? The possibilities include the following.
The minister or clerk may have recorded the date for only the first marriage or baptism that occurred on that day. The date was meant to apply to all following baptisms/marriages until a new date was written. However, the minister or clerk might have forgotten to record the date for the next event. Another reason could be that a minister might perform a marriage or baptism outside the church and then forgot to record the event until much later, by which time the date was no longer known to him.
Sometimes, a minister serviced more than one church. He might have had contracts with two churches with small congregations, neither of which alone could afford to pay a living wage for a pastor. The one which provided him with living quarters is the one he would consider to be his home church. Or, he might have serviced primarily one church while appearing periodically at a church which temporarily had no pastor.
In either case, he might 1) record all baptisms and marriages in the registers of the church where the event took place, 2) record all events in his home registers, 3) record all events in both registers (as happened with the Gardenier marriage mentioned above), 4) be inconsistent about where the events were recorded. One factor to consider is that the registers at the 'away' church may not have been available to him on the day of his visit, while at other times they were. An important factor is that the pastor may have wanted a single record of all baptisms and marriages he performed. That could mean keeping a separate, personal record, or it might just mean that he would record everything at his home church. This pastor might also record the events at the 'away' church as well.
In New Netherland and early New York, churches were often a long distance from a farmer's land. Travelling pastors/dominies often performed marriages and baptisms at places which had no church, and might not even have had a locality name. These events were recorded in the register at the pastor's church a long distance away. Genealogists usually assume the baptism or marriage occurred in the church and they state that their ancestor lived in the community in which the church was built. Even today, people travel to have their child baptized near the home of a relative who will be its godparent. It is never safe to assume that the child lived in the same community as the church. Churches were built in large communities, but a great number of people, especially farmers, lived outside the community.
Born Baptized Father Mother Child Witnesses (Sponsors) Church Source Comment --- 1761 Aug 15 Hendrick Oostrander Lisabeth Shoefeld Maria Luycas Hoes, wife Lybetje Huyk Kinderhook Ref. KRB:43 --- 1768 Oct 23 Coenrad Sluyter Cathrina Oostrander Maria Cornelis Sluyter, Rachel Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:58 --- 1768 Dec 4 Willem Oostrander Elsje van Pelt Cornelia Pieter Van Pelt, Cornelia Van Pelt Kinderhook Ref. KRB:59 --- 1769 Nov 5 Jacob Roos Annatje Keter Willem Teunis Rypenberg, & wife Grietje Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:61 --- 1770 Oct 28 Coenrad Sluyter Cathrina Oostrander Annatje Daniel Lits, & wife Annatje Sluyter Kinderhook Ref. KRB:65 --- 1771 Feb 10 Petrus Philip Anna Graet Annatje Johannes Philip, & wife Annatje Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:66 --- 1771 Feb 24 Willem Oostrander Elsje van Pelt Rachel Samuel van Pelt, Engeltje van Pelt Kinderhook Ref. KRB:66 --- 1771 Aug 18 Isaac V. Valkenburgh Annatje V. Oostrander Cornelis Andries Oostrander, Geertruy Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:67 --- 1771 Oct 13 Wilhelmus Oostrander Elisabeth Graet Jacobus Jacobus Oostrander, wife Margrietje Heermanse Kinderhook Ref. KRB:68 --- 1773 Feb 7 Johannes Philip Antje Oostrander Annatje Velten Lant, wife Lisabeth Philip Kinderhook Ref. KRB:72 --- 1773 Apr 11 John Morris Rebecca Bloemendal Geertruy Arent Oostrander, & wife Geertruy Holzapple Kinderhook Ref. KRB:73 --- 1773 Feb 7 Johannes Philip Antje Oostrander Margrieta Philip Oostrander, Jannetje Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:73 --- 1773 Aug 15 Johannes Friend Lisabeth Coeper Geertruy Andries Oostrander, Geertruy Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:74 --- 1773 Nov 7 Arent Oostrander Lisabeth Wilson Jannetje Andries Oostrander, Geertruy Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:75 --- 1774 Feb 27 Wilhelmus Oostrander Lisabeth Graet Lisabeth Petrus Graet, Jannetje Graet Kinderhook Ref. KRB:76 --- 1774 May 23 Isaac Van Valckenburgh Annatje Oostrander Jacob Jacob P. Van Valckenburgh, Cathrina Van Valckenburgh Kinderhook Ref. KRB:77 --- 1774 Jun 26 Jacob Philip Cathrina Oostrander Anna Wilhelmus Philip, Anna Philip Kinderhook Ref. KRB:78 --- 1774 Aug 7 Andries Wilson Geertruy Oostrander Hugh John Wilson, & wife Marytje Bratt Kinderhook Ref. KRB:78 --- 1775 Mar 12 Jurry Adam Smith Marytje Wilson Annatje Arent Oostrander, & wife Lisabeth Wilson Kinderhook Ref. KRB:80 --- 1775 May 28 Johannes Philip Antje Oostrander Petrus Petrus Philip, wife Anna Graet Kinderhook Ref. KRB:81 --- 1775 Oct 8 Arent Oostrander Lisabeth Wilson Annatje Jurry Adam Smith, wife Marytje Wilson Kinderhook Ref. KRB:83 --- 1775 Dec 10 Jacob Rysdorf Magdalena Philip Jacobus Jacob Philip, & wife Cathrina Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:83 --- 1775 Dec 10 Jacob Rysdorf Magdalena Philip Johannes Johannes Philip, & wife Antje Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:83 --- 1776 May 25 Philip Oostrander Annatje Philip Maria Wilhelmus Philip, Marytje Philip Kinderhook Ref. KRB:86 --- 1776 Oct 20 Isaac V: Valkenburgh Annatje Oostrander Bata Pieter V: Valkenburgh, Maria Goes Kinderhook Ref. KRB:87 --- 1776 Oct 20 Isaac V: Valkenburgh Annatje Oostrander Jannetje Arent Oostrander, Jannetje Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:87 --- 1778 Aug 16 Robert van Deursen Maria Oostrander Cornelis Stephanus van Alen, & wife Engelje Witbeck Kinderhook Ref. KRB:91 --- 1779 Dec 5 Jeronimus Volmsby Elizabet Witbeek Jonathan Jonathan Witbeek, & wife Geritje Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:97 --- 1779 Dec 26 Jakob Sluyter Anna Woodcock David Johannes Van Oostrander, & wife Johanna Touwshend Kinderhook Ref. KRB:97 --- 1780 Jun 18 Isaac P: Van Valkenburg Anna Oostrander Geertruy Abraham Vosburg, Anna Van Aalen, sing[le] Kinderhook Ref. KRB:100 --- 1780 Jul 29 Aaron Oostrander Maria Buchanan Catharina Andries Oostrander, & wife Catharina Van Valkenburg Kinderhook Ref. KRB:100 --- 1780 Aug 20 Andries Wilson Geertruy Oostrander Annatje Dirk Wilson, & wife Maayke Huyk Kinderhook Ref. KRB:100 --- 1781 Dec 9 Aaron Van Oostrander Maria Buchanon Cornelis Andries Wilson, Geertruy Van Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:105 --- 1782 May 5 Dirk Wilson Maayke Huyk Joachim Arent Oostrander, & wife Mary Kinderhook Ref. KRB:107 --- 1782 Nov 17 Andries Oostrander Catharina Van Valkenburg Cornelis Andries Wilson, & wife Geertruy Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:110 --- 1783 Jun 29 Aaron Oostrander Mary Buchanan Eliezabet Dirk Wilson, & wife Maayke Huyk Kinderhook Ref. KRB:113 --- 1783 Nov 9 Joseph Schot Cornelia Oosterhout Hendrik Hendrik Oostrander, Eliezabet Voland, sing[le] Kinderhook Ref. KRB:115 --- 1784 Jun 13 Andries Wilson Geertruy Oostrander Andries Aron Oostrander, & wife Margarieta Buchanan Kinderhook Ref. KRB:117 --- 1785 Feb 20 Dirk Wilson Maayke Huyk Hugh Andries Wilson, & wife Geertruy Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:121 --- 1786 Jun 4 Isaac P. Van Valkenburg Annatje Oostrander Hendrikus Teunis Van Alen, Ida Goes, sing[le] Kinderhook Ref. KRB:128 --- 1786 Sep 14 Arent Oostrander Maria Buchanon Pieter, twin Isaac P. Van Valkenburg, & wife Annatje Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:129 --- 1786 Sep 14 Arent Oostrander Maria Buchanon Annatje, twin Isaac P. Van Valkenburg, & wife Annatje Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:129 (1792) Dec 28 1793 Feb 3 Cornelius Van Valkenburg Batje Legget Annatje Isaac P. Van Valkenburg, Annatje Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:154 (1794) Nov 20 1795 Feb 22 Andrias Wilson Gerthruy Ostrander Jannetje parents Kinderhook Ref. KRB:164 (1795) Aug 3 1796 Jan 18 David Mellen Jane Ostrander Elisabeth wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:168 1796 May 14 --- Henry Ostrander Elizabeth Brandow Peter wit.: none Prattsville Ref. ACGC:136 1797 Jan 10 1797 Feb 17 Jacob Miesick Catharine Ostrander Maria wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:174 1798 Nov 25 1798 Dec 23 Jacob Philip Mary Ostrander Catharine Aaron Tipple, Catharine Philip Kinderhook Ref. KRB:184 1799 May 3 --- Henry Ostrander Elizabeth Brandow Margrit wit.: none Prattsville Ref. ACGC:136 1800 Aug 5 1800 Aug 31 John L. Shever Catharine Philips Jacob Jacob Philips, Mary Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:192 1801 Oct 11 1801 Nov 8 George Kilmore Tyntie Ostrander Maritie wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:12 1802 Mar 10 --- Henry Ostrander Elizabeth Brandow Dolly Robard Van Husen Prattsville Ref. ACGC:138 1802 May 1 1802 Jun 6 Jacob Philip Maria Ostrander Anna Maria Peter Kruislaer, Margaret Philip Kinderhook Ref. KRB:200 1803 May 26 1803 Jun 19 Jacob Ostrander Nancy Heddick John wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:19 1804 Jul 5 --- Henry G. Ostrander Elizabeth Brandow Ginny wit.: none Prattsville Ref. ACGC:137 1804 Sep 1 --- Jacob A. Phillip Maria Ostrander Jacobus Philip Ostrander, Margaret Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRB:209 1806 Feb 8 --- Henry Ostrander Elizabeth Brandow Cornelius wit.: none Prattsville Ref. ACGC:143 1806 Sep 24 1806 Nov 16 *3/5 George Killmore Cathalintye Vn. Ostrander John wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:23 1807 Apr 17 1807 Mar 8 *6/8 William Killmore Sarah Ostrander Sally wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:24 1810 May 29 1810 Jun 12 William Kilmer Sarah Ostrander Hannah Catharine wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:29 1811 Feb 14 1811 Mar 31 Jacob Ostrander Nancy Haddock Christina wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:31 1811 Dec 24 1812 Mar 8 *3/4 wife of Abr. McHarg Polly Kilmer Mary Ann Willm. Thomson Kilmer, & wife Sarah Ostrander Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:33 [husband prob. not present] 1813 Aug 26 1813 Sep 26 *2/2 Jacob Ostrander Nancy Haddock William wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:36 1814 Jan 9 1814 Feb 20 *3/3 Geo: Kilmer Tiney Ostrander Harrietta wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:37 1816 Mar 14 1816 May 5 William Van Alstyne Maria Ostrander Maria wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:248 (1818) May 22 1819 Jan 5 William Van Alstyne Mary Ostrander Catharine wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:255 1820 Feb 5 1820 Feb 18 Jacob Ostrander Nancy Haddock Rachel wit.: none Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:44 1821 Jan 4 1821 Mar 14 William Van Alstyne Mary Ostrander Thomas wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:261 1823 Aug 4 1823 Sep 21 William Van Alstyne Mary Ostrander Harriet wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:270 --- 1826 Jul 29 William Van Alstyne Mary Ostrander Albertine wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:277 1828 Jul 12 1828 Oct 15 William Van Alstyne Maria Ostrander Robert wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:280 1830 Feb 10 1830 Sep 22 William Van Alstyne Maria Ostrander Eleanor wit.: none Kinderhook Ref. KRB:284 Married Groom Bride Church Source Remarks 1771 Mar 5 Hendrick Oostrander Mary Van den Bergh Kinderhook Ref. KRM:4 [Hendrick] Albany Co., farmer / [Mary] Albany Co., spinster 1771 (Oct) 26 Johannes Oostrander Maria Van Deusen Kinderhook Ref. KRM:6 [Johannes] jm, b Rhinebeck, liv Rensselaerwyck / [Maria] jd, b. Rhinebeck, liv Rensselaerwyck 1771 Dec 9 Arent Oostrander Geertruy Holzappel Kinderhook Ref. KRM:6 1773 Jan 5 Jacob Philip jr Catherine Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRM:7 [Jacob] Albany Co., shopkeeper / [Catherine] Albany Co., spinster 1774 Apr 24 Cornelis Sluyter Lydia Oostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRM:8 [Cornelis] jm, b Stissing, liv Rensselaerwyck / [Lydia] jd, b Nine Partners, liv Rensselaerwyck 1779 Dec 22 Aarent Oostrande Mary Bukannon Kinderhook Ref. KRM:12 1794 Dec 14 Aaron Reed Catrina Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRM:24 1805 Oct 9 Adam Ostrander Catharine Cole Kinderhook Ref. KRM:30 1806 Jan 9 Aaron Johnson Sarah Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRM:31 1813 Sep 19 Abraham Ostrander Polly Witbeck Kinderhook Ref. KRM:34 1819 Feb 4 John Gardenier Catharine Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRM:38 1824 Apr 7 *3/3 James Ostrander Ann Eliza Marshal Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:78 1824 Dec 12 Wessel Ten Broeck Eunice Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRM:42 1825 Dec 1 James Ostrander Rebecca Hall Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:80 1826 Oct 16 Marcus L. Soop Mary Ann Ostrander Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:80 1827 Feb 10 Philip Goedemoet Eliza Ostrander Kinderhook Ref. KRM:43 1835 Nov 21 Peter Ostrander Christina Goodemote Kinderhook Ref. KRM:46 Church Member Date Received by Church Source Tyntje Ostrander, wife of George Kilmore 1801 Aug 27 confession of faith Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:109 William Cillmore & wife Sarah Ostrander 1805 Jul 27 certificate Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:110 George Kilmer [husb. of Tyntje Ostrander?] 1808 Oct 28 confession of faith Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:111 Jacob Ostrander 1822 Jun 22 --- Bethlehem Ref. RPTB:114 Died Age/Born Name Cemetery Location Source Comment 1811 Jun 25 27 yrs. James S. Ostrander Sandy Loam Cem. Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY DARC1/1:143 1829 Jul 21 57-3-10 William Kilmer Elmwood Rural Cem. near Selkirk, Albany Co., NY RPTB:197 1836 Oct 27 31-9-5 Ann Kilmer Elmwood Rural Cem. near Selkirk, Albany Co., NY RPTB:197 dau. of Christina [Ostrander] 1844 Feb 29 69-9-__ George Kilmer Elmwood Rural Cem. near Selkirk, Albany Co., NY RPTB:197 1847 May 7 1-4-4 Clifford J. Ostrander Sandy Loam Cem. Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY DARC1/1:143 son of William & Charlotte 1847 Dec 23 31-1-15 Charlotte E. Ostrander Sandy Loam Cem. Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY DARC1/1:143 wife of William [Ostrander] 1851 Mar 4 44-10-__ William Ostrander Sandy Loam Cem. Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY DARC1/1:143 1852 Aug 17 6-5-__ Enos Ostrander Brownsville Cem. Brownville Twp., Jefferson Co., NY DARC1/1:84 son of G.H. & Polly [Ostrander] 1859 Aug 18 87-4-__ Sarah Ostrander Elmwood Rural Cem. near Selkirk, Albany Co., NY RPTB:197 wife of William Kilmer 1861 Sep 14 87-10-14 Christina [Tyntje "Tiney" Ostrander] Elmwood Rural Cem. near Selkirk, Albany Co., NY RPTB:197 wife of George Kilmer 1863 Jan 8 24-5-17 Almira Ostrander Sandy Loam Cem. Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY DARC1/1:143 dau. of William & Charlotte 1863 Jan 21 1-2-__ Della Ruet Ostrander Sandy Loam Cem. Pamelia Twp., Jefferson Co., NY DARC1/1:143 dau. of William & A.D. [Ostrander] Census Name Results Source 1800 George Killmore [& Tyntje Ostrander] 10010 / 10010 0 0 RPTB:287 1810 Geo. Kilmore [& Tyntje Ostrander] 10110 / 22210 0 1 RPTB:293 1820 George Kilmore [& Tyntje Ostrander] 010001 / 10210 0200 RPTB:308 1820 William Ostrander 210010 / 21010 0100 RPTB:311 1830 George Killmore [& Tyntje Ostrander] 0000 1001 0000 / 0001 2001 000 0 RPTB:338 1840 George Kilmore [& Tyntje Ostrander] 0100 1100 1000 / 1010 0100 100 0 RPTB:347
1811 Jun 20, "laying out a private road through the lands of George Kilmer
Marcus Lasher Elias Osterhout." RPTB:233
Betty Van Ostrande. [Her house was no. 9 on 1767 Map of Renselaerwick
Manor (by Jno R. Bleeker), on
west side of the [Hudson] river, living within the Manor.] RPTB:263
"... the first Dutch family known to have settled in the immediate vicinity of present Nassau village was that of Aaron Ostrander, who seems to have arrived in 1780 or 1781. He had been married in February, 1772, to Elizabeth Wilson, living "near Kinderhook." His name does not appear in the 1779 tax list for the Nassau area, but in 1784 he finally received the unusually high sum of £3.10.7 for his services in Captain Woodworth's company. Ostrander's farm extended east from the present village limits, on the south side of Route 20, almost as far as the small pond and swamp below Meschodack Hill. His farm also included all of the high, bald hill just southeast of the present village limits, where there are hayfields today." EHNV:9
"Slave holders at New Stores in 1790 included Thomas Tobias and Aaron Ostrander." EHNV:13 [New Stores was early name for Nassau]
"OSTRANDER: Arent Ostrander was born in Dutchess Co., N.Y. about 1750, son of Cornelius and Janetje Hermance Ostrander, of Rhinebeck Flats, and came early to the Nassau area where he subsequently owned a great deal of land mainly just south of the village. It seems likely that he came from Kinderhook and that he is the Arent Ostrander who married Elizabeth Wilson, 29 February 1772, in Kinderhook. His sister, Geertje Ostrander, baptised in 1752, married Andries Wilson, brother to Elizabeth. Arent and Elizabeth Ostrander had two daughters, but little else is known of him." EHNV:24
"Hugh and Ann [Wilson] were the parents of seven children... Elizabeth (c1754- ) mar. Arent Ostrander, and [she] was also of Philipstown." EHNV:29
"OSTRANDER, AARON W. of Mellenville, b. 1812 (m. 1837 Amanda M. Dennis of Ghent); son of William A. of Ghent, b. 1788, d. 1848; son of Aaron of Ghent." AA:90
"OSTRANDER, CHARLES WARD and FRANK LYLE of Hudson; sons of EDGAR OSTRANDER of Ghent, b. 1838 (m. Celia Sagendorph); son of JOHN M. OSTRANDER of Ghent, b. 1810 (m. 1st, Catharine Van Hoesen, 2nd, Lucy Niles, 3rd Eliza Mesick); son of Peter of Ghent b. 1784 or 5, d. 1857 (m. 1st, Maria Mesick, 2nd, Elizabeth Van Hoesen); son of Henry of Ghent (m. Maria Phillips), served in Rev. army." AA:90
"OSTRANDER, GEORGE Of Claverack, b. 1828 (m. 1856 Alvira Cummings of Ghent); son of Cornelius of Ghent, b. 1787, d. 1867 (m. 1807 Mary Van Hagen); son of Henry of Ghent, b. 1737, d. 1809 (m. 1763 Catharine Phillips of Mellenville)." AA:90
"OSTRANDER, GEORGE WALLACE, and ORPHEUS W. and ARNOT C. of Ghent; sons of DANIEL H. OSTRANDER of Ghent, b. 1830 (m. Frances J. Wallace); son of John W. of Red Hook, b. 1796, d. 1884 (m. Jemima Lewis); son of JOHN OSTRANDER, who came from Holland." AA:90
"OSTRANDER, WILLIAM H. of Claverack, b. 1823; son of George of Claverack, b. 1781, d. 1853 (m. Nellie Smith); son of Henry of Ghent, b. 1737, d. 1809 (m. 1763 Catharine Phillips of Mellenville)." AA:90
"Ostrander -- Pieter, lived in Albany about 1700 or earlier; married Rachel Dingmaas [sic], and they had a son, Petrus, baptised in Albany, February 6, 1709. Arent Ostrander married Gertrude Van Bloemendaal, and had a son, Petrus, baptised in Albany, October 7, 1700." CP:128
AA = "American Ancestry: Giving the Name and Descent, in the Male line, of Americans whose Ancestors Settled in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence, A.D. 1776, Vol. II (Local Series), Columbia County, State of New York, 1887" by Thomas P. Hughes. Published by Joel Munsell's Sons, 1887
Rensselaerville Presbyterian (or Congregational) Church 1794-1920, Baptisms
1794-1816, 1824-1879, 1881-1916
Rensselaerville Cemetery
Trinity Church Cemetery
Coeymans Reformed Church 1793-about 1840
Prattsville Church, Baptisms 1798-1831, Marriages 1833-1843
Cairo Presbyterian Church, Baptisms 1830-1868"
by Mrs. Jean D. Worden, 1993
CP = "Coeymans and the Past" by Edward D. Giddings. Pub. by the Tri-Centennial Committee of the Town of Coeymans, June 1973
DARC = "DAR Cemetery, Church and Town Records", Volume 1, Part 1 (1926)
EHNV = "The Early History of Nassau Village, 1609-1830, with Brief Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers" by Paul R. Huey and Ralph D. Phillips, 1969. 3rd edition by Nassau Free Library, Nassau, NY, 1996.
KRB = "Baptism Record of Kinderhook Reformed Church, Kinderhook, New York 1718-1899"
Transcribed and indexed by Arthur C.M. Kelly, December 1, 1985
KRM = "Marriage Record of Kinderhook Reformed Church, Kinderhook, New York 1717-1899"
Transcribed and indexed by Arthur C.M. Kelly, April 15, 1986
RPTB = "Records of the People of the Town of Bethlehem, Albany County New York, 1698-1880".
Edited by Florence Christoph and Peter R. Christoph. Bethlehem Historical Association, 1982.
Partial contents:
Bethlehem Reformed Church, Albany Co., NY [just north of Selkirk]
Baptisms 1794-1871
Marriages 1797-1871
Deaths 1865-1870
Membership 1795-1873
Albany & Eastern New York Genealogy (HOME)
Visit the website of the Ostrander Family Association.
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