Biographies Which Include People Who Were Born and/or Lived in Columbia Co., NY by Cliff Lamere Jan 2002
This is a somewhat unique webpage. It focuses as much attention on people who left the county and made their mark elsewhere as it does on people who remained in the county. Some families left to get some land and a better life in some other location. These people often don't appear in county records, or they appear as children and then disappear by the time they are adults. This webpage may help you find some missing relatives. Index - Every name in a biography is alphabetically indexed and a link is added to their name. If you hold your cursor over any name, the name of the person for whom the biography was written may appear somewhere near the bottom of your screen. By clicking on the indexed name, you will be taken to the beginning of the biography in which the name appears. ** = that person is the subject of a biography INDEX OF EVERY NAME (78 surnames, 362 names) Alger, Calista Bartlett, E. M. Bartlett, M. E. Beardslee, Caroline B. (Bristol) Beardslee, Nathan S. Beebe, Chloe Beeman, D.P. Beeman, Eliza (Harder) Berry, Ellen G. (Cady) Berry, Gardner Blair, Montgomery Bond, Linda (Goodemote) Bond, Warner Bradfield, Lydia Bristol, Abel Bristol, Abigail (Warner) Bristol, Adelia M. (Lockwood) Bristol, Albert G. ** Bristol, Albert M. Bristol, Belle B. Bristol, Benjamin Bristol, Benjamin Bristol, Benjamin Clifford Bristol, Benjamin F. Bristol, Benjamin F. Bristol, Benjamin F., Jr. Bristol, Caroline B. Bristol, Charles Bristol, Chloe Bristol, Clara A. Bristol, Corydon D. Bristol, Cyrus W. Bristol, Deborah Bristol, Eliphalet Bristol, Eliphalet, Jr. Bristol, Emma (Huntington) Bristol, Francis S. Bristol, Frank Bristol, Fred Bristol, Fred M. Bristol, George Bristol, George W. Bristol, Gertrude Bristol, Grace Bristol, Hannah Bristol, Harriet Bristol, Harry Bristol, Helen (Burdette) Bristol, Helen (Warner) Bristol, Henry Bristol, Henry R. Bristol, Horace Bristol, James Bristol, James L. Bristol, Jay Bristol, Jessie (Hallock) Bristol, Joel W. ** Bristol, Josiah Bristol, Lamira Bristol, Laura Bristol, Laura (Crocker) Bristol, Laura B. Bristol, Louis Bristol, Lucy Bristol, Lucy L. Bristol, Lydia Bristol, Margaret A. (Davis) Bristol, Martha (Stevens) Bristol, Martha (Stevens) Bristol, Martha J. (Jewett) Bristol, Martin F. Bristol, Martin H. Bristol, Mary Bristol, Mary (Stilson) Bristol, Mary E. Bristol, Mary E. (Merrill) Bristol, Millie J. Bristol, Minnie (Remington) Bristol, Miranda Bristol, Miranda (Lockwood) Bristol, Nellie (Williams) Bristol, Rebecca Bristol, Richard Bristol, Roie Bristol, Sarah Bristol, Sarah (Scovil) Bristol, Scovil Bristol, Theodore Bristol, William Bristol, William Bristol, William ** Bristol, William Bristol, William, Jr. Brownell, Mr. Burdette, Helen Cady, Arnold Cady, Cassius M. Cady, Chloe (Beebe) Cady, Ebenezer, Capt. Cady, Ebenezer S. ** Cady, Ellen G. Cady, Lucy A. Cady, Mary (Oyer) Cady, Maryette Cady, Sarah (Hunt) Cady, Sarah J. Cady, William S. Carr, Betsy Carr, Mercy Chase, Amanda M. Crippen, Benjamin Crippen, Deborah (Foote) Crippen, Lucy Crocker, Laura Davis, Joel Davis, Margaret A. Dedrick, Henrietta Doolittle, Corydon Doolittle, Laura (Bristol) Elmor, Talatha Foote, Deborah French, Newela French, Sarah J. (Cady) Fuller, Sarah A. Golden, Aurelia Goodemote, Allen ** Goodemote, Ann Goodemote, Baltus Goodemote, Caroline (Vosburgh) Goodemote, Cora Goodemote, David Goodemote, David Goodemote, Eliza Goodemote, Gracie Goodemote, Greely R. Goodemote, Harriet (Vosburg) Goodemote, Harry Goodemote, James Goodemote, James ** Goodemote, James P. Goodemote, Jessie Goodemote, John Goodemote, John Goodemote, John, Jr. Goodemote, Linda Goodemote, Lysander C. Goodemote, Maria (Wilcox) Goodemote, Philip Goodemote, Philip, Jr. Goodemote, Sally Goodemote, Sophia Goodemote, William Greene, Sarah Hallock, Jessie Harder, Catherine (Shufelt) Harder, Charles Nash Harder, Clara Nash Harder, Edward Harder, Edward Harder, Edward L. Harder, Eliza Harder, Etta B. Harder, Ezra Harder, Fanny E. Harder, Florence Harder, Frank ** Harder, Frank Harder, Frank B. Harder, Frank Gordon Harder, Frank J. Harder, Frederick Harder, George Harder, George Harder, George M. Harder, Gertrude Harder, Hermans Harder, Horton Harder, Ida R. (Sagendorph) Harder, Isabel R. Harder, Jacob Nicholas Harder, James Harder, Jennie Harder, John Harder, John D. Harder, Lena (Schufelt) Harder, Margaret (Smith) Harder, Margaret A. Harder, Mary (Sutherland) Harder, Mary (Tobias) Harder, Mary Anna Harder, May N. Harder, Nicholas Harder, Nicholas Harder, Nicholas W. (2) ** Harder, Philip Michael Harder, Richard Harder, Robert, Jr. Harder, Robert, Sr. Harder, Sarah F. Harder, Sarah M. (Pulver) Harder, Tunis Harder, Walton Harder, William Harder, William Augustus (2) Harder, William N. Harder, Willis H. Harrington, George Harrington, Lamira (Bristol) Hermans, Elizabeth (--) Hermans, Mary A. Hermans, Ryer Hoag, Clara Holsapple, Gertrude Horton, Amanda M. (Chase) Horton, Amelia (Underhill) Horton, Annis Horton, Arthur B. Horton, Asenath Horton, Betsy (Carr) Horton, Edwin Horton, Elgera Horton, Eliza A. Horton, Frank W. Horton, Henry Horton, Hiram Horton, Ira Horton, Irving M. Horton, Jacob Horton, Jacob Horton, Jane E. Horton, John ** Horton, John, Jr. Horton, John, Jr. (John III?) Horton, Joseph Horton, Lafayette Horton, Lorenzo Horton, Margaret (Phillips) Horton, Maria Horton, Mary Horton, Mary A. Horton, Mercy (Carr) Horton, Mercy Ann Horton, Nathan Horton, Orando Horton, Rachel (Lord) Horton, Sabra Horton, Sarah A. (Fuller) Horton, Spencer Horton, Thomas Horton, Thurston Horton, Truman ** Horton, William Hunt, Sarah Huntington, Emma Hutton, Rachel Jewett, Freeborn G. Jewett, Jemima (Ross) Jewett, Martha J. Jewett, S. S., Major Knapp, Augustus Knapp, Bethiah Knapp, Caroline Knapp, Clarence Wilson Knapp, Comfort Knapp, Daniel Knapp, Edward M. Knapp, Elvira (Putnam) Knapp, Esther Knapp, Frederic H. Knapp, Harley Knapp, Harriet (Knapp) Knapp, Jacob W., Major ** Knapp, James B. Knapp, John R. Knapp, John R. Knapp, John R., Jr. Knapp, Lucien Knapp, Lydia (Bradfield) Knapp, Margaret Knapp, Melinda (Wilson) Knapp, Mima Knapp, Olive Knapp, Olive (Rowley) Knapp, Orson C. Knapp, Orson S. Knapp, Sally Knapp, Sylvester Knapp, Thomas Knapp, William Knapp, William Knapp, William Knapp, William L. Kurtz, Belle B. (Bristol) Kurtz, M. A. Lawrence, John M. Lockwood, Abijah Lockwood, Adelia M. Lockwood, Clara (Hoag) Lockwood, Miranda Lockwood, Talatha (Elmor) Lord, Rachel Merrill, Cyrus Merrill, Mary E. Mills, W. P. Morgan, Governor Mower, Martin Nash, Calista (Alger) Nash, Caroline Nash, Isaac Owens, William Oyer, Mary Perkins, Almon Perkins, Mercy Ann (Horton) Phillips, Margaret Pruyn, Henry Pruyn, Margaret A. (Harder) Pulver, Sarah M. Putnam, Edward Putnam, Elvira Putnam, Rachel (Hutton) Remington, Minnie Robinson, John P., Major Robinson, Laura B. (Bristol) Rosever, Emma Ross, Jemima Rowley, Olive Sagendorph, Anna B. Sagendorph, George A. Sagendorph, Ida R. Sagendorph, Sarah (Greene) Sanders, Nathan Schufelt, Lena Scovil, Sarah Searle, Caroline (Vosburgh) Searle, J. G. Shufelt, Catherine Shufelt, Cornelius Shufelt, Frank Shufelt, Gertrude (Holsapple) Smith, Christina Smith, Margaret Stevens, Martha Stevens, Martha Stilson, Mary Sutherland, Mary Sweet, L. G. Sweet, Mary A. (Horton) Taylor, Abel Taylor, Esther (Knapp) Tinker, Edward Tinker, Gertrude (Harder) Titus, Annis (Horton) Titus, Sterling Tobias, Mary Trainer, Miss Underhill, Amelia Vosburgh, Caroline Vosburg, Harriet Warner, Abigail Warner, Helen Webster, A.B. Wilcox, Maria Williams, Nellie Wilson, Melinda ALBERT G. BRISTOL, a successful farmer of Avon, Livingston county, N. Y., was born in Canaan, Columbia County, January 6, 1812. His grandfather, Eliphalet BRISTOL, who was born in Connecticut, April 7, 1751, removed to Canaan when a young man, making the journey on foot, and bringing an axe. He secured land, covered with a heavy growth of timber. He cleared a far and lived there with his wife Sarah (SCOVIL) BRISTOL, until his death in 1833. They had six children, one son and five daughter, all of whom married and settled in Lima, Livingston County, N.Y. The father of Albert G. BRISTOL, Eliphalet BRISTOL, Jr. was born in Canaan, January 3, 1784, and having inherited a part of the old homestead, afterward bought the rest from the heirs, and adding more to it, made this place his home for life, dying in 1869, at the age of eighty-five years. His first wife was Lucy CRIPPEN, of Columbia County, New York, daughter of Benjamin and Deborah (FOOTE) CRIPPEN. She died in 1826 at the age of forty-six years, leaving seven children; namely, Sarah, Albert G., Benjamin, Deborah, Lucy, Lydia, and Scovil. Mr. BRISTOL then married Laura CROCKER, of Chatham, who had two sons - Horace and Abel. Albert G. BRISTOL was educated in his native town, where he resided till February 1836, when he came to Livingston County, making the eight days journey in a sleigh. He had visited this section in the fall of the previous year, and bought one hundred acres of land in the town of Avon, which then consisted of only one uncompleted house, sixteen by eighteen. This he finished, and making it comfortable, commenced his career as an independent farmer. He soon built another house and frame barn, and otherwise improved the property, residing there until 1852, when he sold that farm and purchased the place on which he now resides. Here he erected a number of buildings; with modern improvements, which rank among the best in the town. The farm consists of one hundred and twenty-five acres, which he has managed very successfully. April 14, 1835, he married Miranda LOCKWOOD, who was born in Canaan, Columbia County, N.Y., September 6, 1813, daughter of Abijah and Talatha (ELMOR) LOCKWOOD. Mrs. BRISTOL died in 1890, leaving five children - George W., Lucy L., James L., Martin H., and Albert M. George W. married Mary STILSON, February 13, 1866, and after her death, July 23, 1866, was again married to Nellie WILLIAMS, December 25, 1867. The latter died July 26, 1879, and he was subsequently married for the third time to Helen BURDETTE. He now resides at Grand Rapids, and has one son, Frank. Lucy L. lives at home with her father. James L. married March 3, 1864, Emma HUNTINGTON, who died July 30, 1876, leaving six children - Louis, Gertrude, Fred, Miranda, Harry, and Grace. James then married, November 2, 1881, Jessie HALLOCK. Martin H. married Helen WARNER, June 8, 1881, and has three children - Roie, Jay, and Harriet. Albert M. married Minnie REMINGTON, June 7, 1888 and has one son, Benjamin Clifford. Mr. BRISTOL has been a Republican for some years, and has done a great deal for the progress of the town in which he lives. He is a man of broad views, and is well read, spending much of his spare time with his books and the papers, thereby being able to converse readily on all the affairs of the day. SOURCE: Biographical Review of the Leading Citizens of Livingston and Wyoming Counties New York Boston, Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1895 Reprinted by Higginson Book Company Page 269 Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski JOEL W. BRISTOL, dealer in general merchandise at Gainesville, was born in that town, December 2, 1835. His grandfather, William BRISTOL, whose parents came to this State from Connecticut, was born in Canaan, Columbia County. In 1805, while in the employ of the Holland Purchase Company, he located about fifteen hundred acres of land, and built a log house near the site now occupied by the store of his grandson. As the settlement grew, he presented the town with the land for cemetery, churches, and school-house sites. He was the first Supervisor, one of the first School Commissioners, and in 1823 the representative of his district in the State Assembly, being a very prominent leader in his day. His wife, who before her marriage was Martha STEVENS, became the mother of a large family, of whom but two are now living - Benjamin F.; and William, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. Benjamin F. BRISTOL, father of Joel W., was born June 11, 1811. His present residence, overlooking the beautiful valley of Gainesville, stands out with pleasant prominence against the rolling background of green and fertile farm lands. From the piazza he can look upon the house where his grandfather lived and died; while just beyond is the home of his childhood where lived his father for more than half of a century. From pioneer stock of Puritan composition and characteristics he has by a vigorous, busy, and most honorable life fulfilled the promise of his inheritance. Well equipped with undoubted patriotism and sound educational requirements, he entered the political arena, being an earnest advocate of the principles of the Republican party. He early took a warm interest in local government, and his town and county have honored him and shown their appreciation of his worth by choosing him to many offices of trust and importance, among them the following: Supervisor, Constable, Highway Commissioner, Railroad Commissioner; and although a Whig in a Democratic town, he was the first no-license candidate ever elected Justice of the Peace, which office he held for twenty-four years. He was also Supervisor of the Poor for the County of Wyoming twenty-eight years, his sensible views and sound judgment giving the most satisfactory results to both the people and the dependents. While attending a State convention, he introduced the resolution for the removal of children from county houses throughout the State, which was met with approval. He still resides on the old farm in Gainesville, now at the advanced age of eighty-four years, a well-preserved and active-brained old gentleman; and around him, or near by, live his sons and grandchildren, all of whom do him honor. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. BRISTOL are both members of the Congregational church, and for many years have taken a very prominent part in promoting its prosperity and usefulness. He married Margaret A. DAVIS, daughter of Joel DAVIS, a native of Preble, Onondaga County, N.Y. None in the community are more respected than "Uncle Ben" - as he is familiarly called - and his estimable wife. To Benjamin F. BRISTOL and his wife were born six children - Joel W., James, a prominent citizen of the town; Corydon D., deceased; Theodore, deceased; Martin F., at present residing at Rochester; and Benjamin F., Jr., who remains with the aged couple on the old homestead. Joel W. BRISTOL received his education in the district and select schools of Gainesville, and at an early age began the mercantile business by entering the store of A. B. WEBSTER at Warsaw, where he remained two years. He then engaged with Mr. BROWNELL at East Gainesville, with whom he remained two years more, and in 1859 went to Minnesota. Upon his return East, he commenced business on his own account, moving in 1866 into the store which he now occupies. In 1888 he took in partnership Fred M., his eldest son, a bright and capable young man. They have a very large and prosperous business; and the firm of J.W. BRISTOL & Son stands as one of the most reliable in the county. Mr. BRISTOL, like his father, is a Republican in politics. He was for eighteen years Postmaster, having been appointed by Montgomery BLAIR, First Assistant Postmaster General under Lincoln's administration, and continuing in the office until 1882. He was Town Clerk for several years, was elected Supervisor in 1894 for two years, and has for fifteen years been Notary Public. He has been a member of the Republican County Committee several years, and is also one of the Congressional Committee for the Thirty-first District. He is Secretary and chairman of the Gainesville Salt Company; has been Secretary and Trustee of Maple Grove Cemetery since its incorporation, and has always been a most earnest worker for everything which had for its object the general advancement of his town, the interests of education, and the aid of his fellow-men. Mr. BRISTOL was for many years a School Trustee, and while in office, was mainly instrumental in having the school changed to a union school. He was also chairman of the Executive Committee which secured Regents' supervision for the school; the State Board of Regents later conferring upon him the honor of being Regents' Examiner for the school. On May 11, 1864, Mr. BRISTOL was united in marriage to Mary E. MERRILL, daughter of Cyrus MERRILL, a merchant of Perry. They then moved into the house which they now occupy, having improved and beautified their home as time has blessed them with prosperity. Of this union four children were born - Fred M., in business with his father; Clara A., a graduate of the Geneseo Normal School, and now teaching in the high school at Warsaw; Cyrus W., who is in the boot and shoe business at Gainesville; and Mary E., the youngest, who is yet in school. Mr. BRISTOL has a family of which he is and may well be proud, and is a worthy descendant of an old and honorable ancestry. SOURCE: Biographical Review of the Leading Citizens of Livingston and Wyoming Counties New York Boston, Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1895 Reprinted by Higginson Book Company Pages 409-410 Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski WILLIAM BRISTOL, a well-known and leading citizen of Warsaw, Wyoming County, N. Y., is a hale and hearty man of more than threescore and ten, as vigorous in intellect as if in the prime of life. His birth occurred in Gainesville, May 7, 1821. He comes of Revolutionary stock, his grandfather, Benjamin BRISTOL, having served in the war for American independence. Prior to that time he had married Abigail WARNER, of Canaan, Columbia County; and of this union the following children were born: William, Richard, Charles, Josiah, Henry, George, Hannah, Chloe, and Rebecca. William BRISTOL, Sr., son of Benjamin, was born in the town of Canaan, August 19, 1775, and there lived until twenty years old. In 1806 he removed to the part of Genesee County that is now Wyoming County, and helped to survey the present town of Gainesville. He located sixteen hundred acres of land, and cleared and improved a good homestead from the wild domain on which he felled the first tree. On February 22, 1807, he was wedded to Martha STEVENS, who was born in Worcester, Mass., September 1, 1785, but who subsequently removed with her parents to Lima, N. Y. Six children came to gladden their home, namely: Francis S., who died in 1845; Benjamin F., now living at the age of eighty-four; Mary, who married John M. LAWRENCE, and died in 1876; Lamira, who married George HARRINGTON, and died in 1848; Laura, who married Corydon DOOLITTLE, and died in 1851; and William BRISTOL, Jr., the subject of the present sketch, whose career, has been closely outlined by the pen of a local journalist in words that follow, copied for the County History: -- "With a common-school education he began life for himself at the old family home in Gainesville; and to his business as a farmer he added that of wool buying, which he followed for over twenty years. A man of quick feeling, of fine address, of business ability and integrity and great energy, Mr. BRISTOL early became a man of mark in his town and county. As a business man large interests have been at different times committed to him. He has hardly been what would be called a politician, though a man with his characteristics could not be left out of public affairs during the stormy period in which he has lived. He was born and bred a Democrat; but, becoming dissatisfied with the position his party assumed in regard to certain moral questions, particularly slavery, he abandoned hit, and became one of the founders of the Republican party, being a delegate to the historical "Anti-Nebraska" Convention held at Saratoga in 1854 and one of the five representatives from this part of the State to the famous "Barnburner" Convention at Syracuse in 1856, which indorsed Fremont. He was Supervisor of his town in 1855 and again four years during the war, was Under Sheriff of the county in 1842, was Presidential elector and secretary of the electoral colleges in 1864, and member of Assembly in 1867 and 1868. He contributed materially to establish and sustain Gainesville Female Seminary. As a member of the committee appointed by Governor Morgan to promote enlistments in the Thirtieth Senatorial District, Mr. BRISTOL did efficient service. His patriot course, he careful zeal, and his expenditure of time and money in those years made him a central figure in the local history of the county during the war period. A considerable portion of his large income was devoted to this work; and by and through his efforts, sustained by the loyal sentiment of his townsmen, Gainesville filled every quota promptly, and came of the war without a debt. A Director of the Rochester & State Line Railway Company (now Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh) from its organization, no one had a larger share in the responsibility of its location and construction than Mr. BRISTOL. He was one of the first directors of the Warsaw Salt Company the pioneer company of the great salt industry in the town. He moved to Warsaw in 1867." Mr. BRISTOL has been twice married, his first wife having been Adelia M. LOCKWOOD, whose mother, Clara (HOAG) LOCKWOOD, belonged to a family quite prominent in religious circles, many of its members being ministers of the Methodist denomination. The maiden name of his second wife was Martha J. JEWETT. She is a native of Ontario County, being a daughter of Major S. S. and Jemima ROSS JEWETT and a niece of Freeborn G. JEWETT, a well-known resident of Skaneateles, one of the first judges of the Court of Appeals under the elective judiciary. Mr. BRISTOL has reared six children - Laura B., Belle B., Caroline B., William, Millie J., and Henry R. Laura B. married Major John P. ROBINSON, who served through the late Civil War, and was brevetted Colonel. He was County Clerk until the time of his decease, in the spring of 1873. Mrs. ROBINSON, who still resides in this town, is a cultured woman, and a writer of much ability, being a regular contributor to four papers. The second daughter, Belle B., the wife of M. A. KURTZ, a prominent business man of Nampa, Idaho, removed there in 1888. Caroline B. is the wife of Nathan S. BEARDSLEE, who lives in Warsaw, is President of the Empire Duiz Salt Company and President of the village. William, of Warsaw, has been in the employ of the Erie Railway Company for some years. Millie J. is pursuing the study of vocal music at Rochester. Henry R., a graduate of Rutgers college, read law with M. E. & E. M. BARTLETT, of Warsaw, and was admitted to practice in all courts of record in the State. SOURCE: Biographical Review of the Leading Citizens of Livingston and Wyoming Counties New York Boston, Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1895 Reprinted by Higginson Book Company Page 139 Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski EBENEZER S. CADY, Statement. Ebenezer S. CADY was born in the town of Chatham, Columbia county, N.Y. Came to the village of Springville in 1858; is a carpenter and joiner; was married at Schuyler, Herkimer county, N.Y. in 1840, to Miss Mary OYER, who was born in 1817 at Schuyler, Herkimer county, N.Y. My father, Arnold CADY was born at Chatham, Columbia county, and served as volunteer of marines in defence of the New York harbor in the war of 1812. My mother's maiden name was Sarah HUNT. She was born in Washington, VT. Grandfather's name was Ebenezer CADY; he was a Captain in the war of the Revolution. Grandmother's maiden name was Chloe BEEBE. She was born in Connecticut. The house my grandfather built in Chatham in 1761 and '62 was built of pine timber, was taken down in 1824 and the timber was used in building the Presbyterian meeting house in the village of Spencertown, Columbia county, N.Y. In this house my grandfather's two sons and vie daughters were born. The outside doors were made of pine boards, two thicknesses, cut into horizontally about half-way of their height, and at night barred on the inside with a stick. On the farm was an oak grove where the people assembled on the Sabbath to worship (they were Presbyterians), until they built a church on his farm, the first church in Chatham. This building was moved to Chatham four corners, a distance of one and one-half miles. The building was put on runners and under the runners small sticks were placed for rollers, and many ox teams were hitched to each of the runners and in that way the building was drawn to the spot and for many years the followers of the lowly Nazarene met at this humble church and offered their devotions to the God of Abraham, till finally later generations have sold the old church for a sheepfold, and build another church exhibiting more pride than piety. They had six children: Lucy A., born in 1840 and died in 1872. Sarah J., born in 1844; married Newela FRENCH. Maryette, born in 1847 and died in 1850. Cassius M., born in 1850 and died in 1871. Ellen G., born in 1853; married Gardner BERRY. William S., born in 1856 and lives in Kalkaska, Mich. SOURCE: History of the Original Town of Concord being the present towns of Concord, Collins, N. Collins and Sardinia, Erie County, New York Author: Erasmus Briggs Picton Press, Camden, Maine (originally printed Rochester, NY, 1883) Pages 333-334 Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski ALLEN GOODEMOTE was born in Ashford, Cattaraugus county, Feb. 12, 1831. His father's name was David GOODEMOTE, and his mother's maiden name was Caroline VOSBURGH; his grandfather came from Columbia county, N.Y.; his father died in Ashford in 1833; his mother married J.G. SEARLE and went to Illinois in 1844. In 1850 he went across the plains to California, and returned in 1862; went back in the Fall of 1863 and came home in the Fall of 1864; he built the first mill in Nevada for crushing the quartz of the Comstock lode; he built a steamboat at LaCrosse, Wis., on the Mississippi, in 1865, and commanded it for a while, and then sold it and removed to this place. In the Fall of 1865 he came to Springville and bought the farm of W.P. MILLS, lying south of the village and moved on to it in July, 1866; in June, 1879, he went to the mining regions of Colorado; returned in January 1880. Was married June 10, 1866, to Miss Aurelia I. GOLDEN, of Hancock county, Ill. Their children are Jessie, Lysander C., Gracie and Cora (twins), and Greely R. SOURCE: History of the Original Town of Concord being the present towns of Concord, Collins, N. Collins and Sardinia, Erie County, New York Author: Erasmus Briggs Picton Press, Camden, Maine (originally printed Rochester, NY, 1883) Pages 372-373 Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski JAMES GOODEMOTE. The GOODEMOTES came to Ashford, Cattaraugus county, from near Kinderhook, Columbia county, N.Y., where James' father, Philip GOODEMOTE, was born in 1796. He came to Ashford about 1816, and bought land of the Holland Land company near the Cattaraugus creek. He was then unmarried and was accompanied by his brother John. In the Fall of 1820, their father, John GOODEMOTE, and their brothers, Baltus, Harry and William came, all settling in Ashford. Philip, father of James, a soldier of 1812, was married in 1820 to Harriet VOSBURG. They had four sons and four daughters: James, Eliza, Philip Jr., Ann, John, Sally, David, and Sophia. James GOODEMOTE was born in Ashford in 1821; was married in 1846 to Maria WILCOX. They have two children living: Linda married Warner BOND, and James P. Mr. GOODEMOTE lives on the first farm cleared in the town of Ashford; it was cleared about 1815 by Nathan SANDERS. Mrs. GOODEMOTE's father owned the farm fifty years ago, and it has been in possession of the family since. SOURCE: History of the Original Town of Concord being the present towns of Concord, Collins, N. Collins and Sardinia, Erie County, New York Pages 369-370 Author: Erasmus Briggs Picton Press, Camden, Maine (originally printed Rochester, NY, 1883) Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski Charles Nash Harder. This enterprising Philmont manufacturer was born on a farm in Ghent in 1854. His great-grandfather, Nicholas Harder, was probably born in Columbia County, where he married Margaret Smith, who bore him three sons and five daughters, though only one is now living – Eliza, the widow of D.P. Beeman, of Cortland. Jacob Nicholas Harder, son of Nicholas, was born in Greenport in 1793, and died in 1856 on the Ghent farm, where he had lived from early youth, and which was known by his name. He married Lena Schufelt, of that town; and they had two sons; Philip Michael Harder, the father of Charles above named; and William Augustus Harder, engaged in a similar manufacturing business in Lansingburg, N.Y. Jacob N. Harder’s widow survived him only a year, dying in 1857, at sixty-five; and their bodies lie in Union Cemetery at Mellenville.
Philip M. Harder was also born in Ghent in 1818. His wife, whom he married in 1842, was Caroline, daughter of Isaac and Calista (Alger) Nash; and they had four sons. Frank Harder died in childhood, at four years, and Edward in 1870, at the age of twenty-four, leaving Charles N. with only one brother, William Augustus Harder, Jr. Their mother died in 1856; and two years later their father was married again, to Sarah M. Pulver, of Columbia County. The only son of this union, Frank J. Harder, died in February, 1890, at the early age of twenty-five. Fanny E., the only daughter, born July 27, 1860, married Frank B. Harder, a son of George M. Harder, of Philmont, April 24, 1884. When his son Charles was sixteen, old enough to appreciate the situation, the father started the Philmont Knitting Mill, with four sets of machinery; and its success has ever since been on the increase.
Charles N. Harder was reared on the farm, but received the benefit of a good education in the Claverack and Hudson schools before he began self-support, in 1864, as an employee in his father’s new knitting-mill, determined to learn every branch of the work – an aim he has so faithfully accomplished that this thoroughness is the foundation of his prosperity. In 1879 he became a partner with his father and brother William, the firm taking the title of P.M. Harder & Sons; but in 1882 the withdrawal of William made it advisable to drop the plural from the firm name. In 1888 their brother, Frank J., and their brother-in-law, Frank B. Harder, were added to the firm; but the death of Frank J. in 1890 compelled another change, and the business was merged into a stock company, called the High Rock Knitting Company, with Charles N. Harder as Vice-President and Treasurer. Since then the enterprise has so thriven that two hundred and fifty operatives, with nine sets of machinery, in a large three-story brick building, turn out every year from eighty to ninety thousand dozen cotton and wool garments. A feature unique in their business is that the goods are handled, so far as their wholesaling is concerned, by the stockholders, Charles being General Manager, and Frank visiting the jobbers. Rarely is so large an industry in the hands of one family.
On April 15, 1880, Charles N. Harder was married to Ida R., daughter of George A. and Sarah (Greene) Sagendorph, of Wickford, R.I. Mrs. Harder’s father was a Providence jeweler, and both parents now live with a daughter in Jersey City; for they have two sons and three daughters, one of whom, Anna B. Sagendorph, has a home with her sister, Mrs. Harder, in Philmont. The home is pleasant and attractive, the convenient and elegant house having been completed in 1894; and there is a very happy group of four children: Edward L, born in 1881, and interested in music; Sarah F., born in 1883; Clara Nash, in 1888; Isabel R., in 1890. The household is connected with the Dutch Reformed church. Mr. Harder, though reared a Democrat, has been driven into Republicanism by the logic of events. He is an exceedingly genial and social gentleman, making many warm friends, particularly among his work-people, who are largely his tenants also, and find him generous, both as employer and landlord.
Source: "Biographical Review of Columbia County, New York" (1894), pgs. 325 – 326 Contributed by Roger Smith.
FRANK HARDER is the senior member of the firm of Frank Harder & Co, dealers in flour, feed, grain, hay, and straw, at 729 and 731 Columbia Street, Hudson, N.Y., who succeeded about thirteen years ago to the business established five years previously by Messrs. Potts & Parsons. Mr. Harder was born in the town of Claverack, in this county, January 31, 1851, son of Robert and Catherine (Shufelt) Harder. His father, son of Robert Harder, Sr., was born in the neighboring town of Stockport, about sixty-six years ago, and now resides in the village of that name. The elder Robert Harder, who was an industrious farmer, married a Miss Trainer; and they reared a large family of children. The mother died in middle life, when her youngest child, Robert, Jr., was but an infant. Her husband died in 1856, nearly ninety years of age. The living children are the following: Richard Harder and a widowed sister, occupying with him the old home farm; William, residing in Springfield, Mass.; and Robert, above named. The graves of the grandparents are in Claverack cemetery. Robert Harder, the second of the name, married Catherine Shufelt, daughter of Cornelius and Gertrude (Holsapple) Shufelt, both of Ghent, Columbia County, by whom he had four children, namely: Frank; George, a physician at Troy, N.Y.; Edward, a merchant of Stockport; and Gertrude, wife of Edward Tinker, of Stockport, who is in company with Edward Harder. Frank Harder was reared to farm life on rented farms. His father was a blacksmith, and worked to that trade till failing health induced him to become a farmer. Having received a good common-school education, young Harder learned the carpenter’s trade, and worked at it for six years, at the end of which time he took up his present business. He married in January 1874, to Henrietta Dedrick, his partner’s daughter, who died in 1877, leaving one child, Etta B., now a young lady of fifteen, living with her grandfather. Mr. Frank Harder married for a second wife Emma Rosever, of Hudson, by whom he has three sons, namely: Frederick, thirteen years of age, a bright boy in school; Frank Gordon, nine years; and John D. Harder, four years of age – an interesting and promising family. They reside in a pleasant home at No. 19 Eighth Street, which Mr. Harder bought in 1885. He also owns a farm of sixty acres, beautifully situated on the banks of the Hudson, three and one-half miles north of the city, affording a view up and down the river for about fifteen miles. Here he has a fine country home adjoining his uncle’s farm, on which his great-grandfather Harder settled a century and a half ago, in the wilderness. Mr. Harder is a Master Mason, and a Past Master of Aquila Lodge, No. 700, A.F. & A.M. He is a Republican in politics, and now holds the office of Street Commissioner of the Third Ward of the city. Mr. And Mrs. Harder are members of the Dutch Reformed church. Both the father and mother of Mr. Harder were of Low Dutch stock; that is, they were descendants of Hollanders, sturdy Knickerbockers, to whom this country is indebted for some of its best blood. Having a proper respect for the memory of his worthy ancestors, he may be trusted to exemplify and to transmit their robust and forceful virtues. Source: "Biographical Review of Columbia County, New York" (1894) Pgs. 515–516] Contributed by Roger Smith. NICHOLAS W. HARDER, a well-to-do and highly respected citizen of Kinderhook, may be singled out as a man who has won his own way through life, and is justly entitled to the reward of his earlier years of toil. Industrious and enterprising by nature, he could never have been content to pass his time in idleness; and the result of unceasing labor, good management, and thrift is apparent in his well-kept and highly improved farm, pleasantly situated in District No. 5, in the town of Kinderhook. He was born in the town of Ghent, Columbia County, February 14, 1821. In that town his grandfather, Nicholas Harder, it is thought, first drew the breath of life; for in that town he was bred, and was there married to Christina Smith. During the Revolutionary War he served as an officer, taking active part in several engagements, afterward spending his last years in Ghent. William N. Harder, son of Nicholas, was born in the town of Ghent in the year 1797 and there spent the earlier years of his life. He was bred to agricultural pursuits, and on attaining his majority bought a farm in Ghent, and began life in earnest. His first important step in this direction was to secure a willing helpmate by marrying Jane E. Horton, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Phillips) Horton, of Claverack. They began housekeeping on the farm, remaining there however, but three years, when he sold it to Martin Mower, and removed to Kinderhook. Here Mr. Harder bought five hundred acres of land, intending to have enough to give farm to each of his sons when he should need it. The boys of his family being seven in number, as they grew to manhood they became dissatisfied with their prospects; and Mr. Harder, finally selling his land to two of them, Nicholas W. and George, removed with the other members of his household to Michigan. Prior to this removal he had experienced much trouble with his eyes; and, soon after settling in his new home, he became totally blind - a discouraging misfortune that hastened his death, which occurred in 1865. The children born to him and his good wife were the following; Nicholas W. ; Margaret A., who married Henry Pruyn, and moved to Michigan; Horton, who married Mary Sutherland, of Chatham, and now resides in Castleton, Rensselaer County; Jennie, who died at the age of seventeen years; Tunis, who married in Michigan, and lives in that State; George, who married Mary Tobias, of Chatham, and now lives in Claverack; Walton, John and James, who all married in Michigan, and still live there. Nicholas W. Harder received his education in Kinderhook, where he attended the district school and academy. He early became well used to the hard but healthful and congenial labor necessary on a farm, and contentedly remained on the homestead, where he was of the utmost assistance to his parents until the time of his marriage. He then bought land adjoining his father's old home, where he has since resided. By dint of persevering toil he has improved a fine farm of two hundred and eighty acres, having it all under good cultivation, amply provided with substantial buildings of all kinds, and well equipped with the needful machinery for carrying on his business successfully. Mr. Harder was united in marriage December 27, 1845, to Mary A., daughter of Ryer and Elizabeth Hermans, of Nassau, Rensselaer County. To them have been born four children - Hermans, Willis H., Mary Anna, and Ezra. Willis and Ezra died when young. Hermans has been twice married. By his first wife he had three children, May N., Willis, and Florence, all of whom now live with their grandfather. Mrs. Harder is now deceased; and Mary Anna, who is unmarried, lives at home, and keeps house for her father. Mr. Harder has spent the many years of his life usefully and well, and is held in high esteem as an honest, upright man, in thorough sympathy with every movement tending toward the advancement of his community. Religiously, he is a valued member of the Reformed church of Kinderhook. In politics he is a steadfast Republican. The accompanying portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Harder will be recognized with pleasure by friends of the family. Source: "Biographical Review of Columbia County, New York" (1894) Contributed by Roger Smith. HORTON BROTHERS [Truman & John] Truman and John HORTON, brothers, came on foot from New Lebanon, Columbia county, N.Y., where they were born, to Concord, in 1817. They located land on the northwest corner lot in Concord, which had been articled at the land office several years before by Jacob HORTON, their father, who never resided here, but returned to Columbia county. The brothers, Truman and John, went back on foot, and on Feb 1, 1818, they set out for Concord with their families, with two ox teams. They were twenty-five days in making the journey, and it snowed every day but one, the snow having fallen to such a depth that the last stage of the journey was made with difficulty. When they reached their destination they found by measurement that the snow had accumulated on the fallen trees to the depth of four feet. The only settler in Concord in the neighborhood of their new home was Comfort KNAPP, who had been there four or five years.. Sylvester and William KNAPP came the same year. William Owens lived just across the line in Boston. The first school was taught on Horton hill in 1823, in a log school house. The HORTONS built log houses on their land and lived there four years when they moved across the town line into Boston. Truman died in Boston in 1869. He married Betsy CARR, who now lives in Boston. Their children were: Thurston, Hiram, Eliza A., Sabra, Spencer, Thomas, Mary, Nathan and Asenath. John HORTON died in Eden about 1873. He married Mercy CARR, by whom he had children as follows: John Jr., William, Mercy Ann, Jacob, Henry, Ira, Edwin, Annis, Maria, Lorenzo, Lafayette. Mercy Ann married Almon PERKINS. Annis married Sterling TITUS Maria died unmarried. By his second wife, Mrs. Rachel LORD, he had three sons: Orando, Elgera and John, Jr. William HORTON, son of John HORTON, was born March 18, 1821 in Concord, and is by occupation a farmer. He was married March 31, 1842 to Miss Amanda M. CHASE, who was born in Girard, Erie county, PA. In 1823, with his parents, he removed to Boston and remained there twenty years. He married and lived in Concord, and after eleven years moved to Boston and settled on the old homestead where he lived seventeen years. March 1, 1869, removed to Concord and settled on the farm where he now resides. Family record: Frank W. HORTON, born Dec. 16, 1843; married Jan. 1, 1866; died Sept. 17, 1878. His wife's name was Sarah A. FULLER. Irving M. HORTON, born July 16, 1850; married Feb. 19, 1873; died Sept. 2, 1877. His wife's name was Amelia UNDERHILL Arthur B. HORTON, born Oct. 19, 1859; died Oct. 1, 1878. Mary A. HORTON, born May 4th, 1850, in Columbia county, N.Y., married to L.G. SWEET, December 24, 1874. Her husband died July 15, 1881, aged thirty-five years. SOURCE: History of the Original Town of Concord being the present towns of Concord, Collins, N. Collins and Sardinia, Erie County, New York Author: Erasmus Briggs Picton Press, Camden, Maine (originally printed Rochester, NY, 1883) Pages 376-378 Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski MAJOR JACOB W. KNAPP, who died a few years since at his home in Warsaw, N.Y., where he had spent the larger part of his entire life, having been born in this town August 20, 1813, was a descendant of sterling pioneer stock, his father, grandfather, and several other members of the KNAPP family having settled in this section of the county in the early part of this century. His grandfather, William KNAPP, was born in Canaan, Columbia County, N.Y., January 4, 1758, and died in Warsaw in 1817. He married Olive ROWLEY, who bore him ten children - Daniel; Olive; William; John R.; Mima; Sally; Esther; Orson S., Bethiah; and Harley. Daniel, the eldest child, was the first one to make his way to this part of the State. He had previously spent a short time in Orville, VT., coming from there to Warsaw in 1806, and bringing with him a part of his numerous family, he having been thrice married. He and two of his brothers, William and John R., were engaged in the War of 1812, the two former as officers. All of the children rounded out a full period of years; and Esther who married Abel TAYLOR of Attica, lived to the venerable age of ninety-four years. John R. KNAPP, the fourth child named above, was born in Canaan, N.Y., July 7, 1787, and removed from the place of his nativity to Rutland, VT., where he was united in wedlock to Melinda WILSON. In 1812 he joined his father and brothers in Warsaw, brining his family and goods with teams, often cutting a path through the woods. For thirty years he lived in Warsaw, then removed to Marion, Ohio, where the death of his wife occurred in 1848, when fifty-seven years old. She bore him six sons and three daughters, of whom the following are now living: William L., a retired wagon manufacturer in Howell, Mich.; and John R., Jr., who was a Lieutenant in the late Civil war, and has since held a position in the Second Auditor's Office in Washington, D.C. On June 24, 1849, Mr. KNAPP was married to Lydia BRADFIELD; and of their union, one son was born, James B. KNAPP. The father died at his home in Marion, March 8, 1864; and his widow still occupies their Ohio home. Jacob W., son of John R. KNAPP, was educated in Warsaw, and in early life learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for some years, but afterward established a grocery business in the town of Warsaw, and from 1852 until 1861 was the village Postmaster. During the recent civil conflict his valuable services as a brave commanding officer won him his title of Major. Through his efforts Company D, of the famous First New York Dragoons, was recruited, in September, 1862; and he was elected Captain of the company, serving as such until January, 1865, when for his brave conduct he was promoted to the rank of Major, being subsequently in command of the regiment more than half of the time. In December 1853, while still a captain, he led the regiment into battle, and won distinction as a commander; and his intrepid charge at Culpeper, VA., is noted in the war records. Three of the sons of Major KNAPP - Augustus, Lucien, and Thomas, all now deceased - were members of his regiment. In 1837 Major KNAPP was united in marriage to Miss Elvira PUTNAM, of Warsaw, a daughter of Edward and Rachel (HUTTON) PUTNAM; and their happy wedded life extended over a period of fifty-one years. Three daughters and four sons were born of their union, of whom the following are not living: Augustus, Lucien, Thomas, John R., and Margaret. The surviving are: Miss Caroline KNAPP; and Harriet, the widow of Orson C. KNAPP, who died April 15, 1877, leaving three children - Clarence Wilson, Frederic H., and Edward M., the first of whom is engaged in the laundry business, while the other two sons are students at Hobart college, in Geneva. The sisters occupy the family home on Geneseo Street. Orson D. KNAPP was also a soldier in the late Rebellion, having enlisted as a private in the thirty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and being afterward promoted through the various grades to the rank of Captain, having command of Company I. He was formerly Indian Agent at Fort Klamath, Fla., and after the close of the war was a soldier in the regular army until the fall of 1870, when he resigned; and in the following December his nuptials with the daughter of Major KNAPP were celebrated. In politics the Major was always a stanch Democrat, and for more than forty years was a Justice of the peace. He and his family were communicants of the Episcopal church. SOURCE: Biographical Review of the Leading Citizens of Livingston and Wyoming Counties New York Boston, Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1895 Reprinted by Higginson Book Company Page 655-656 Contributed by Sally S. Jankowski
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