Deed of

John & Maria Proper to John Jekel

10 Nov 1854


Transcribed by Joe Yakel     15 Feb 2001


Webpage by Cliff Lamere    Apr 2001 




Source:  This November 10, 1854 Indenture between John & Maria Proper and John Jekel was recorded in Deed Book 95, pages 41-42, located at the Rensselaer County Clerk's Office, Troy, NY.


People mentioned in this deed (alphabetical)

Bartall, William
Deforest or DeForest or De Forest, Dewitt C.
Deforest or DeForest, D.W.C.
Elliot, Walter
Harper, Robert
Jekel, John
Proper, John
Proper, Maria
Van Rensselaer, Stephen


This transcription was made from a typed deed in which all names were in capital letters.  Punctuation and spelling were left just as they appeared in the original document, except in the land description where semicolons were inserted in the text to separate the land dimensions.  To emphasize the named individuals, their names have been printed in a blue font.  It was transcribed as follows:



This indenture made the tenth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty four Between JOHN PROPER of the town of Greenbush Rensselaer county in the state of New york and MARIA his wife Parties of the first Part and JOHN JEKEL of the city and county of Albany and state aforesaid Party of the Second Part witnesseth that the Said Parties of the first Part for and in consideration of the Sum of Six thousand Seven hundred Seventy three dollars ($6,773.00) lawful money of the united states of america to them in hand Paid by the Said Party of the Second Part at or before the ensealing and delivery of these Presents the receipt whereof his hereby acknowledged have granted bargained Sold aliened remised released conveyed and confirmed and by these Presents do grant bargain Sell alien remise release convey and confirm unto the Said Party of the Second Part and to his heirs and assigns forever all the following premises Beginning at a Black Oak stake and stones standing at the Southwest corner of the farm surveyed for WILLIAM BARTALL and at the north west corner of the one Surveyed for WALTER ELLIOT and runs thence South nine degrees forty five minutes west twenty one chains thirty one links; then South eight degrees west twelve chains nineteen links; then South eighty four degrees forty five minutes west five chains ninety Six links; then South eighty three degrees west three chains forty five links; then South thirty four degrees west one chain nineteen links; then North eighty three degrees west one chain Sixty Seven links; then due west four chains sixty one links; then north thirty Seven degrees west fourteen chains Sixty eight links; then north five degrees east ten chains forty Seven links; then South eighty two degrees east five chains thirty Six links; then north thirty two degrees forty five minutes east eighteen chains eighty four links; then north two degrees thirty minutes east twenty one chains twenty eight links; then South Sixty Seven degrees east thirteen chains eighty four links; then South one degree fifteen minutes east eighteen chains thirty links to the Place of Beginning containing one hundred and four acres and two tenths of an acre be the Same more or less Subject to the rents and reservations of STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER and his legal representative and of which Said Premises full Possession is to be given on the first of april 1855 together with all and Singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents, issues, and Profits thereof and also all the estate right title interest Property Possession claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity the Said Parties of the first Part of in or to the above described Premises and every Part and Parcel thereof with the appurtenances to have and to hold all and Singular above mentioned and described Premises together with the appurtenances unto the Said Party of the Second Part his heirs and assigns forever and the Said JOHN PROPER for his self his heirs the Said Premises in the quiet and Peaceable Possession of the Said Party of the Second Part his heirs and assigns against the Said Parties of the first Part their heirs and against all and every Person and Persons whomsoever lawfully claim or to claim the Same Shall and will warrant and by these Presents forever defend (unreadable)


Witness whereof the Said Parties of the first Part have hereunto Set their hands and Seal the day and year first above written.


                                                                                                            JOHN X PROPER (L.S.)

Sealed and delivered)  DEWITT C DEFOREST                                      mark

In the Presence of    )   witness as to mark of                                   MARIA PROPER (L.S.)

                                      JNO PROPER


Albany County: S.S. on this tenth day of november 1854 before me Personally came JOHN PROPER and MARIA his wife to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within conveyance and acknowledged that they executed the Same and the Said MARIA acknowledged on a Private examination by me made apart from her husband that She executed Said conveyance freely and without any fear or compulsion of him.


State of New York )         S.S. DEWITT C DE FOREST Comsr of Deeds

City and county of Albany Clerks office) I ROBERT HARPER clerk of the Said city and county do hereby certify that D.W.C. DEFOREST whose name is subscribed to the certificate of Proof or acknowledgement of the annexed instrument in writing and endorsed thereon was at the time of taking Such Proof or acknowledgement a commissioner of deeds in and for the city aforesaid dwelling in the Said city and duly authorized to take (unreadable) Same that I am acquainted with the hand writing of the Said commissioner and verily believe that the Signature to the Said certificate of Proof or acknowledgement is genuine and that the Said instrument is executed and acknowledged according to the laws of the state of New york in testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my official seal this 13 day of november 1854

                                                                                                         (L.S.)         R. HARPER Clerk


Recorded November 16, 1854    )

At One O clock and 30 M. P.M. )



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