Kimberly Grimes  


Webpage by Cliff Lamere    Jan 2001



The following ten documents, all from the Columbia County records preserved in Hudson, NY, prove the genealogy for four generations of the Wilhelm Pieter Schneider family of Claverack, Columbia Co, NY.  Snyder/Schneider is a common German name and one possessed by several families in Columbia Co.  I found it very difficult to establish the ancestry of my Great-Great-Great Grandmother, Almira Snyder Hoffman - until I found these deeds and wills.

All transcriptions and titles were done by me.  If you note any errors, feel
free to contact me.  Although proofread, I may have missed things.  I strive
for accuracy and would love to hear your comments.  I do have some other
Schneider/Snyder wills and deeds, although I have only transcribed those
pertinent to my line.  Taken individually, much valuable genealogical
information can be gleaned.  However, if read in sequence, this clearly
delineates the passing of land from father to son for each of the four

Document 1 shows that William P. gave land to his sons Peter W. Snyder, Henry W. Snyder, John W. Snyder, and Jacob W. Snyder.  In his will (document 2), he additionally lists his six daughters, Anna Margaret, Geertry, Mary, Catharine, Anna, and Elizabeth.

Document 3 is a conveyance of part of this land by Henry W. Snyder to his
son, John H.  In Document 4, the will of Henry W. Snyder, John H. is
mentioned as being deceased with all of the land left to Henry W.'s only
surviving son, William H. Snyder.  Additional bequests are made to daughters
"Maria the wife of Samuel Halstead and Catharine the wife of Henry Tanner"
as well as "the children of my deceased daughter Hannah, wife of John
Michael deceased, that is to say to Henry Michael, Eliza Ann Michael, Philip
Michael & Betsey Jane Michael"; the "children of my deceased son Peter H.
Snyder, that is to say to Sally the wife of Morris Tanner, Samuel Snyder and
Caty Snyder"; and "Nelson Snyder, Almon Snyder and Julius Snyder, children
of my deceased son John H. Snyder".

Document 5 is the Letters of Administration issued when William H. Snyder died.  One son and a son-in-law were mentioned as executors.  The estate was divided when William H.'s wife, Margaret Schultes died three years later at the age of 68.  In her will (document 6) she bequeaths her personal estate to "my daughter Margaret Ann Snyder ", "my daughter Sarah Jane Snyder", and "my sons Henry M. Snyder, John A. Snyder, Stephen Snyder, and Darius Snyder".  The dispostion of her real estate "the said deceased died, leaving her surviving no husband, but the following children (viz)- Margaret Ann Snyder, Sarah Jane Snyder, Catharine the wife of John Wagner respectively residing in Claverack, Columbia Co., NY - Betsy the wife of Isaac V. Cameron of Hillsdale, Columbia Co., NY, Almira, wife of Daniel Hoffman of Bath, Steuben Co., NY, Harriet, wife of Eli Wiltsie of Newark, Wayne Co., NY - Henry M. Snyder, Darius Snyder, Levi Snyder and Aaron Snyder respectively residing in Claverack, Columbia Co. NY - and Stephen Snyder residing in Newark, Wayne County, NY.  The above being all of full age and constituting the only children, Heirs at Law, and Next of Kin of - Margaret Snyder late of Columbia County Deceased"

Document 7 shows the sale of Almira's land to her brother Levi.  Documents 8-10 show the sale of this land by the siblings to their brother Henry M. Snyder.  These documents provide names of the spouses of the children.

Thus, my line from William Peter Snyder (Wilhelm Pieter Schneider) to Almira
Snyder Hoffman was proved using nothing but Wills and Deeds. 





[Click on a number to go to that document.]


1)  Articles of Agreement between brothers Peter W. Snyder, Henry W.

      Snyder, John W. Snyder, and Jacob W. Snyder at the request of their

      father William P. Snyder.  

      Dated 20 Jun 1795

      Columbia Co. Deed Book A:180


2)  The Last Will and Testament of William Peter Snyder (Wilhelm Pieter


      Dated 15 Jan 1795, probated 25 Mar 1801


3)  Conveyance of Land from Henry W. Snyder to John H. Snyder

      Dated 29 July 1816

      Columbia Co. Deed Book E1:18


4)  Will of Henry W. Snyder

      Recorded 7 Jul 1837

      Columbia Co. Will Book H:28


5)  Letters of Administration for William H. Snyder.

      Dated 10 Sep 1866 

      Book ??:29


6)  Will of Margaret Snyder.

      Dated 18 Feb 1867

      Columbia Co. Will Book N:668


7)  Sale of land by Almira (Snyder) Hoffman to Levi Snyder for $625, being the

      land left to her from the estate of her father, William H. Snyder, which was

      willed to him by his father, Henry W. Snyder. 

      Dated 18 Oct 1867.

      Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:163


8)  Sale of land by Aaron Snyder, Darius Snyder, Sarah J. Snyder, Margaret

      Ann Snyder and Catherine (Snyder) Wagoner to Henry M. Snyder for

      $3125, being the land left to them from the estate of their father, William H.

      Snyder, which was willed to him by his father, Henry W. Snyder. 

      Dated 18 Oct 1867

      Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:165


9)  Sale of land by Stephen Snyder, Harriet Wiltsie and Eli Wiltsie to Henry M.

      Snyder for $1250, being the land left to them from the estate of their

      father, William H. Snyder, which was willed to him by his father, Henry W.


      Dated 19 Nov 1867

      Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:167


10)  Sale of land by John A. & Juliaette Snyder, Levi & Eve Eliza Snyder,

         Elizabeth Maria (Snyder) & Isaac V. Cameron, to Henry M. Snyder for

         $2600, being the land left to them from the estate of their father, William

         H. Snyder, which was willed to him by his father, Henry W. Snyder.

         Dated 4 Jan 1868

         Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:169






11)  Photos (5) - Daniel Hoffman with his wife Almira Snyder Hoffman, plus 

       four photos of their six children  [nothing on the webpage 5 May 2006]






Articles of Agreement between brothers Peter W. Snyder, Henry W. Snyder, John W. Snyder, and Jacob W. Snyder at the request of their father William P. Snyder.  

Dated 20 June 1795.

Columbia Co. Deed Book A:180


Recorded this 22nd August 1795

                        Articles of  agreement indented made concluded and agreed upon this twentieth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five Between Peter W. Snyder, Henry W. Snyder, John W. Snyder, and Jacob W. Snyder all of the Town of Claverack County of Columbia and State of New York do reciprocally agree for their own mutual convenience in manner and form following Viz            Whereas William P. Snyder of the Town County and State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of eighty pounds current money of the State of New York that is twenty pounds from Peter twenty pounds from Henry, twenty pounds from John and twenty pounds from Jacob, did convey to each of his four sons respectively thirty four acres and half of woodland lying and being in the Town of Claverack aforesaid now the road that leadeth to and from said woodland to the farms of the said Henry W. Snyder, John W. Snyder, and Jacob W. Snyder being steep and difficult to ride loads from said woodland to their respective farms I Peter W. Snyder for the love and affection I bear my said Brothers and to comply with the reasonable request of my father William P. Snyder do hereby for myself my Heirs and assigns, grant leave full power and lawful authority to the said Henry W. Snyder John W. Snyder and Jacob W. Snyder and to their Heirs and Assigns forever to pass and repass my land the nearest and most convenient way they can in those wintry seasons when there is a sufficiency of snow to cover the land and secure it from damage from any kind of carriages or horses, and at all times of the day to have free egress and regress to and from the said Woodland with or without loads either by themselves or any person or persons whom they may authorize and I also give the said Henry John and Jacob and their Heirs and assigns forever the same right – to pass and repass my two eighths parts in said Woodland (conveyed to me by the said William P. Snyder) at all seasons of the year and all times whensoever they may go themselves, or depute any person by from or under them with or without loads and this without the let hindrance or molestation of any person or persons  whatsoever belonging to me or my heirs and assigns. And I the said Henry W. Snyder for myself heirs and assigns for the love and affection I bear my said brothers and to comply with the reasonable request of my father William P. Snyder do hereby grant leave full power and lawful authority to the said Peter W. Snyder John W. Snyder and Jacob W. Snyder and to their Heirs and assigns forever to pass and repass my two eighths parts in said Woodland (conveyed to me by the said William P. Snyder) at all seasons of the year and all times whensoever they may go themselves, or depute any person by from or under them with or without loads and this without the let hindrance or molestation of any person or persons  whatsoever belonging to me or my heirs and assigns. And I the said John W. Snyder for myself heirs and assigns for the love and affection I bear my said brothers and to comply with the reasonable request of my father William P. Snyder do hereby grant leave full power and lawful authority to the said Peter W. Snyder Jacob W. Snyder and Henry W. Snyder and to their Heirs and assigns forever to pass and repass my two eighths parts in said Woodland (conveyed to me by the said William P. Snyder) at all seasons of the year and all times whensoever they may go themselves, or depute any person by from or under them with or without loads and this without the let hindrance or molestation of any person or persons  whatsoever belonging to me or my heirs & assigns. And I the said Jacob W. Snyder for myself heirs and assigns for the love and affection I bear my said brothers and to comply with the reasonable request of my father William P. Snyder do hereby grant leave full power and lawful authority to the said Peter W. Snyder Henry W. Snyder and John W. Snyder and to their Heirs and assigns forever to pass and repass my land with or without loads in the wintry seasons to and from said woodland and my two eighths parts in said Woodland (conveyed to me by the said William P. Snyder) at all seasons of the year and all times whensoever they may go themselves, or depute any person by from or under them with or without loads and this without the let hindrance or molestation of any person or persons  whatsoever belonging to me or my heirs & assigns. And whereas we the said Peter W. Snyder, Henry W. Snyder, John W. Snyder and Jacob W. Snyder being each of us respectively interested in the due performance of these articles as well ourselves, as or Heirs Executors and assigns do hereby respectively bind ourselves our Heirs and assigns in the sum of one thousand pounds lawful money of the State aforesaid each to the other upon the least default or breaking of these articles and I the said Peter W. Snyder do hereby for myself my heirs and assigns empower the said Henry W. Snyder John W. Snyder and Jacob W. Snyder their Heirs and assigns to sue for and collect the said sum of one thousand pounds lawful money of the State aforesaid should I by any manner of  hinder oppose or drive off the said Henry John and Jacob or damage their team carriages or sleighs passing and repassing my Farm in the wintry seasons when the Snow is sufficient – to keep the land from any damage by said Teams or carriages or at any time or times in passing or repassing my two eighths parts of the woodland aforesaid. And I Henry W. Snyder do hereby for myself and assigns empower the said Peter John and Jacob and their Heirs and assigns to sue for and collect the said sum of one thousand pounds from me or my Heirs and assigns, shall I by any manner of means hinder oppose or drive off the said Peter John and Jacob or their Heirs and assigns or damage their Team Carriage and Sleighs passing and repassing my two eighths parts of the wood land aforesaid. And I the said John W. Snyder do hereby for myself and assigns empower the said Peter Henry and Jacob and their Heirs and assigns to sue for and collect the said sum of one thousand pounds New York currency from me or my Heirs and assigns, should I by any manner of means hinder oppose or drive off the said Peter Henry or Jacob or their Heirs and assigns or damage their Team Carriage and Sleighs passing and repassing my two eighths parts of the wood land aforesaid. And I the said Jacob W. Snyder do hereby for myself and assigns empower the said Peter Henry and John to sue for and collect the said sum of one thousand pounds New York currency from me or my Heirs and assigns, should I by any manner of means hinder oppose or drive off the said Peter Henry or John or their Heirs and assigns or damage their Team Carriage and Sleighs of the said Peter Henry or John. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year above written. 

Peter W. his X mark Snyder LS 

Henry W. his X mark Snyder LS 

John W. his X mark Snyder LS 

Jacob W. his X mark Snyder LS 

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of William P. his X mark Snyder LS 

Andrew M. Carshore.

                                                                                     A true Copy Ex & Compd pr

                                                                                     Robt Van Rensselaer Clk

Table of Contents





The Last Will and Testament of William Peter Snyder (Wilhelm Pieter Schneider).

Dated 15 January 1795, probated 25 March 1801


The Last Will and Testament of William Snyder registered the twenty fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one—


In the name of God Amen. This fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five. I William Snyder of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York, yeoman, being in perfect health, mind and memory praise be to God for the same, and calling to mind the mortal nature of my Body do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following.


Imprimis, it is my Will and I do order that all my just debts shall be paid and satisfied out of my personal estate and that my Funeral charges shall be paid by my son Johannis Snyder his heirs or assigns. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Peter Snyder the sum of twenty five shillings New York currency. Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said son Peter and to his heirs and assigns forever all that certain piece and parcel of Land or Farm whereon he now dwelleth and in his actual possession lying and being on the North of my old Farm whereon I now dwell together with all and singular the Buildings, Improvements, Privileges, and whatever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Upon condition and I do hereby will and order that my said son Peter his heirs, executors or administrators shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son William Snyder or to his heirs or assigns the sum of Ten pounds and to each of my six Daughters, namely to Anna Margaret, Geertry, Mary, Catharine, Anna, and Elizabeth to each of them or their respective heirs or assigns the sum of two pounds, ten shillings New York currency all to be paid three years after my decease. Item I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Henry Snyder and to his heirs and assigns forever all and singular that piece and parcel of land or Farm he now dwelleth, and in his actual possession lying and being on the South of my old Farm whereon I now dwell together with all and singular the Buildings, Improvements, Privileges, and whatever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Upon condition and I do hereby will and order that my said son Henry his heirs, executors or administrators shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son William Snyder or to his heirs or assigns the sum of Ten pounds and to each of my before named daughters or their respective heirs or assigns the sum of two pounds, ten shillings New York currency all to be paid three years after my decease. Item I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Johannis Snyder and to his heirs and assigns forever all and singular my old Homestead whereon I now dwell together with all the Houses, Barn, Gardens, or <char??> and all other improvements thereon made and directed. Item I give devise and bequeath unto my son Jacob Snyder and to his heirs and assigns forever all that part of my real Estate whereon he now dwells and in his possession as I have shewn him the boundaries in the presence of my said son Henry and George Layman together with all and singular the improvements and privileges thereunto belonging— Upon condition and I do hereby Will and order that my said son Jacob his heirs, Executors or administrators shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son William Snyder or his heirs and assigns the sum of <??> pounds and to each of my said daughters or their respective heirs or assigns the sum of two pounds ten shillings New York currency, all to be paid three years after my decease—Item I give, devise and bequeath unto my said son Johannis or to his heirs and assigns forever all and singular the whole remainder of my real Estate what is not herein before given and bequeathed and every part and parcel thereof with the improvements and privileges thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining—Upon condition and I do hereby will and order that my said son Johannis his heirs, Executors or administrators shall pay or cause to be paid unto my son William or his heirs and assigns the sum of Ten pounds and to each of my said daughters or their respective heirs or assigns the sum of two pounds ten shillings New York currency, all to be paid three years after my decease—Item I give, devise and bequeath unto my five before named sons or their respective heirs or assigns my wearing apparel to be equally divided by and between them share and share alike – Item I give and bequeath unto my said son William and to his heirs and assigns forever such and so much out of my stock as one or either of my other sons have had of my stock – Item I give and bequeath all and singular the remainder of my personal estate to my eleven children named and to their respective heirs or assigns to be equally divided by and between them share and share alike – And Lastly I appoint my trusty and beloved two before named sons Peter and Henry Snyder Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written – 

William his X mark Snyder LS. Signed sealed Published declared by the said William Snyder to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us – Jeremiah Johs Muller, Michael I. Harder, David Brouwer –


Columbia County SS.  Be it remember that on the twenty fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one David Brouwer of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia aforesaid personally appeared before me William W. Van Ness Surrogate of the said County and being duly sworn says that he saw William Snyder sign and seal the above Instrument purporting to be his last Will and Testament. That at the time of executing thereof the said William Snyder was of sound and disposing mind and memory to the best of the knowledge and belief of the Deponent and that Jeremiah Johs Muller Michael I. Harder and the Deponent severally subscribe their names as Witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the Testator—

                                                                                                W.W. Van Ness, Surrogate


Table of Contents





Conveyance of Land from Henry W. Snyder to John H. Snyder

Dated 29 July 1816

Columbia Co. Deed Book E1:18


Recorded Septr 23d 1816. This Indenture made the twenty-ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & sixteen. Between Henry W. Snyder

of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia Yeoman of the one part & John H. Snyder of the same place Blacksmith of the other part. Witnessed that the said Henry W. Snyder for & in consideration of the sum of Two hundred & fifty dollars money of account of United States to the said Henry W. Snyder in hand well and truly paid at & before the ensealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Hath granted bargained sold aliened released & confirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien release & confirm unto the said John H. Snyder in his actual possession now being & to his heirs and assigns forever. All that certain piece parcel lot of land situate lying & being in the town of Claverack & County Columbia aforesaid. Butted and bounded as follows Beginning at a stake & heap of stones southward from Frederick Cloppers thence north nineteen degrees east fourteen chains forty-five links to a stake thence south seventeen degrees west three chains ninety seven links to a stake & stones thence south twenty three degrees west six chains forty three links to a stake & heap of stones six chains forty three links thence south nineteen degrees west one chain, ninety two links to a stake & heap of stones, thence south twenty five degrees west eighty-eight degrees & thirty minutes East eight chains eighty-seven links to the place of beginning Containing eight acres one rood & forty perches of land be the same more or less. Together with all & singular the privileges, advantages heriditaments & appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in any wise appertaining And the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders, rents issues and profits thereof And all estate right title interest property claim & demand whatsoever both at law & in equity of him the said Henry W. Snyder or either of them of in & to the same every or any part or parcel thereof. To have & to hold above the granted bargained & released premises with the appurtenances unto the said John H. Snyder his heirs and assigns to the only proper use of the said John H. Snyder his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Henry W. Snyder for himself his heirs executors & administrators Doth by these presents covenant promise grant & agree to & with the said John H. Snyder his heirs & assigns in manner & form following that is to say that the said Henry W. Snyder at the time of the ensealing & delivery of these presents is lawfully seized in his own right of in & to the said premises mentioned to be hereby granted & released with the appurtenances as of a good sure perfect absolute & indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple without any  condition or other matter or thing whatsoever to alter change charge defeat or make void the same And also that he the said Henry W. Snyder hath in himself good right full power & lawful authority to grant bargain sell release & assure the said premises hereby mentioned to be granted & released unto & to the use of the said John H. Snyder his heirs & assigns in manner aforesaid. And further that the said John H. Snyder his heirs & assigns shall & may from time to time & at all times forever hereafter peaceably & quietly have hold occupy possess & enjoy the said premises mentioned to be hereby granted & released with the appurtenances & that free & clear & freely & clearly acquitted exonerated & discharged of from & against all & all manner of former & other gifts bargains sales leased mortgages dowers of titles of dower judgment executions charges & encumbrances whatsoever And the said Henry W. Snyder for himself & his heirs all & singular the premises mentioned to be hereby granted & released & every part & parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said John H. Snyder his heirs & assigns against all & every person & persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or claim the same shall & will warrant & forever Defend by these presents In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands & seals the day & year first above written.

Sealed & delivered in the presence of                      Henry his X mark Snyder L.S.

John J. Miller


            Columbia County ss I John J. Miller first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the said County de hereby certify that on the twenty-ninth day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred & sixteen before me came Henry W. Snyder to me known & acknowledged that he had signed sealed & delivered the within as his free act & deed for the uses therein mentioned& having examined the same & finding therein no material alterations do allow it to  be recorded.

                                                            John J. Miller

                                                            A True Copy C. Miller Clk


Table of Contents





Will of Henry W. Snyder

Recorded 7 July 1837

Columbia Co. Will Book H:28


Record of the Last Will and Testament of Henry W. Snyder late of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia but now deceased as a Will of real and personal property and of the proofs and examinations relative thereto

                                                                                    Recorded July 7th AD 1837


In the name of God Amen – I Henry W. Snyder of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia in the State of New York being advanced in years but of sound mind memory and understanding Blessed be Almighty God for the same do make ordain & publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say – First I give devise and bequeath unto my son William H. Snyder the homestead whereon I now reside in the Town of Claverack aforesaid consisting of a farm of land and three detached wood lots lying a short distance there from, and bounded on the south and east by the line of the manor of Livingston, and on the North by Jacob W. Snyder deceased, and on the west by Henry P. Snyder & Coonrade P. Silvernail, and contains by estimation rising of Two Hundred acres be the same more or less – one of the said wood lots lies on a mountain, adjoining lands of Henry P. Snyder, Jacob W. Snyder dec’d & Henry J. W. Snyder, and contains by estimations seventeen and one quarter acres be the same more or less – Another of said wood lots adjoins lands of my deceased son John H. Snyder, Henry P. Snyder & Jacob W. Snyder and contains between eight and nine acres of the same more or less – The other of said wood lots is swampish land and lies adjoining lands of Henry J. W. Snyder, Frederick F. Clapper & Henry P. Snyder & contains by estimation Two and a half acres of land be the same more or less, these pieces of land are at present occupied as one farm & constitute all the real estate of which I am the owner – I hereby give devise and bequeath the same to my said son William H. Snyder as now occupied possessed and enjoyed by me fully & in every respect To Have and To Hold the same unto him his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple, and it is my will and I hereby order and direct that all the buildings of every name and nature upon the said land & all the fixtures, cider mill and pres, Threshing machine, and all the appurtenances of every kind attached to the said land, as they shall exist at the time of my decease and also my fanning mill, shall pass to my said son William with the said farm. To Have and To Hold the same to my said son William his heirs and assigns forever.

Second             - In consideration of the said gift of said land I hereby order that all funeral expenses be paid by my said son William –

Third                In case I have become sick before my death & a Physicians Bill shall have accrued by reason thereof. I order that my said son William shall pay the same out of the Estate herein before devised to him, provided said Bill does not exceed twenty dollars, and if it does exceed that sum, then I order that he shall pay twenty dollars thereof, and that the residue shall be paid by my executors out of my personal Estate—

Fourth             I give devise and bequeath unto my daughters Maria the wife of Samuel Halstead and Catharine the wife of Henry Tanner the sum of Three Hundred and eighty two dollars & fifty cents each and apiece in money making together the sum of Seven Hundred and sixty five dollars to have and to hold the same to them and their respective heirs and legal representatives forever. It is my will that the said sums shall belong to & be enjoyed by my said daughters & their respective children individually and to this end I hereby order that if necessary, the same shall be placed in such a situation by my Executor herein after named as that the same shall not be subject in any event to the debts <habitu??> or control of their respective husbands.

Fifth                 I give devise and bequeath unto the children of my deceased daughter Hannah, wife of John Michael deceased, that is to say to Henry Michael, Eliza Ann Michael, Philip Michael & Betsey Jane Michael the sum of twenty five dollars each & apiece in money. And I do also give devise and bequeath unto the children of my deceased son Peter H. Snyder, that is to say to Sally the wife of Morris Tanner, Samuel Snyder and Caty Snyder, the like sum of twenty five dollars each & apiece in money, To Have and To Hold the said sums to them and their respective heirs and assigns. And in case either of the children in this clause mentioned shall die unmarried and without lawful issue after the making of this my will and before his or her legacy shall become payable then & in such case I order and direct that the share of such dec’d child or children shall be paid equally to his surviving sisters or brothers, brother & sisters, or sister & brothers as the case may be. The legacies given by this clause an intended to be given as above to the children of my said deceased son Peter H. Snyder, & to the children of my said deceased daughter Hannah Michael & if any mistake shall be made in giving the monies of said children or either of them it is my will that it shall not prejudice the right of the child misnamed to the legacy bequeathed.

Sixth                I give devise and bequeath unto Nelson Snyder, Almon Snyder and Julius Snyder, children of my deceased son John H. Snyder, and unto their heirs and assigns forever, the sum of twenty five dollars apiece in money and it is also my wish in respect to them & hereby order that if either of them shall die after the making of this my will and before the legacies bequeathed in this clause shall become payable without lawful issue & unmarried, then & in such case the legacy of such child shall be payable equally to the surviving brothers and their heirs.

Seventh                        I do hereby order and direct that the legacies mentioned in the fourth, fifth and sixth clauses of this my will that is to say the legacies to my daughters Maria Halstead & Catharine Tanner and their heirs respectively – to the children of my deceased daughter Hannah Michael, and to the children of my deceased sons Peter H. Snyder and John W. Snyder making in all the sum of one thousand dollars shall be paid by my son William H. Snyder and I do hereby charge the Real Estate hereinbefore bequeathed to him with the payment thereof, I hereby order that the said legacies shall be payable to the persons entitled to same in eighteen months after my decease without interest and if not then paid them interest after the said eighteen months.

Eighth              As to my personal estate, I hereby dispose thereof as follows, that is to say I order and direct that my wearing apparel and clothing shall be given and belong to my son William H. Snyder. I order and direct that out of the best of my household furniture, Maria the wife of Samuel Halstead and Catherine the wife of Henry Tanner shall each have a bedstead with the necessary bedding viz. big feather bed and shaw tick and two changes of bed clothes throughout. To Have and To Hold the same unto them and their heirs respectively as their individual property not to be affected by any debts of their husbands—

Ninth                As to the rest and residue of my personal Estate. Estate & property it is my will and I do hereby order & direct that the same shall be converted into money as soon after my decease as may be and that such as may be necessary to be sold for that purpose be sold at public auction or be <??> by my Executor & that the avails over and above the expenses of the <vendue?> be paid and distributed to my daughter Maria Halstead wife of Samuel Halstead and her heirs & to my daughter Catharine the wife of Henry Tanner and her heirs in equal proportions, the proportion of my said daughters to belong to them and their legal representatives individually and not subject to the direction or debts of their husbands in any way. And if necessary the proportion of my said daughter Maria to be placed in such way by my executor as that the same may be under her exclusive control for the benefit of herself and children and not liable to her husband’s debts.

Tenth               I hereby direct that my son William H. Snyder shall after my death <prom??> and cause to be placed at my grave suitable marble stones with the proper inscriptions to be paid for out of the property bequeathed to him by this my Will.

Eleventh            Any notes I may hold against any of my children whether living or dec’d at the time of my decease I hereby order shall be given up and shall  not be collected and no claim shall be made against my said son William for the use of the real Estate hereinbefore mentioned or any other of my property previous to my decease & the crops of grain on hand & on the ground of the time of my decease shall belong to him my said son William.

Twelfth             I case I shall have lived with my son William in his family and any attention or services shall have been rendered to or for me in sickness or in health by him or them or any of them, previous to my death I hereby order that nothing shall be paid or allowed therefore out of my Estate & having allowed for such a contingency in bequeathing to him the farm hereinbefore mentioned.

Thirteenth            It is my wish that there should be no disturbance litigation or dissatisfaction among my children or grandchildren in relation to any bequest in this my Will.

And                  finally I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my son William H. Snyder & my sons in law Henry Tanner and Samuel Halstead the Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other & former wills by me at any time heretofore made and declaring this to be my last. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of February in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.                            

                                                                        Henry W. his -|- mark Snyder L.S.


Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Henry W. Snyder as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the undersigned who at his request and in his presence & in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed and named as witnesses – “The words Henry Tanner” on the fourth page erased & the words “Samuel Halstead interlined before execution.

            John Gaul of the City of Hudson Columbia County

            Theo. Miller of the City of Hudson Columbia County


State of New York Columbia County SS – Be it remembered that at a Surrogates Court held in and for the said County at the Surrogate’s Office in the City of Hudson on the seventh day of July AD 1837 Present John Gaul Junr Surrogate. In the manner of the probate and proof of the last Will and Testament of Henry W. Snyder deceased as a Will of personal and real property came William H. Snyder of the Town of Claverack & Henry S. Tanner & Samuel Halstead of the Town of Taghkanic in the County and State aforesaid named as executors in an instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said Henry W. Snyder – deceased and presented the same for probate and proof and records as a Will of personal and real property and produced to the said Court due proof of the legal personal service upon all the next of kin of said deceased and upon the guardians ad Litum heretofore duly appointed by this court upon application for that purpose for such of the said next of kin as are minors, of the Citations heretofore duly issued by this Court and directed to the said next of kin to attend the probate of said Will on this day at the place aforesaid and also produced to the said Court due proof of the legal personal service upon all the heirs of said deceased, and upon the guardians ad Litum  duly appointed by this County for the purpose of appearing for and taking care of the interests of such said heirs as any minor, as a notice form them the said William H. Snyder, Henry S. Tanner and Samuel Halstead, as such execution as aforesaid that application would be made this day at the place aforesaid, for the proof of said Will as a Will of Real property according to Law. And thereupon no one appearing to oppose or postpone the probate and proof of said Will as aforesaid, the said Court proceeded to take the Testimony and depositions of several Witnesses with regard to the due execution – delivery possession – genuineness – and validity of said Will, as a Will of Real and personal property which said Will is hereinbefore contained, and which said Citations and Notices and proof of service thereof. Depositions & Testimony are as follows, To Wit,


The People of the State of New York by the Grace of God Free and Independent To all whom these presents shall come or may concern and especially to the next of kin of Henry W. Snyder, late of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York Send Greeting You are hereby cited personally to be and appear (if you shall see fit) before our Surrogate of our County of Columbia at the Surrogate’s Office in the City of Hudson on the seventh day of July next at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to attend the Probate of a certain Instrument in writing (purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said Henry W. Snyder deceased L.S. In Testimony Whereof we have caused the Seal of Office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness John Gaul Jun Esquire Surrogate of our said County at Hudson the Tenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

                                                                        John Gaul Jun, Surrogate—


Columbia County SS. William H. Snyder of the Town of Claverack in said County being duly sworn says that on the tenth day of June last he served then within Citation upon Henry Michael and on the thirteenth of the same month he served the same upon Eliza Ann Emmons, wife of Morton Emmons upon Philip Michael and upon Betsey Jane Michael. That he served the same at the said periods personally delivering to each a copy thereof & at the same time shewing to each the within and seal. And that the said several Individuals constitute the only children of Hannah Michael, deceased.

Sworn before me this7 day of July 1837                                           William H. Snyder

            John Gaul Junr Surrogate


The People of the State of New York by the Grace of God Free and Independent – To all to whom these presents shall come or may concern and especially the next of kin of Henry W. Snyder late of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia in the State of New York deceased – Same Meeting – Law are hereby cited Personally to be and appear (if you shall see fit) before our Surrogate of our County of Columbia at the Surrogates Office in the City of Hudson on the seventh day of July next at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to attend the probate of a certain Instrument in writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said Henry W. Snyder deceased.

            In Testimony Whereof we have caused the seal and office of our said Surrogate to be

L.S. hereunto affixed – Witness John Gaul Jun Esquire Surrogate of our said County of Columbia at Hudson the 10th day of June in the Year one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

                                                                                    John Gaul Jun Surrogate


Columbia County SS Henry S. Tanner of the Town of Taghkanic in the County of Columbia being duly sworn deposes and says that on the tenth day of June last the within citation now served personally upon Morris Tanner and Sally Ann his wife, Nelson Snyder, Samuel Halstead, Catherine the wife of this deponent & upon Henry Snyder. That it was thus served upon the said Morris Tanner in his own right as husband of the said Sally Ann Tanner and as especial guardian for Catherine Snyder the daughter of Peter H. Snyder deceased. That is was also served upon the sad Samuel Halstead at the said period in his own right & as general guardian of Samuel Snyder one of the children of Peter H. Snyder dec’d – that on the twelfth day of the same month it was also served upon the said Nelson Snyder in his own right & as special guardian for his brothers Julius & Almon children of John H. Snyder deceased. That on the twelfth day of the same month the within citation was served personally upon Maria Halstead the wife of Samuel Halstead – upon Samuel Snyder – upon Catherine Snyder & Julius Snyder. That it was thus served at the said several times upon the said Individuals personally by delivering to each a copy thereof and at the same time shewing to each of them the within and seal and this deponent further says that the said annexed citation was in like manner duly served upon him on the tenth day of June last and upon William H. Snyder at the same period and that the said several Individuals together with the children of Hannah Michael deceased constitute the only next of kin and heirs at Law of Henry W. Snyder deceased.

Sworn before me this 7th day of July 1837                              Henry S. Tanner

                        John Gaul Jun. Surrogate


I Wesley R. Gallup the Special Guardian of Betsey Jane Michael one of the next of kin of Henry W. Snyder deceased do hereby admit that I was duly served with the annexed Citation on the tenth day of June last & I do hereby consent that the last Will and Testament therein mentioned may be admitted to probate. July 7. 1837                 Wesley R. Gallup

Done in open Court in presence of –

John Gaul Jun Surrogate


To the heirs of Henry W. Snyder late of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York deceased and all others whom this notice may concern You and each of you are hereby required to take notice that application will be made to the Surrogate of the County of Columbia at his office in the City of Hudson in said County on the seventh day of July next at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day to have the last Will and Testament of the said deceased proved and recorded as a Will of Real property according to Law – Dated Hudson

June 10 1837                                             William H. Snyder       |

                                                                        Henry S. Tanner          | Executors in said

                                                                        Samuel Halstead            | Will named –


Columbia County SS William H. Snyder of the Town of Claverack in said County being duly sworn say that on the tenth day of June last he served the within notice upon Henry Michael. And on the thirteenth of the same month he served the same upon Eliza Ann Emmons wife of Morton Emmons – upon Philip Michael and upon Betsey Jane Michael. That he served the same at the said periods personally by delivering to each of them a copy thereof and at the same time shewing to each the within – And that the said several Individuals constitute the only children of Hannah Michael deceased.

            Sworn before me this 7 of July 1837                              William H. Snyder

                        John Gaul Jun Surrogate


To the Heirs of Henry W. Snyder late of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York deceased and all others whom this notice may concern You and each of you are hereby required to take notice that application will be made to the Surrogate of the County of Columbia at his office in the City of Hudson in said County on the seventh day of July next at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day to have the last Will and Testament of the said deceased proved and recorded as a Will of Real property according to Law – Dated Hudson

June 10 1837                                             William H. Snyder        |

                                                                        Henry S. Tanner           | Executors in said

                                                                        Samuel Halstead            | Will named –


Columbia County SS Henry S. Tanner of the Town of Taghkanic in the said County of Columbia being duly sworn deposes and says that on the 10 day of June last he served the annexed Notice upon Morris Tanner and Sally Ann his wife – Nelson Snyder – Samuel Halstead – Catherine the wife of this deponent & upon Almon Snyder. That it was thus served upon the said Morris Tanner in his own right as husband of the said Sally Ann Tanner and as special Guardian in the proceedings for Catherine Snyder one of the daughters of Peter H. Snyder deceased – That it was also served upon the said Samuel Halstead at the said period in his own right and as general guardian for Samuel Snyder one of the children of Peter H. Snyder deceased – That it was also served at the said period upon the said Nelson Snyder in his own right and as special Guardian for his brothers Almon & Julius Snyder children of John H. Snyder  deceased – That on the twelfth day of the same month the said annexed Notice was served personally upon Maria Halstead the wife of the above named Samuel Halstead – Upon Samuel Snyder – Catherine Snyder and Julius Snyder – That it was served at the said several periods upon the said several Individual, personally by delivering to each a copy thereof and at the same time shewing to each of them the said annexed Notice that the said annexed Notice was in like manner personally & duly served upon this deponent on the tenth day of June last & upon William H. Snyder at the same time. And this deponent further says that the said several Individuals together with the children of Hannah Michael deceased constitute the only next of kin and heirs at Law of Henry W. Snyder deceased.

Sworn before me this 7th day of July 1837                                   Henry S. Tanner

                        John Gaul Jun. Surrogate


I Wesley R. Gallup the Special Guardian of Betsey Jane Michael one of the heirs at Law of Henry W. Snyder deceased do hereby admit that on the tenth day of June last I was duly served with the annexed Notice of intention to have said Will proved as a Will of Real property & I do hereby consent that same may be admitted to probate as a Will of Real property according to Law –  July 7. 1837                                                                                         Wesley R. Gallup

Done in open Court in presence of –

John Gaul Jun Surrogate


Columbia County SS John Gaul of the City of Hudson in the said County being first duly sworn deposes and says that he was acquainted with Henry W. Snyder in his life time that the said Henry W. Snyder is now dead and died in or about the eighteenth day of May last at his residence after being unwell for some time and was at the time of his death a habitant of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York that this deponent saw the said Henry W. Snyder execute the Instrument now shown to this deponent purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said deceased and having date the twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven and heard him declare and acknowledge the same as his last Will and Testament. That at the time of such execution and acknowledgement the said Henry W. Snyder was of sound and disposing mind and memory over the age of twenty one Years that is to say about seventy seven years of age and not under any restraint to the best of the knowledge information and belief of this deponent – that this deponent and the other subscribing witness to said Instrument. Theodore Miller Esq. of the City of Hudson aforesaid subscribed their names respectively as witnesses to the said Instrument in the Presence and at the request of the said Henry W. Snyder and also in I the presence of each other – And this deponent further says that after said Instrument was drawn it was read over to the said testator and by him declared to be in accordance with his wishes that of that time the said Henry W. Snyder deceased was in the possession and enjoyment of his full mental faculties – competent to understand his rights and in the Judgment of this deponent competent to divide Real Estate – And this deponent further says that after the said last Will and Testament was drawn – executed and witnessed it was delivered by the said testator to him for safe keeping sealed in an Envelope – And was retained by this deponent in his possession until after the death of the said testator when it was delivered by this deponent to the Surrogate of Columbia County for protection and proof that the said Instrument as now shown to him is genuine and as he received it and without any alteration to his knowledge.

Sworn before me this7 day of July 1837                                              John Gaul

            John Gaul Jun Surrogate


Columbia County SS Theodore Miller of the City of Hudson in the said County being first duly sworn deposed and says that he was acquainted with Henry W. Snyder in his life time that the said Henry W. Snyder in now dead and died on or about the eighteenth day of May last as he has been informed and verily behaves and was at the time of his death an Inhabitant of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York that this deponent saw the said Henry W. Snyder execute the Instrument now shewn to this deponent purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said deceased and bearing date the twentieth of February in the Year of  Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven and heard him declare and acknowledge the same as for his last Will and Testament. That at the time of such execution and acknowledgment the said Henry W. Snyder was of sound and disposing mind and memory over the age of twenty one years, that is to say about seventy seven years of age according to his information and belief and not under any restraint to the best of the knowledge Information and belief of this deponent – that this deponent and the other subscribing witness to the said Instrument John Gaul of the City of Hudson – aforesaid subscribed their names respectively as witnesses to said Instrument in the presence and at the request of the said Henry W. Snyder deceased and also in the presence of each other.– And the deponent further says that the said Instrument is in his handwriting – That it was drawn by him at the request of the said testator and with a very slight alteration is the same Instrument previously executed by the said Henry W. Snyder deceased, and then with this deponent. That at the time of its execution the said Henry W. Snyder was in the full possession and enjoyment of his mental faculties competent to understand his rights and to devise real Estate that after the said testator for safe keeping to the other subscribing witness John Gaul. That the said Instrument as now shewn to this deponent is as it was when drawn & without any alteration to his knowledge.

Sworn before me this7 day of July 1837                                        Theodore Miller

            John Gaul Jun Surrogate


The foregoing proofs and Examinations were taken before me the said Surrogate at the time and places above mentioned and the depositions of the respective witnesses were by them severally subscribed after they had been carefully read over to them and I the said Surrogate being satisfied upon the proofs and examinations so taken as aforesaid of the genuineness and validity of said Will have ordered that the said Will be admitted to probate and that letters testamentary thereon be granted to the executors therein named or such one of them as shall apply therefore after the expiration of 30 days from the date of said order if in the mean time no objections thereto on the part of some person interested in the estate of the said deceased be made and filed with me. And being further satisfied that the said testator at the time of executing and delivering the same was in all respects competent to devise real Estate and not under restraint have adjudged said Will with the proofs as a Will of Real property and have ordered the said Will with the proofs and examinations relative thereto to be recorded which record as herein above contained. I do hereby sign and certify as by Law required.

                                                                        Done this 7th day of July AD 1837

                                                                                                John Gaul Junr


Table of Contents






Letters of Administration for William H. Snyder

Dated 10 September 1866  Book ??:29

[This was a form with blanks to be filled in.  The parts filled in are highlighted.]   

The People of the State of New York

                        By the Grace of God Free and Independent

To Levi Snyder and Isaac Cameron of the County of Columbia NY

Whereas, William H. Snyder of Claverack County of Columbia NY  lately died in testate as is alleged & having whilst living, and at the time of his death, goods, chattels, or credits with in this State, by means whereof, the ordering and granting administration of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits: And also, the auditing, allowing and final discharging the account thereof, doth appertain unto us; And we being desirous that the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, may well and faithfully administered, applied and disposed of, do grant unto you the said Levi Snyder and Isaac Cameron full power by these presents, to administer and faithfully to dispose of all and singular the said goods, chattels and credits, to ask, demand, recover and receive the debts, which unto the said deceased, whist living, and at the time of his death did belong, and to pay the debts which the said deceased did owe, so far as such goods, chattels and credits will thereto extend and the law require: Hereby requiring you to make, or cause to be made,, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have, or shall come to your hands, possession or knowledge, and the same so made to exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the Office of the Surrogate of the said County of Columbia, at or before the expiration of three calendar months from the date hereof; And also to render a just and true account of administration, when thereunto required: And we do by these presents depute, constitute and appoint you the said Levi Snyder and Isaac Cameron administrators of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits which were of the said William H. Snyder deceased.

In Testimony Whereof, we have caused the seal of Office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, C. Esselstyn Surrogate of our said County, at Hudson NY the 10th day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty six.

                                    Chas Esselstyn



Table of Contents




Will of Margaret Snyder

Dated 18 February 1867

Columbia Co. Will Book N:668


Record of the Last Will and Testament of Margaret Snyder late of the town of Claverack deceased as a Will of Personal Estate with the proof taken in relation thereto.

Recorded December 19th, 1867


Be it remembered that here before me to wit on the 16th day of November 1867 Henry M. Snyder and Darius Snyder the Executors named in the Last Will and Testament of Margaret Snyder late of Columbia County deceased appeared in open Court before the Surrogate of the said County and made application to have the said Last Will and Testament which only to Personal Estate proved, and on such application the said Surrogate did ascertain by satisfactory evidence who were the heirs and next of kin appearing to be of full age, said Surrogate did thereupon issue a citation in due form of law, directed to the said heirs and next of kin by their respective names, stating their respective places of residence requiring them to appear before said Surrogate on the 19th of December 1867, to attend the probate of said will, and afterwards to wit on the said 19th day of December satisfactory evidence having been produced and presented to said Surrogate – At the service of said Citation in the mode prescribed by law. And in that day no one appearing to oppose the probate of such Will, such proceeding were thereupon had afterwards that the Surrogate tool the proof of the said Will hereinafter set forth upon this 19th  December 1867 and he adjudged the said Will to be a valid Will of Personal Estate and the proof thereof to be sufficient, which said Will and proof are as follows, that is to say:

                        In the Name of God Amen. I Margaret Snyder of the town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York at the age of Sixty Eight years and being of sound mind and memory do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following, that is to say:

First      I give and bequeath to my daughter Margaret Ann Snyder the lawful interest of the sum of Two thousand dollars to be paid to her annually by my executors during the time of her natural life. And I do also give and bequeath to my said daughter Margaret Ann my Cow and my Pig.

Second I give and bequeath to my said daughter Margaret Ann and my daughter Sarah Jane Snyder my Sett of Twelve Parlor Chairs to be equally divided between them share and share alike.

Third    I also give and bequeath to my said daughter Margaret Ann my Cooking Stove with its furniture and fixtures and my clothes chest.

Fourth   I give and bequeath to each of my sons Henry M. Snyder, John A. Snyder, Stephen Snyder, and Darius Snyder and to my daughter Sarah Jane the sum of Twenty-five dollars ($25).

Lastly   I hereby nominate and appoint my sons Henry M. Snyder and Darius Snyder to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

            In Witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eighteenth day of February one thousand and eight hundred and sixty seven.

                                                                                    Margaret her -|- mark Snyder L.S.


The foregoing Instrument consisting of one sheet was on the day of the date thereof signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Margaret Snyder as and for her last Will and Testament in presence of me, who at her request and in her presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto

                                                            E. G. Shidley Residing at Claverack Col. Co.

                                                            P. W. Shufelt                 Taghkanic      


Columbia County S.S.

                                                            Eldridge G. Shidley of the Town of Claverack in said County, being first duly sworn deposed and says that he is a subscribing witness to the Instrument now shown to him purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Margaret Snyder deceased. And bearing date on the Eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven. That the deponent and Philip W. Shufelt the other subscribing witness to said Instrument. At the request and in the presence of the said Margaret Snyder and in the presence of each other that the deponent saw the said Margaret Snyder execute the said Instrument and heard her declare the same, to be her last Will and Testament, at which time the said Margaret Snyder was of sound and disposing mind and memory, of full age, and not under any restraint according to the deponent had knowledge and belief that the said Margaret Snyder is now dead, was a citizen of the United States and was at the time of her death an inhabitant of the town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York.

sworn before me                                                        E. G. Shidley

in open Court this 19th day of December 1867

            Chas Esselstyn



Columbia County S.S.

                                                            Philip W. Shufelt of the Town of Taghkanic in said County, being first duly sworn deposed and says that he is a subscribing witness to the Instrument now shown to him purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Margaret Snyder deceased. And bearing date on the Eighteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven. That the deponent and Eldridge G. Shidley the other subscribing witness to said Instrument. At the request and in the presence of the said Margaret Snyder and in the presence of each other that the deponent saw the said Margaret Snyder execute the said Instrument and heard her declare the same, to be her last Will and Testament, at which time the said Margaret Snyder was of sound and disposing mind and memory, of full age, and not under any restraint according to the deponent had knowledge and belief that the said Margaret Snyder is now dead, was a citizen of the United States and was at the time of her death an inhabitant of the town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York.

sworn before me                                                        P. W. Shufelt

in open Court this 19th day of December 1867

            Chas Esselstyn



Columbia County S.S.

                                                Recorded the preceding last Will and Testament of Margaret Snyder late of Columbia County deceased as a Will of Personal Estate, with the proofs taken in the Court of the Surrogate of the said Courts relating to said Will, which record is hereby signed and certified by me personally to the provision of the several statutes this 19th day of December 1867.

Chas Esselstyn             Surrogate




Columbia County, Surrogates Court, s.s.

To Charles Esselstyn, Esq., Surrogate, Columbia County:

THE PETITION OF Henry W. Snyder and Darius Snyder of the town of Claverack, Columbia County

Respectively Sheweth, That Margaret Snyder, late of the County of Columbia, and the State of New York, is dead – that she died on or about the fourteenth day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven that she was at the time of her death, an inhabitant of the town of Claverack in said County, and died at her place of residence in the County of Columbia, leaving a Last Will and Testament. That said Will relates to personal estate. That the personal estate of the said deceased does not exceed in value the sum of ---. That the said deceased did therein and thereby appoint your petitioners Henry M. Snyder and Darius Snyder the Executors of the same. That the said deceased died, leaving her surviving no husband, but the following children (viz)-

Margaret Ann Snyder, Sarah Jane Snyder, Catharine the wife of John Wagner respectively residing in Claverack, Columbia Co., NY – Betsy the wife of Isaac V. Cameron of Hillsdale, Columbia Co., NY, Almira, wife of Daniel Hoffman of Bath, Steuben Co., NY, Harriet, wife of Eli Wiltsie of Newark, Wayne Co., NY – Henry M. Snyder, Darius Snyder, Levi Snyder and Aaron Snyder respectively residing in Claverack, Columbia Co. NY – and Stephen Snyder residing in Newark, Wayne County, NY. The above being all of full age and constituting the only children, Heirs at Law, and Next of Kin of –

                        Margaret Snyder late of Columbia County Deceased

by means whereof, as your petitioners have been informed, and truly believe it belongs to the Surrogate of said County to take the proof of the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased. That your petitioners being desirous that the said Will be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary should be granted thereon, pray a citation issuing out of and under the seal of this Court, requiring said next of kin and heirs at law, personally to be and appear when and where this Court may direct, to oppose or support, as they may see fit, the probate of the said Last Will and Testament. And your petitioner will ever pay &c.

Dated Hudson, Novr 16th 1867.                                          Henry M. Snyder

                                                                                                        Darius Snyder


State of New York     |

COLUMBIA COUNTY            |ss. Henry M. Snyder and Darius Snyder

The above petitioners – being duly sworn, do depose and say, that the matters and things set forth in the foregoing petition are true, to the best of their knowledge, information and belief.

Sworn, this 16th day of                                                               Henry M. Snyder                

November 1867 before me,                                                       Darius Snyder

Chas Esselstyn




Table of Contents





Sale of land by Almira (Snyder) Hoffman to Levi Snyder for $625, being the land left to her from the estate of her father, William H. Snyder, which was willed to him by his father, Henry W. Snyder. 

Dated 18 October 1867

Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:163


This Indenture, made this Eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven: Between Almira Hoffman and Daniel Hoffman her husband of the Town of Claverack in the County of Columbia and State of New York Parties of the first part and Levi Snyder of the Town County and state aforesaid Party of the second part. Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred and Twenty five Dollars to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have bargained, sold, remised and Quit claimed, and by these presents, do hereby bargain, sell, remise and Quit claim unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever. All the equal undivided one twelfth part in the Real Estate hereinafter described, to wit: a farm of land and three detached Wood lots, lying a short distance there from and bounded and described as follows, that is to say: the farm is bounded on the South and East by the line of the manor of Livingston – And on the North by Jacob W. Snyder deceased and on the West by Henry P. Snyder & Coonradt P. Silvernail and contains by estimation rising of Two Hundred acres the same more or less; one of the said Wood Lots lies on a mountain adjoining lands of Henry P. Snyder Jacob W. Snyder deceased & Henry J. W. Snyder & contains by Estimation Seventeen and one quarter acres the same more or less – Another of the said Wood Lots adjoining lands of my deceased son John H. Snyder and containing between Eight and Nine acres be the same more or less. The other of said Wood Lots is swampish Land and lies adjoining Lands of Henry J. W. Snyder, Frederick F. Clapper, Henry P. Snyder & contains by Estimation Two and half acres, the same more or less – It being the same farm of Land owned and occupied by William H. Snyder, Father of the said Almira Hoffman, during his lifetime and at the time of his decease, and constitutes all the Real Estate of which the said William H. Snyder died seized, the above description being taken from the Last Will and Testament of Henry W. Snyder, deceased, father of said William H. Snyder deceased dated February 20, 1837. The record of which can be found at the Surrogate’s Office of the County of Columbia to which reference is hereby had for greater certainty. It being the intention of the said parties of the first part hereto to convey all their right, title, and interest of, in and to the above described premises. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits, thereof, and all the estate, right title interest claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, Either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises with the said hereditaments and appurtenances, To have and to hold the said described premises together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, The parties of the first part, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

sealed and delivered in                              Almira Hoffman             L.S.

the presence of                                    

D.C. Neefus                                                     Daniel Hoffman             L.S.


State of New York

Columbia County, S.S.

                                                On this Eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven before me appeared Daniel Hoffman and Almira his wife to me personally known to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who severally acknowledged that they executed the same; and the said Almira Hoffman on a private examination by me apart from her said husband, acknowledged that she executed the same freely, and without any force or compulsion by her said husband.

                                                                                    D C. Neefus

                                                                                    Notary Public

                                                                                    in & for Columbia Co. N. Y.

Recorded June 22, 1868 at 1 P.M.



Table of Contents





Sale of land by Aaron Snyder, Darius Snyder, Sarah J. Snyder, Margaret Ann Snyder and Catherine (Snyder) Wagoner to Henry M. Snyder for $3125, being the land left to them from the estate of their father, William H. Snyder, which was willed to him by his father, Henry W. Snyder. 

Dated 18 October 1867

Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:165


This Indenture, made this Twenty third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven: Between Aaron Snyder & Charity A. his wife, Darius Snyder, Sarah J. Snyder, Margaret Ann Snyder and Catherine Wagoner all of the Town of Claverack Columbia County New York (Heirs at law of William H. Snyder, deceased) Parties of the first part and Henry M. Snyder of the Town County and state aforesaid Party of the second part. Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty five Dollars (being Six Hundred and Twenty five Dollars each) to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have bargained, sold, remised and Quit claimed, and by these presents, do hereby bargain, sell, remise and Quit claim unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever. All the equal undivided one twelfth part each in the Real Estate hereinafter described, to wit: a farm of land and three detached Wood lots, lying a short distance there from and bounded and described as follows, that is to say: the farm is bounded on the South and East by the line of the manor of Livingston and on the North by Jacob W. Snyder deceased & on the West by Henry P. Snyder & Coonradt P. Silvernail and contains by estimation rising of Two Hundred acres be the same more or less; one of the said Wood Lots lies on a mountain adjoining lands of Henry P. Snyder Jacob W. Snyder deceased & Henry J. W. Snyder & contains by Estimation Seventeen and one quarter acres be the same more or less – Another of the said Wood Lots adjoining lands of my deceased son John H. Snyder and containing between Eight and Nine acres be the same more or less. The other of said Wood Lots is swampish Land and lies adjoining Lands of Henry J. W. Snyder, Frederick F. Clapper, Henry P. Snyder & contains by Estimation Two and half acres, be the same more or less – It being the same farm of Land owned and occupied by William H. Snyder, Father of the said Aaron Snyder, Darius Snyder, Sarah J. Snyder, Margaret J. Snyder and Catherine Wagoner, during his lifetime and at the time of his decease, and constitutes all the Real Estate of which the said William H. Snyder died seized, the above description being taken from the Last Will and Testament of Henry W. Snyder, deceased, father of said William H. Snyder deceased dated February 20, 1837. The record of which can be found at the Surrogate’s Office of the County of Columbia to which reference is hereby had for greater certainty. It being the intention of the said parties of the first part hereto to convey all their right, title, and interest of, in and to the above described premises. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits, thereof, and all the estate, right title interest claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, Either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises with the said hereditaments and appurtenances, To have and to hold the said described premises together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, The parties of the first part, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

sealed and delivered in                          Aaron Snyder                L.S.

the presence of                                        Charity A. Snyder         L.S.

D.C. Neefus                                                Darius Snyder                L.S.

                                                                        Sarah J. Snyder            L.S.

                                                                        Margaret A. Snyder      L.S.

                                                                        Catherine Wagoner      L.S.


State of New York

Columbia County, S.S.

                                                On this Twenty third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven before me appeared Aaron A. Snyder and Charity A. his wife, Darius Snyder, Sarah J. Snyder, Margaret Ann Snyder – and Catherine Wagoner to me personally known to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who severally acknowledged that they executed the same; and the said Charity A. Snyder wife of Aaron Snyder on a private examination by me apart from her said husband, acknowledged that she executed the same freely, and without any force or compulsion by her said husband.

                                                                                    D C. Neefus

                                                                                    Notary Public

                                                                                    in & for Columbia Co. N. Y.

Recorded June 22, 1868 at 1 P.M.



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Sale of land by Stephen Snyder, Harriet Wiltsie and Eli Wiltsie to Henry M. Snyder for $1250, being the land left to them from the estate of their father, William H. Snyder, which was willed to him by his father, Henry W. Snyder. 

Dated 19 November 1867

Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:167 


This Indenture, made this ---- day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven: Between Stephen Snyder, Harriet Wiltsie and Eli Wiltsie her husband of the Town of Arcadia in the County of Wayne and State of New York Parties of the first part and Henry M. Snyder of the Town of Claverack County of Columbia and state aforesaid Party of the second part. Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred and fifty Dollars (being Six Hundred and Twenty five Dollars each) to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have bargained, sold, remised and quit claimed, and by these presents, do hereby bargain, sell, remise and quit claim unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever. All the equal undivided one twelfth part each in the Real Estate hereinafter described, to wit: a farm of land and three detached Wood lots, lying a short distance there from and bounded and described as follows, that is to say: the farm is bounded on the South and East by the line of the manor of Livingston – And on the North by Jacob W. Snyder deceased and on the West by Henry P. Snyder & Coonradt P. Silvernail and contains by estimation rising of Two Hundred acres be the same more or less; one of the said Wood Lots lies on a mountain adjoining lands of Henry P. Snyder Jacob W. Snyder deceased & Henry J. W. Snyder & contains by Estimation Seventeen and one quarter acres be the same more or less – Another of the said Wood Lots adjoining lands of my deceased son John H. Snyder and containing between Eight and Nine acres be the same more or less. The other of said Wood Lots is swampish Land and lies adjoining Lands of Henry J. W. Snyder, Frederick F. Clapper, Henry P. Snyder & contains by Estimation Two and half acres, the same more or less – It being the same farm of Land owned and occupied by William H. Snyder, Father of the said Stephen Snyder and Harriet Wiltsie, during his lifetime and at the time of his decease, and constitutes all the Real Estate of which the said William H. Snyder died seized, the above description being taken from the Last Will and Testament of Henry W. Snyder, deceased, father of said William H. Snyder deceased dated February 20, 1837. The record of which can be found at the Surrogate’s Office of the County of Columbia to which reference is hereby had for greater certainty. It being the intention of the said parties of the first part hereto to convey all their right, title, and interest of, in and to the above described premises. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits, thereof, and all the estate, right title interest claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, Either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises with the said hereditaments and appurtenances, To have and to hold the said described premises together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, The parties of the first part, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

sealed and delivered in                              Stephen Snyder           L.S.

the presence of                                             Harriet Wilsey               L.S.

D.C. Neefus                                                     Eli Wilsey                        L.S.


State of New York

Columbia County, S.S.

                                                On this Nineteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven before me appeared Stephen Snyder Harriet Wiltsie and Eli Wiltsie her husband to me personally known to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who severally acknowledged that they executed the same; and the said Harriet Wiltsie on a private examination by me apart from her said husband, acknowledged that she executed the same freely, and without any force or compulsion by her said husband.

                                                                                    D C. Neefus

                                                                                    Notary Public

                                                                                    in & for Columbia Co. N. Y.


State of New York

Wayne Co. Clerk’s Office S.S.

                                                           I Thaddeus W. Collins Clerk of the County of Wayne, and of the Supreme and County Courts of said County both being Courts of Record having a common seal, Do hereby certify that V H Sweeting Esq. before whom the executions of the annexed instrument was proved or acknowledged was at the time of taking such proof or acknowledgement a Notary Public in and for said County, duly authorized to take the same: and that I am well acquainted with his handwriting , and verily believe that the name subscribed to the certificate of such proof or acknowledgement is his genuine signature. And further, that the annexed instrument is executed and proved, or acknowledged in due form, according to the laws of the State of New York, & entitle it to be recorded therein. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affix the seal of the said County and Courts, the 19th day of Novr 1867.

Recorded June 22, 1868 at 1 P.M.                                         J. W. Collins  Clerk



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Sale of land by John A. & Juliaette Snyder, Levi & Eve Eliza Snyder, Elizabeth Maria (Snyder) & Isaac V. Cameron, to Henry M. Snyder for $2600, being the land left to them from the estate of their father, William H. Snyder, which was willed to him by his father, Henry W. Snyder. 

Dated 4 January 1868

Columbia Co. Deed Book 33:169


This Indenture, made this Fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight: Between John A. Snyder & Juliaette his wife of the Town of ---, Levi Snyder & Eve Eliza his wife of the Town of Claverack, Elizabeth Maria Cameron & her husband Isaac V. Cameron of the Town of ---  all in the County of Columbia and State of New York Parties of the first part and Henry M. Snyder of the Town of Claverack aforesaid Party of the second part. Witnesseth, That the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Two Thousand Six Hundred Dollars to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have bargained, sold, remised and quit claimed, and by these presents, do hereby bargain, sell, remise and quit claim unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever. All the equal undivided one third interest in the Real Estate hereinafter described, to wit: the said John A. Snyder and Juliaette his wife, and the said Elizabeth Maria Cameron and Isaac V. Cameron her husband each conveying the equal one twelfth part and the said Levi Snyder and Eve Eliza his wife conveying the equal undivided one sixth part – the Real Estate consisting of a Farm of land and three detached Wood lots, lying a short distance there from, and Bounded and described as follows, that is to say: the farm is bounded on the South and East by the line of the Manor of Livingston: and on the North by Jacob W. Snyder deceased and on the West by Henry P. Snyder & Coonradt P. Silvernail and contains by estimation rising of Two Hundred acres be the same more or less; one of the said Wood Lots lies on a mountain adjoining lands of Henry P. Snyder Jacob W. Snyder deceased & Henry J. W. Snyder & contains by Estimation Seventeen and one quarter acres be the same more or less – Another of the said Wood Lots adjoins lands of my deceased son John H. Snyder and containing between Eight and Nine acres be the same more or less. The other of said Wood Lots is swampish Land and lies adjoining Lands of Henry J. W. Snyder, Frederick F. Clapper, Henry P. Snyder & contains by Estimation Two & a half acres be the same more or less: It being the same farm of Land owned and occupied by William H. Snyder, Father of the said John A. Snyder, Levi Snyder and Elizabeth Maria Cameron, during his lifetime and at the time of his decease, and constitutes all the Real Estate of which the said William H. Snyder died seized – the above description being taken from the Last Will and Testament of Henry W. Snyder, deceased, father of said William H. Snyder deceased dated February 20, 1837. The Record of which can be found at the Surrogate’s Office of the County of Columbia to which reference is hereby had for greater certainty. It being the intention of the said parties of the first part hereto to convey all their right, title, and interest of, in and to the above described premises. The one twelfth interest hereby conveyed by Levi Snyder & wife being the same as conveyed to him by Almira Hoffman and Daniel Hoffman her husband by Quit Claim deed dated October 18, 1867. To which Deed reference is hereby made. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise, appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits, thereof, and all the estate, right title, interest claim and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, Either in law or equity, of in and to the above bargained premises with the said hereditaments and appurtenances, To have and to hold the said described premises together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, The parties of the first part, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

sealed and delivered in                          John A. Snyder               L.S.

the presence of                                        Julia Ette Snyder            L.S.

------                                                                Levi Snyder                      L.S.

                                                                        Eve Eliza Snyder            L. S.

                                                                        Betsy M. Cameron         L.S.

                                                                        Isaac V. Cameron          L.S.


State of New York

Columbia County, S.S.

                                                On this Fourth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight before me appeared John A. Snyder  and Juliaette his wife – Levi Snyder and Eve Eliza his wife, Elizabeth Maria Cameron and Isaac V. Cameron her husband to me personally known to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who severally acknowledged that they executed the same; and the said Juliaette Snyder and Elizabeth Maria Snyder & Eve Eliza Snyder on a private examination by me apart from their said husbands, acknowledged that they executed the same freely, and without any force or compulsion by their said husbands respectively.

                                                                                    D C. Neefus

                                                                                    Notary Public

                                                                                    in & for Columbia Co. N. Y.


State of New York

Wayne Co. Clerk’s Office S.S.

                                                I Thaddeus W. Collins Clerk of the County of Wayne, and of the Supreme and County Courts of said County both being Courts of Record having a common seal, Do hereby certify that V H Sweeting Esq. before whom the executions of the annexed instrument was proved or acknowledged was at the time of taking such proof or acknowledgement a Notary Public in and for said County, duly authorized to take the same: and that I am well acquainted with his handwriting , and verily believe that the name subscribed to the certificate of such proof or acknowledgement is his genuine signature. And further, that the annexed instrument is executed and proved, or acknowledged in due form, according to the laws of the State of New York, & entitle it to be recorded therein. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affix the seal of the said County and Courts, the 19th day of Novr 1867.

Recorded June 22, 1868 at 1 P.M.                                         J. W. Collins  Clerk





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