1 Dec 1812

Proved 28 Dec 1827


Transcription and abstract by  Dorothy "Dot" Clark     


Webpage by  Cliff Lamere    Aug-Sep 2000





Albany Co., NY

Vol. 6, pages 341-343 

Family History Library Film # 0,468,005


Original line length and spelling preserved.




The Record of his Last Will & testament, Recorded, December 28, 1827~~~~~~~~~


           In the name of God, Amen, I, William McCullogh of the town

of Bethlehem, in the county of Albany & State of New York, considering the

uncertainty of this mortal life & being of sound & perfect mind & memory (blessed

be almighty God for the same) do make and publish this my last will

& testament in manner and form following.  First, I Give and bequeath unto my

beloved wife Elizabeth McCullogh, the half my dwelling house which I

now occupy, the waggon & harnass, the stock & household furniture, with one

half my Land property during her natural life sd. property to be superin

=intend wrought & managed by our Son Charles, as long as he & she can agree

together, allowing him a reasonable part of the Produce & profits of Sd. farm

for the care attention and Industry which he may exercise toward her, I

also give & bequeath unto my Eldest Son Charles McCullogh his heirs &

assigns, the other half my Land property, namely the whole half

of the farm which I now occupy lying and being in the town county

& State aforesaid, to have and to hold for ever from the time of my

decease.  I also give and bequeath unto him, my sd. Eldest Son Charles

McCullogh the other half of said Land property, already given and

devised to my wife the sd. Elizabeth McCullogh during her natural

life, with the appurtenances to him his heirs and assigns forever, at from

and after my said wifes decease.  I also give and bequeath unto him my sd.

Son Charles McCullogh all my farming utensils, except the waggon already

bequeathed to my wife, I also give and bequeath to my said son Charles

my Negro slave Frank to be his Right & property immediately after my

decease.  My said Son Charles McCullogh his heirs Executors & assigns, is in

consequence of the above devises and bequests bound to pay unto the executors

of this my last will & testament herein after to be appointed the sum of

twelve hundred & fifty Dollars (to be Equally distributed amongst the my

other children) in ten annual payments, the first to be due in One year

after my wife’s Decease.  Viz One hundred and twenty five Dollars and so on for the

space of ten years, without interest.  I also give and bequeath unto my second

son William McCullogh Junior the sum of two hundred and sixty six Dollars and

sixty six cents.  I also give and bequeath unto my youngest son Daniel McCullogh

the sum of two hundred & sixty six Dollars and sixty six cents.  I also give and bequeath

unto my Eldest daughter Sarah Davis wife of Loyal Davis the sum of two hundred

and sixty six Dollars & Sixty six cents. I also give and bequeath unto my second daughter

Mary Turnbull Wife of Charles Turnbull the Sum of two hundred

and Sixty six Dollars and sixty six cents, I also Give and bequeath unto

my third daughter Nancy Allen, wife of John Allen the sum of two

hundred and Sixty six dollars and sixty six cents, I also give and bequeath

unto my Youngest daughter Jane McCullogh the sum of two hundred

& Sixty Six dollars and Sixty six cents, which several Legacies or sums of money

I will order and direct to be paid to the said Respective Legatees

within twelve months after my decease.  I nominate constitute ordain

& appoint my beloved wife Elizabeth McCullogh executrix and my

Eldest Son Charles McCullogh and my trusty friend Thomas Holiday

executors of this my last Will and testament, hereby Revoking all

former wills my me made, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my

hand & seal this first day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand

Eight hundred & twelve.                                             his

                                                             William   x    McCullogh {Seal}


Signed Sealed published and Declared

by the above named William McCullogh

to be his Last will and testament, in the

presence of us who have hereunto subscribed

our names witnesses in the presence of the testator

Thomas Holiday

John Murphy  

William Erwin


State of New York

Albany County

Be it Remembered that on the twenty eighth day of December

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty seven, personally

appeared before me T. Attwood Budgen Surrogate of the County Albany

aforesaid, Thomas Holiday * William Erwin the subscribing witnesses to the will

of William McCullogh late of the town of Bethlehem in the said county deceased

who being duly sworn declared that they did see William McCullogh deceased

seal and execute the instrument hereunto annexed, and impressed with the seal

of Office of the said Surrogate which said instrument purports to be the last

Will and testament of the said William McCullogh deceased, bearing

date the first day of December in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred

& twelve & that they heard him the said William McCullogh publish

& declare the same, as and for his Last will and testament, that at the

time thereof the said William McCullogh was of sound disposing mind

& memory to the best knowledge and belief therein the said Thomas Holiday

and William Erwin and that they together with John Murphy the other subscribing

Witness to the said Will did severally subscribe their names to thereto in the

presence of the testator as witnesses, and in the presence of each other.

In testimony whereof, the said Surrogate hath hereunto set his

hand and affixed his seal of Office.  Done at the City of Albany this twenty eighth

day December in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty



Albany County ss.

Be it also Rembered, that on the twenty eighth day of December

in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty seven

Personally appeared before me, the said Surrogate Charles McCullogh

& Thomas Holiday executors in the aforesaid Will named and were duly sworn

to the faithfull performance and execution thereof, by takeing the usual oath

in that case provided,


Letters Testamentary


The People of the State of New York by the Grace of God

Free and Independent to all to whom these presents shall

come, or may concern, send Greeting:: Know Ye, that at the city of Albany

in the county of Albany on the twenty Eighth day of December in the Year

of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty seven, Before T. Attwood

Budgen Esquire the Surrogate of our said county the last will & testament

of William McCullogh deceased (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed)

was proved and now is nowapproved and allowed of by us, and the said

deceased having whilst he lived and at the time of his death goods

chattles or credits within this State by means whereof the Granting admin

istrations, of all and Singular the said goods chattles, and credits, and

also the auditing, allowing, and final discharging the account thereof

doth belong unto us:  the administration of all & singular the goods

chattles & credits of the said deceased and any way concerning his will

is Granted unto Charles McCullogh & Thomas Holiday Executors in the

aforesaid will named they being first duly well and faithfully to administer

the same and to make and exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of all and

singular the said goods chattles & credits & also to Render a just and

true account thereof, when thereunto Required.


In testimony whereof, We have caused the seal

of Office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed:: Witness

T. Attwood Budgen, Esquire Surrogate of our said County at the

City of Albany aforesaid the twenty Eighth day of December in the

Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & twenty seven, and

of our Independence the fifty second.





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