Cliff Lamere Albany, NY
About this website
This website contains over 1300 links and ABOUT 175 webpages. It is a catalog (index) of many of the local records and genealogical aids available online. Its geographical focus is Albany, NY and surrounding counties (Albany, Columbia, Rensselaer, Greene, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Montgomery, and a small amount of Herkimer. Also there is a bit of Berkshire Co., MA, the western part of which was considered to be in NY at one time). The links are most complete for the counties of Albany, Columbia, and Rensselaer.
On this website, if a link leads to information for more than one county, I usually have placed it in the category of New York State. You should not ignore that category. I use current borders when assigning a link to a particular county.
After each link on this website, I list one of the following in parentheses: the transcriber of the records, the author of the article, the site owner, or the site sponsor. I prefer to cite the person who transcribed or computerized the records if I can tell who it is.
The links on this website bypass the home page of most other sites. Otherwise, you would have to spend too much time looking for the records which my links will take you to directly. If the webpage that you are visiting has an option such as Home, you should take time to explore that site for valuable additional information (I do not attempt to include every webpage on every local genealogical website).
If a smiley face
precedes a
link to a webpage, that webpage was posted by me and
will be included in the results of this site's search engine. For
items, a date at the end of
the entry will show when it was added to this website, or when it was updated last.
This website was put online in Aug 2000 as a single webpage. As the website grew, the home page was divided into three parts in Aug 2003. In Feb 2007, it was divided into many smaller pages that will be more convenient for dial-up users.
Search engines are provided by many NYGenWeb or RootsWeb sites. Before looking through 30 cemeteries on a county website, check to see if the site has a search engine. Be aware, however, of the following problems.
1) For many reasons, search results can be very unreliable.
Read my webpage "Understanding Website Search Engines".
2) Search engines only search through records physically on a website. For example, links on this site may take you to other websites, but my search engine cannot search the records on those other websites. You will find a smiley face image at the left of all links that will take you to one of my own webpages. Those are the only webpages that can be searched by my search engine.
Since search engines can miss a lot of data that is present on the website, it would be wise to look around each website. You may uncover things that the search engine missed. For example, as you know, you can't copy and paste text that is on an image (.jpg, .gif, etc.). Search engines can't read that text either, so that text can't be included in search results. As an example, some websites have maps which show the locations of houses and show the names of the property owners, which the search engine can't read. My website has several of these maps, but a list of all of the names of property owners on each is also provided so that my site search engine can include those names in the search results.
Reporting problems or suggesting new links
To report problems on this website click here. Please do not write for genealogical advice. I am very busy with my own research. I suggest that you subscribe to a mailing list and ask your questions there. Some things can only be done locally. If you cannot do that, then consult the list of local researchers that I have posted.
Please be aware that transcription and typing errors are not uncommon on webpages that you visit. Whenever possible, you should check important data in non-internet sources, or in internet images of those sources.
(Broken links were repaired June 2016 for sections of Records whose titles are followed by *** in the table below.)
DEATHS *** (cemetery records, obituaries) |
(births, baptisms, marriages and deaths) |
(lists not belonging elsewhere) |
CHURCHES & PASTORS (lists of churches, their histories, pastor information, etc.) |
MAPS (maps for Albany Co. may name the property owners) |
CEMETERIES (lists of cemeteries; tombstone graphics and abbreviations, etc.) |
NAMES & LANGUAGE (dictionaries, translators, systems of naming children) |
(NY state & local) |
RESEARCH AIDS *** to help you find records. |
(other sites) |
(this website) |
SEARCH ENGINE (for this website only) This search engine will search about 175 webpages on this website. If you follow a link to another website, this search engine cannot search that website.
Search engines give you quick results, but in reality they miss more than they find. Greatly increase your odds of success by understanding search engines and how to improve the effectiveness of your searches. Read my webpage, "Understanding Website Search Engines" The FreeFind search engine below was installed June 9, 2016. The Advanced Search increases the likelihood that you will find that for which you are looking.
search tips
advanced search
search engine by
to this home page since 14 Aug 2000
Home page split into three parts on 17 Aug 2003.
Website split into 23 index pages in Feb 2007.
29 Apr 2001
Betsy Ross Flag of 13 stars
Look at my webpage of US Flags.
1) Albany & Eastern New York Genealogy (where you are)
2) Grandpa Cliff's Science Website for Teenagers - Although written for teenagers, it is also quite suitable for adults. Begun in Oct 2005 for my grandchildren who were studying trees with me, the webpages use many photos and give detailed, easy-to-understand explanations of topics in Science.
3) Skip Parsons' Riverboat Jazz Band - playing dixieland and traditional jazz in the Albany, NY area since 1956. There are more than 50 webpages of photos of the band and its members.
4) Bethlehem Central School District - Delmar, NY - where I taught science for 23 years.
5) Choir of Albany Reformed Church - Includes photos of social gatherings and a catalog of this Albany, NY church's anthems (where to hear them on the internet, how to learned the voice parts, church season when each is sung, etc.). You can hear the choir sing, listen to part of a recital of one member, read a spoof of a fictitious recital of another, and more.
[The wild Rose at the top of this page is the State Flower of New York State.]
This genealogy website first went online 14 Aug 2000
Most recent update 8 Jun 2016
Broken Links Fixed May-Jun 2016
Search engine last reindexed 8 Jun 2016