1855 Census for Town of Clinton, Rensselaer Co., NY
Agricultural Questions & Data for John Yakel
Transcribed by Joe Yakel
Webpage by Cliff Lamere May 2001
Note: The parts underlined in the heading below were handwritten on the original census.
II. Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures (No. 1)
Agricultural Statistics of the Town of Clinton Election District of the North of the Rensselaer and Columbia Turnpike in the County of Rensselaer taken by me on the 25th day of June 1855.
Philip L. Rysedorph Marshal
John Yakel
Acres Improved: 109
Acres Unimproved: 29
Cash Value of Farm: $7,000
Cash Value of Stock: $500
Cash Value of Tools and Implements: $100
Acres Plowed the Year Previous: 49
Acres in Pasture the Year Previous: 31
Meadow Acres: 51
Meadow Tons of Hay: 20
Spring Wheat Acres Sown:
Spring Wheat Bushels Harvested:
Oats Acres Sown: 20
Oats Bushels Harvested: 350
Rye Acres Sown: 12
Rye Bushels Harvested: 100
Buckwheat Acres Sown: 2
Buckwheat Acres Harvested: 8
Corn Acres Planted: 10
Corn Bushels Harvested: 200
Potatoes Acres Planted: 5
Potatoes Bushels Harvested: 400
Apple Orchards Bushels of Apples:
Apple Orchards Barrels of Cider:
Neat Cattle Under One Year Old:
Neat Cattle Over One Year, Exclusive of Working Oxen and Cows:
Neat Cattle Working Oxen: 2
Neat Cattle Cows: 3
Butter Number of Cows:
Butter Pounds of Butter:
Horses: 2
Swine Under 6 Months: 8
Swine Over 6 Months: 1
Poultry Value of Poultry Sold:
Poultry Value of Eggs Sold:
Special Manure Used Kinds:
Special Manure Used Quantity:
Special Manure Used Value:
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