Cliff Lamere Albany, NY
Other Lists of People
Last updated 1 Apr 2007
Passenger Lists on the Internet (R. Prost) Very, very extensive.
Ships' Passenger Lists (Lorine McGinnis Schulze) Find search engine for all Passenger Lists which is below
"Search The Olive Tree Genealogy Pages".
A Genealogical Dictionary of First Settlers of New England, Before 1692 - by James Savage (Robert Kraft)
Persons Executed in the United States from 1609 (Rob Gallagher) Choose a state or letter of the alphabet.
Dusen, Van Deursen, Van Duser, etc. - Records from the Mohawk Valley
(Beth Dryer Humphrey)
Genealogy (Leora Mae Greene Hildenbrand / Margaret Taylor) Eastern
NY & New England.
CAUTION: Contains significant errors in the early families, I am told. It is a manuscript which has not been
previously published or put online. Proceed with extreme caution. To access, click HERE.
Settlers of Rensselaerswyck 1630-1658 - Index to Biographies (A.J.F. Van Laer) For letters J-Z, click HERE.
For a list of the ships on which each settler travelled, click HERE .
Settlers of Rensselaerswyck 1630-1658 (A.J.F. Van Laer / Debby Masterson) Complete through 1641.
Schermerhorn Genealogy and Family Chronicles (Richard Schermerhorn Jr. / SCPL)
The Long Groat Line (James Groat) A Groat genealogy published in 1986 and now online. The Groat family
has its roots in Columbia Co.
Pre-1676 New Netherland Surnames (The Holland Society of New York)
People of Colonial Albany Live Here (Stefan Bielinski /NY State Museum) Biographies and surname
information plus some Albany history.
List of the Officers Employed in NY Civil Offices (Genealogy
Quest) Includes City & Co. of
1869 Boyd's Business Directory of over one hundred Cities and Villages in NY (Cornell-MOA) Contains
historical information about Towns, etc. Pages 10-15 contain an index of advertisements (many names).
1872-73 Boyd's New York State Directory (Cornell-MOA) Business directory.
NY Prison Pardons (1819-1823) (Linda Ogborn/NYGenWeb) Much data given about each person.
Rivenburgh, Ripenbergh, Reifenberger, etc. in the Censuses of NY (Chuck Rivenburgh)
Oath of Secrecy (Lou D. MacWethy) Lists of men from just about every county covered by this website.
Date not stated.
*** Book of Names (Lou D. MacWethy) Palatine records containing about 20,000 names.
Lists of Palatine People (nygreene) The Simmendinger Register, The Subsistence Lists (part), ships' lists,
surnames of East and West Camps (along Hudson River), etc.
1917 Phone Directory for Over 100 Communities in 4 Counties (Montgomery, Schoharie, Fulton, Otsego)
Biographies of New Yorkers (Darci) These several sets of biographies are images of book pages and give
much genealogical data, but images can't be searched with a seach engine. Darci has made several lists of
surnames associated with these bios. Those can be searched.
Ellis Island, NY - 22 Million Names of Immigrants - 1892-1924 (LDS) Has a search engine.
1600s Ancestor Database (Ryan Jackson) 26,500 names of colonists whose lines have been approved by
various Societies and organizations. At the bottom of the page, click on Go To Data Base.
NY Prison Pardons, Commutations and Reprieves by the Governor - 1877 (Susan Mulvey)
Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs - by Cuyler Reynolds (1911) (Schenectady Co. Pub. Library)
Key to Names of Persons Occurring In the Early Dutch Records of Albany and Vicinity (Jonathan Pearson)
Both surname and patronym lists.
1683-1700 Membership List of the Albany Reformed Dutch Church (Dave Pane-Joyce)
1700 Some Citizens of Albany, NY (Genealogy Quest)
1715-1773 Colonial Naturalizations in Ancient Albany Co. (Barbara Jeffries) County was much larger then.
1757-1760 Albany, The Macomb (McComb) Letters - Index of Names (Murray McCombs)
Index of 61,000 Albany Co. Naturalizations (1827-1991) (Albany Co.)
Index to Historical Records (an index to a great many lists) (Albany Co.)
(Jonathan Pearson /Melissa Simmons) Surnames beginning with A and B only. Although this is an important
work, Pearson sometimes assigned children to the wrong parents. His college students may have done
some of the work. Use this publication for its helpful clues, but don't accept it as the final answer.
1778 - 52 men petition to prevent 17 year old horse thief from being put to death (Leslie B. Potter)
1779 Petition for the Reversal of the Banishment of Henry Van Dyck (Leslie B. Potter /USGenWeb)
Contains the names of many citizens of the City and County of Albany.
1795 to 1877
Membership List of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Albany
(Jane Devlin)
Albany City Directory
(Terasa Ahlgren)
1819 - Property Seizures and Auctions in Albany (Sharyl Ferrall)
1842 Albany Medical College Graduates (Sharyl Ferrall)
1859 Albany City Directory (Blue Heron Industries)
(Town of) - List of Property Owners on Beers 1866 Map
(Barbara Bolster-Barrett / Darin Flansburg)
Or, to see the list and the map at the same time, click HERE. [duplicate entry]
(Town of) 1866 - List of Property Owners (Barbara
Bolster-Barrett / Janet Haseley / Cliff Lamere)
List of c. 660 property owners & businesses shown on five maps. [duplicate entry]
Albany Men - Biographies and Photos (Darci) About 100 biographies.
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Albany Co. (politicalgraveyard)
Pearl Street Baptist Church, Albany, NY - Members - March 1, 1866 (Betty Fink) Scanned images. View
in order or click on the following choices. A-Br Br-C D-Ga Gi-Jo Jo-Mi Mo-Ru Ru-Sw Sw-Yo
Pearl Street Baptist Church, Albany, NY - Members - March 1, 1866 (Susan Gomez) Transcribed version.
Orphans in St. Vincent's Female Orphan Asylum, Albany, 1880 (Lorine McGinnis Schulze) (1 Apr 2007)
Albany Orphan Asylum, 1900 (Lorine McGinnis Schulze) Lists both boys and girls. (1 Apr 2007)
in the United States Previous to the Declaration of Independence (Thomas P. Hughes /distantcousin) Vol II,
Columbia Co., 1887. Surnames A-P have been transcribed so far. Also,
the R's through Rogers.
Kinderhook - Oath of Allegiance to King William of Orange (NYGenWeb)
1744 Kinderhook Tax List (NYGenWeb)
Town Proprietors Meetings (Susan Mulvey) Record
of decisions of a committee of men
who bought land from the Indians and later were attacked by New Yorkers.
Account of Supplies Given by Men of Egremont to Nobletown People (Susan Mulvey)
After New
Yorkers attacked New Englanders owning land in the present Columbia Co., some land owners escaped
to the east with their livestock. This is an accounting of what was given or spent on the refugees, and for
which reimbursement was sought.
Account of the Losses Sustained by the People of Nobletown
(Susan Mulvey)
1763 Kinderhook Freeholders (NYGenWeb)
1763 Claverack Freeholders (NYGenWeb)
1779 Tax List for King's District (Towns of Canaan and New Lebanon) (Bonnie Bunce)
1869 Boyd's Business Directory - Hudson & Valatie (Susan Mulvey)
1871-2 Ghent Business Directory (Michael Bathrick) Includes farmers and people from other communities.
1880 Columbia Co. Poor House in Ghent (Jeffrey Scism) Data from US census.
1880 Claverack College Residents (Jeffrey Scism) Data from US census.
"Hudson Evening Register" Social Notes (Margaret
Mullen) Includes some vital records from this
newspaper. Click here for Surname Index. Click here for Index of Localities mentioned.
Which Include People Who Were Born and/or Lived in Columbia Co.,
NY (Cliff Lamere)
78 surnames, 362 people. Complete index of all people. Married women usually listed under two names.
Biographies in "History of Columbia County, NY" (Captain Franklin Ellis / John Warren) 40 biographies online.
Biographies in "History of Columbia County, NY" (Captain Franklin Ellis / Susan Mulvey)
Biographies in "Columbia County at the End of the Century" (Susan Mulvey)
Biographical Sketches of the Distinguished Men of Columbia County - William Raymond (MOA-Cornell)
Written about 1851. Table of contents lists 28 biographies. Includes a search engine.
Index to the "Book of Names" (Lou D. MacWethy) Palatine records containing c. 20,000 names.
Palatine Heads of Families (Boyd Ehle) Includes East Camps, West Camps, and New York City.
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Columbia Co. (politicalgraveyard)
Descendants of Wilhelm Pieter
Schneider (c. 1728-1801)
(Kimberly Grimes) Includes 372
of Hard-to-find Columbia Co. Records (Kinship
/Cliff Lamere)
Chatham Four Corners First Dutch Reformed Church - Membership 1859-1870 (Lisa McKern)
Chatham Center Methodist Episcopal Church - Pastors 1875-1906 (Jane Williams Wood)
to "History of the Organization of the First Presbyterian Church, Durham,
(William S. Borthwick /Cliff Lamere) Provides a
lengthy list of people.
Index to
"History of Greene County, New York" (1884)
(Jean D. Worden / Arlene Goodwin)
Catskill Baptist Church - Membership 1804-1844 (Arlene Goodwin)
Catskill Presbyterian Church - Membership 1802-1875 (Elizabeth Hunter) Top of webpage.
DAR Applications (nygreen2)
Index to "History of Greene County" (J.V.V.Vedder) Very long list of names.
Index to "Historic Catskill" (J.V.V.Vedder) List of names. Ignore numbers.
Index to "Dear Old Greene County" (1915) (Gallt) List of "Leading Men Who Will Live in Her History".
Index to "Picturesque Catskills" (R.L. DeLisser) List of people.
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Greene Co. (politicalgraveyard)
Declarations of Intentions (index) - Vol. 1-7 (1906-1936) (W. David Samuelsen) Choose county.
Petitions for Naturalizations (index) - Vol. 1-2 (1906-1914) (W. David Samuelsen) Choose county.
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Herkimer Co. (politicalgraveyard)
Pre-1775 Assessment List (F.W. Beer) Shows amount assessed and the number of days annually that 124 men
had to work on the King's highways.
1850 Montgomery Co. Poor House Residents (Martha S. Magill)
1860 Montgomery Co. Poor House, Glen, NY (Martha S. Magill)
1870 Montgomery Co. Poor House, Glen, NY (Martha S. Magill)
1893 Amsterdam City Directory (distantcousins)
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Montgomery Co. (politicalgraveyard)
Troy - Poorhouse Occupants Recorded in the 1855 NY Census (Rebecca Rector)
Troy - Poorhouse Occupants Recorded in the 1880 US Census (Pat Connors)
- Index to Records of the Rensselaer Co. Almshouse (Poorhouse) (1875-1892)
(James Corsaro)
- Index to c. 195 Underage Children Working at Burden Iron Company in 1887
(Elizabeth Shaver)
Listed in "Life in the Alleyways of Troy N.Y. During the 19th
Century" by Jeanne M. Keefe
(Lynn Grice)
Troy - Burden Iron Company Payroll Records (Troy Irish Genealogy Society) 1880-1902.
Naturalization Declarations for Irish-born People, Filed in Troy 16 Oct to 31 Dec 1884 (Pat Connors)
Declarations of Intentions for Irish-born People, Filed in Troy Aug 1853 - 1860 (Pat Connors)
Town of Schodack - The Particular Baptist Church of Schodack - Extracted Notes of Meetings (David See)
Troy - Church of Ascension (Episcopal) - Confirmations 1868-1923 (Don Miller /USGenWeb)
Troy - Missing Irish People 1871-1876 (Rebecca Rector) Extracted from ads placed by Irish immigrants who
had lost track of each other. Includes Irish county of origin.
Rensselaer Co. Naturalization Records (Pat Connors)
Rensselaer Co. Biographies (Debby Masterson) Extracts from "History of Rensselaer Co., New York"
1866 Business Directory for Troy, Lansingburgh, West Troy [now Watervliet] and Green Island
(Debby Masterson)
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Rensselaer Co. (politicalgraveyard)
Troy - Telephone Directory - 1902 (June Howard / Pat Connors)
Catholic Male Orphan Asylum, 1880
(Lorine McGinnis Schulze) (1 Apr 2007)
1779 Saratoga District Tax Lists (3) (Leslie B. Potter /USGenWeb)
1779 Saratoga District Tax List (Leslie B. Potter)
1779 Petition from Saratoga District for a Permit to Take Flour to Boston to Procure Salt (Leslie Potter
1778 Petition from residents of the Saratoga and Cambridge Districts to New York Governor
(Leslie B. Potter) Unfinished.
1779 Tax Petitioners of Saratoga District of Albany Co. (Leslie B. Potter /USGenWeb)
1860-1861 Burnt Hills, Charlton & W. Charlton in Schenectady City Directory: County section
(Carol Di Crosta) 814 Saratoga Co. names. Location codes are SAR/BUR, SAR/CHA, and CHA/WCH.
Index of Persons Mentioned in the "Schuylerville Standard" Newspapers (Susan Ryan)
Year 1880; Feb 23, 1923; and Sep 13, 1928.
Index of Names in "Greenfield Glimpses" by Clayton H. Brown (Mary Woodman /NYGenWeb) Names of
early inhabitants.
Index of Names in "The Early History of Corinth - Once Known As Jessup's Landing" by Mabel Pitkin
Shorey (Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County) Published 1959.
Saratoga Springs Postmasters & Officers of the Post Office 1802-1993 (Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County)
Indexes to Names on Maps in Beers' 1866 Atlas of Saratoga Towns and Villages (Mary Woodman /NYGenWeb)
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Saratoga Co. (politicalgraveyard)
1866 Maps & Transcribed Names of Property Owners. (David Pane-Joyce) 16 Village, 4 Town(ship) Maps.
Saratoga County Genealogical Databases (Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County) Military and other lists.
1766 Schenectady Aldermen (Schenectady Co. Public Library)
1841-1842 Schenectady City Directory (Schenectady Co. Public Library)
1860-1861 Schenectady City Directory: County listings outside city only (Carol Di Crosta / Schenectady Co. PL)
1883 Schenectady County Pensioners (Schenectady Co. Public Library)
Politicians who lived, died, or were buried in Schenectady Co. (The Political Graveyard)
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Schenectady Co. (The Political Graveyard)
Schenectady Co. Families - Genealogies (Schenectady Co. Public Library)
Index of Family Files at Schenectady Co. Historical Society (Schenectady Co. Historical Society)
Biographies of Notable Schenectady Co. People (Schenectady Co. Public Library)
Van Ep(p)s Documents (Channon M. Moon) References in Censuses, Wills, Cemeteries, etc.
Second Reformed Church of Glenville - Membership 1818 (Donald Keefer / Channon M. Moon)
Schenectady Massacre (9 Feb 1690) - Settlers Killed and Captured (Channon M. Moon)
Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Patent and City of
Schenectady from 1662 to 1800 - by Jonathan Pearson (Schenectady Co. Public Library) Caution:
Pearson's work is prone to errors (children assigned to wrong parents, etc). He was a college professor.
It has been reported that he used students to do some of the genealogies. Use this book only to get clues
to be confirmed in other sources. To use the site's search engine, click HERE. Be aware that it misses
names. Because of the way that the book is arranged (surname is listed, then given names are listed
below in a column), a search will find only the first given name in the list. In order to check the other
names, you must use the link that the search provides.
Politicians who were Born, Lived and/or Died in Schoharie Co. (politicalgraveyard)
Albany & Eastern New York Genealogy (HOME)
since 17 Nov 2003