Cliff Lamere Albany, NY
Census Records
Last updated 28 Nov 2005
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TABLE OF CONTENTS (anything in blue and underlined is a link)
2) SEARCH ENGINE (on Home page)
3) RECORDS - (on this webpage)
DEATHS (cemetery records, obituaries) |
(births, baptisms, marriages and deaths) |
(pastors are in Churches & Pastors) |
4) GENEALOGICAL AIDS / LOCAL HISTORY (access from Home page)
CHURCHES & PASTORS (lists of churches, their histories, pastor information, etc.) |
CEMETERIES (lists of cemeteries; tombstone graphics and abbreviations, etc.) |
LANGUAGE & NAMES (includes Dutch system of naming children) |
HISTORY (NY state & local) |
SEARCH ENGINES - on other sites |
MAPS (many in Albany Co. name the property owners) |
Soundex Code - Calculator (RootsWeb)
Soundex Code - Method of Calculating (NARA)
Census Records - History and How to Use them (Linda Haas Davenport) Several connected webpages.
Secrets of the Census - Soundex, Errors, Printed Indexes, and more (Donna Przecha)
Soundex And Miracode lndex Systems (heritagequest)
Miracode System of Indexing Censuses (Rhonda R. McClure) Used on 1910 census.
1871 Census for Province of Ontario - Search Engine (National Archives of Canada) Did your ancestors move
to Canada? Be sure to use the wildcards for alternate spellings.
1901 Census for Province of Ontario - Search Engine (National Archives of Canada)
1911 Census for Province of Ontario - Search Engine (National Archives of Canada)
States Whose US Censuses Exist Today - Animated Map 1790-1920 (segenealogy) 1890 census no longer exists.
Blank Forms for US Censuses (1790-1930) - They look like the census page ( Great for
extracting information from censuses. With these blank forms you will be reminded to record everything
you should. Includes all of the questions asked on each census. See also the next link.
Blank Forms for each US Census ( Requires Acrobat Reader to view.
US Census - the questions asked each census year ( staff) 1790-1920. Warning: 1810 age
ranges are wrong for males. Omit the range that says "between 16 and 18".
US Census - the questions asked each census year (Judy Hannah Green) 1790-1920.
Historical Background of US Censuses 1790-1990 (Bureau of the Census)
Clues in US Censuses 1790-1840 (National Archives and Records Administration )
Clues in US Censuses 1850-1930 (National Archives and Records Administration )
1890 US Census Burned in 1921 (Mark Howells) Parts only damaged by water (which made up about 75% of
the total pages) were discarded.
2000 US Census - Results for all States (Bureau of the Census)
Determining a Person's Approximate Age By Using Age Ranges in 1800-1840 Censuses (John L. Haynes) An
interesting and helpful technique.
1790 US Census (Ray Brown) For 28 Towns or parts of Towns.
in NY Censuses 1870-1960 (Cliff Lamere) Statistical information.
Conducted by New York State (Cliff Lamere) Early
censuses for many counties were
*** Censuses Conducted by New York State - Availability for Each County (NYS Library)
Contents of The New York State Census (Laura LeBarron /NYG&B) Compares all NY censuses for each
question asked, and tells which censuses asked that question.
Questions asked on each NY census 1825-1925 (halsey)
NY in the 2000 US Census - County Results Compared with State Data (US Census Bureau)
Street Names and Election Districts (1930) for Places in NY (Stephen P. Morse)
NARA Microfilm Roll Numbers for New York State Censuses (USGenWeb) Correlates National Archives
hand Records Administration (NARA) roll numbers with census year for each county.
1679 Albany (city) Households (NYS Museum)
1686 Albany (city) Wards (no data) (NYS Museum)
1697 Albany (city) Census of Heads of Families (NYS Museum)
1714 Albany City & Co. Census (statistics, but no names) (NYS Museum)
1720 Albany Co. and Albany City Census Index - List of Freeholders (Chris Andrle /NYGenWeb)
1720 Albany Co. and Albany City Census - List of Freeholders (Genealogy Quest)
1756 Census - British Army Inventory of Albany City Households (NYS Museum) Lists occupations.
1790 Albany Census (NYS Museum)
1790 Rensselaerville Census Index (alphabetical form of next census) (Christopher Albright/NYGenWeb)
1790 Rensselaerville Census (Christopher Albright /NYGenWeb)
1790 Watervliet Census Index (alphabetical arrangement of next census) (Christopher Albright /NYGenWeb)
1790 Watervliet Census (Christopher Albright /NYGenWeb)
Census Index for the Towns of Rensselaerville and Westerlo (Karen Hahn /
Cliff Lamere)
1790-1925 Town of Berne US & NY censuses (bernehistory) 1790, 1800, 1840, 1850, 1855, 1860, 1865, 1905,
1915, 1925
1810 Town of Berne U.S. Census (footprints)
1900 U.S. Census for FairView (Children's) Home of Watervliet (Raymond W. LeMay III) Page 1 Page 2
of Names on 1900 U.S. Census at Fairview (Children's) Home of Watervliet
(Cliff Lamere)
1930 U.S. Census for FairView (Children's) Home of Watervliet (Raymond W. LeMay III) Page 1 Page 2
1720 Census Index for Kinderhook, Claverack, Livingston Manor (all in Albany Co. then) (Chris Andrle)
1763 Claverack Census (NYGenWeb)
1790 Germantown Census (M. Bathrick)
1850 Canaan (Town of) Census - partial (Bill Bither) Data is split between 2 webpages.
1720 Census Index for Coxsackie and Catskill (in Albany Co. then) (Chris Andrle)
1790 Census for Town of Coxsackie (then in Albany Co.) (Ray Brown)
1790 Census for Town of Catskill (then in Albany Co.) (Ray Brown)
1810 Greene Co. Census - Slave Owners (nygreen2)
1810 Greene Co. Census - 6 Towns (nygreen2)
1817 Catskill Village Census (Richard Frisbie / Hope Farm Press) Copy this to your computer to avoid eyestrain.
1855 Census for Town of Halcott (Stephen R. McNeill)
1790 Census for Town of German Flatts (Judy Dolanski)
1790 Census for Town of Herkimer (Judy Dolanski)
1790 Census for Town of Canajoharie (Judy Dolanski)
1790 Census for Town of Caughnawaga (Judy Dolanski)
1790 Census for Town of Mohawk (Judy Dolanski)
1790 Census for Town of Palatine (Judy Dolanski) In 1790, the Town of Palatine was much larger, including
even a part of Fulton Co.
Census for Town of Charleston (Sandra Lott Burns) In
alphabetical arrangement. If you prefer to see
the order in which the names were recorded, click HERE.
1720 Census Index for Schaghticoke (in Albany Co. then) (Chris Andrle)
1800 Census for Greenbush (Town of) (Central NY Genealogical. Society / Debby Masterson)
1800 Census for Hoosick (Town of) (Central NY Gen. Soc.) Careful. Census title lacks "Town of".
1800 Census of Petersburgh (Town of (Central NY Gen. Soc.) Careful. Census title lacks "Town of".
1800 Census of Pittstown (Town of) (Central NY Gen. Soc.) Careful. Census title lacks "Town of".
1800 Census of Schaghticoke (Town of) (Central NY Gen. Soc.) Careful. Census title lacks "Town of".
1800 Census of Schodack (Town of) (Central NY Gen. Soc.) Careful. Census title lacks "Town of".
1800 Census of Stephentown (Town of) (Central NY Gen. Soc.) Careful. Census title lacks "Town of".
1800 Census of Troy (Central New York Genenealogical Society)
1850 Census - Canaan (Town of) - partial (Bill Bither)
1850 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone) Name, age, and occupations only.
1855 Census for the Town of Berlin (Janet H. Derbyshire) The title and introduction of this posting are both
incorrect. Record all extracted records as "Town of Berlin" rather than just Berlin (the village), unless
something in the census indicates that the record is truly from the village. The introduction should
probably read, "The Town of Berlin was formed from the Towns of Petersburgh, Schodack and
Stephentown March 21 1806. A portion of the Town of Sand Lake was taken off in 1812." To access,
click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of Brunswick (Janet Derbyshire) The title is incomplete. Records should be recorded
as being from the "Town of Brunswick" instead of Brunswick. To access, click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of Clinton (now Town of East Greenbush) (Janet Derbyshire) The introductory
remarks should probably read, "The Town of Clinton was formed from the Town of Greenbush 23 Feb 1855.
It became the Town of East Greenbush 14 Apr 1858". In NY, a Town is a subdivision of a county. To
access, click HERE.
Agricultural Census for the Town of Clinton (now Town of East Greenbush)
(Joe Yakel) Or, for a
complete list of agricultural questions as they apply to John Yakel, click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of Grafton (Janet Derbyshire) The title is incomplete. Records should be recorded
as being from the "Town of Grafton" instead of just Grafton. To access, click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of Greenbush (Janet Derbyshire) Appears to contain images of a typed transcription
of the census. A time saving clickable index has been provided. The title says that this is a census for the
Town of Greenbush. The introductory remarks only talk about the village/city of Greenbush. It is unclear
whether a record would be for the Town or village/city of Greenbush, or whether this transcription actually
contains both. To access, click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of North Greenbush (Janet Derbyshire) Introduction should probably say
"The Town of North Greenbush was formed from the Town of Greenbush...". To access, click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of Petersburgh (Janet Derbyshire) The title is incomplete. Records should say
from the "Town of Petersburgh" instead of just Petersburgh. The introduction should probably read,
"The Town of Petersburgh was formed from the Town of Stephentown...." To access, click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of Poestenkill (Janet Derbyshire) The introduction should probably read,
"The Town of Poestenkill was formed from the Town of Sand Lake ...". To access, click HERE.
1855 Census for the Town of Sand Lake (Janet Derbyshire)
1855 Census for the Town of Schodack (Kari J. Maunu)
1855 Censuses for the Towns of: Clinton (now Town of East Greenbush), Greenbush, North Greenbush,
Poestenkill, and Sand Lake (Janet H. Derbyshire) The titles for these five census transcriptions are
incorrect and the introductory remarks are often misleading. It would be better to use the RootsWeb
versions of these same censuses listed separately above (by the same transcriber) which have correct
census titles. To access the versions in this link instead, click HERE.
1860 Census - Town of East Greenbush (Debby Masterson)
1860 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone) Name, age, and occupations only.
1870 Censuses for Troy 5th ward, and the Towns of Nassau, Poestenkill, Berlin, Grafton
(Barbara J. Jeffries) CAUTION: Several censuses are listed below the Troy heading. If you overlook the
note near the top of that webpage, you will not realize that there are five locations on the page. Don't
record anything as Troy 5th Ward without carefully checking. Although Nassau, etc. are Towns (not
villages or hamlets) only one of them is correctly labelled. Add "Town of" to your location label. To
access, click HERE.
1870 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone) Name, age, and occupations only.
1880 Census - Berlin (Town of) (Debby Masterson) This census is for the Town of Berlin, and includes the
village of Berlin. Be careful to record the correct location. To view, click HERE.
1880 Census - Nassau (Town of) (Debby Masterson) This census is for the Town of Nassau, and includes
several villages, one of which is the Village of Nassau. Be careful to record the correct location. To view,
click HERE.
1880 Census - Hart Falls Village (Town of Schaghticoke) (Pat Connors)
1880 Census - Lansingburgh (Town & Village) (Pat Connors)
1880 Census - Petersburgh (Town) (Pat Connors)
1880 Census - Pittstown (Town) (Pat Connors)
1880 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone) Name, age, place of birth, parents' places of birth.
1880 Census - Troy - all 13 Wards (Pat Connors) Ward 6 includes Poor House.
1890 Census - Troy - Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, Etc (Debby Masterson)
1900 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone)
1900 Census - Troy - Wards 1 , 2 , 6 (including St. Joseph's Infant Home), 8, 9, 11 and 12 (Pat Connors)
1910 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone)
1920 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone) An index with some additional information.
1930 Census - Stephentown (Town of) (Tina Ordone)
1990 Census Summary for Rensselaer Co. (Uncle Sam) No names.
1790 Census for Saratoga Co. (Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County /NYGenWeb)
Search Engine for Online Censuses at the Schenectady Co. Public Library's Website (SCPL)
1697 Schenectady Census (Robert G. Sullivan)
1720 Schenectady (city) Census Index (part of Albany Co. then) (Chris Andrle)
1790 Duanesburg (Town of) Census (Schenectady Co. Public Library). Head of household, age ranges.
1790 Schenectady (Town of) Census (Schenectady Co. Public Library). Head of household, age ranges.
1790 Schenectady South of the Mohawk (Schenectady Co. Public Library). Head of household, age ranges.
1800 Schenectady (city) Census (Schenectady Co. Public Library) Head of household, age ranges.
1800 Duanesburg (Town of) Census (Schenectady Co. Public Library) Head of household, age ranges.
1800 Princetown (Town of) Census (Schenectady Co. Public Library) Head of household, age ranges.
1810 Schenectady Co. Census (Schenectady Co. Public Library) Includes City of Schenectady and the
Towns of Duanesburg, Niskayuna, and Princetown. Includes an Index of names for the entire census.
1850 Glenville (Town of) Census (Channon Moon)
1790 Census for Town of "Schoharry" (Doug Boyer)
1850 Census for Richmondville Township (Roger Smith)
1900 Census for Blenheim Township (Doug Boyer)
1900 Census for Broome Township (Doug Boyer)
1900 Census for Carlisle Township (Doug Boyer)
1900 Census for Conesville Township (Nancy Simpkins McNicol)
1900 Census for Fulton Township (Fred Swart & Doug Boyer)
1900 Census for Gilboa Township (Doug Boyer)
1900 Census for Jefferson Township (Nancy McNicol)
1900 Census for Middleburgh Township (Penny Terk & Doug Boyer)
1900 Census for Summit Township (Richard Fox & Eleanor Collins)
1900 Census for Wright Township (Linda Tutt)
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